This way you can make your ride more colourful and give your bike an extra touch of joy. To be honest we had consistently resisted the temptation up until we found the Finn. Whenever we meet customers at shows and events we always get asked do we produce something to attach your phone to handlebars. 18 product ratings. We thought it unlikely that anything could do the job effectively and in particular combined with our iPacs. This card is, however, not just for decoration purposes as it holds a code for a free map in the Bike Citizens navigation app. Klein, aber klug. We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads. So I was intrigued when I received an e-mail from Austrian company Bike Citizens about a universal smartphone mount for bikes called Finn. For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. No need for extra space as Finn fits in every pocket! Wir haben viele verschiedene Hersteller ausführlich verglichen und wir präsentieren Ihnen hier alle Resultate. Even if you don't buy the Finn, promise me you'll try this app. Or better still: From smartphone holder to blockbuster gadget! However, although it works – yes, it holds your phone to your bike – it's also a bit basic and certainly not weatherproof. Free delivery and returns on eligible orders. Find further information in our, PETER SCHERZ, Superintendent of Operation Group 1 and Manager of Company Operations 3, Graz-Karlau Prison. From rags to riches? The Pink Pedals couriers are waiting in front of the gates of the Karlau prison. However, as far as we can tell this Austrian made one is the original. Die beigefügte Designer-Spoke-Card leitet Dich mittels QR-Code zur Bike Citizens Fahrrad-App, gebe dort den in der Verpackung befindlichen Gutscheincode ein und nutze die Bike Citizens Navigation. This new concept has been developed by cyclists for cyclists. The success story of Finn starts in Graz, Austria in 2013. If the bikes have an electric motor, the grant increases to a total of up to €1,000. Connais-tu l‘appli Bike Citizens? With Finn you can safely and easily mount your smartphone to any handlebar. Sie ist knapp 20 cm lang und in ihrer Mitte auf Höhe des Bike-Citizens-Logos etwa 4 cm breit und 1 cm dick. For every bike, the Finn universal smartphone mount holds any smartphone without direct contact with your handlebar. Daniel Kofler and Andreas Stückl, managers and creators of Bike Citizens and Finn © Bike Citizens, In 2013 the Finn was a business necessity and a “by-product” © Bike Citizens / Marion Luttenberger, In 2019 there have already been 800,000 sales of the Finn worldwide © Bike Citizens / Marion Luttenberger. Half past nine in Austria: In one quick step, Simone F. (Note:  name of the cyclist has been changed) attaches a smartphone with an elastic silicone band around 17 cm long to a handlebar. Die uns vorliegende Finn Fahrradhalterung besteht komplett aus einem transparentem Silikon. Die uns vorliegende Finn Fahrradhalterung besteht komplett aus einem transparentem Silikon. For more pieces, please contact us. L‘appli Bike Citizens n‘est pas juste une application GPS pour cyclistes. Bike Citizens Finn - Der absolute Testsieger . With every Finn you buy, you get your unique voucher code that you can use to download your city in this bicycle app! The Finn allows you to safely and easily mount your smart phone on any handle bar that has the space. $13.49. Pros: Simple to use, should work with every bike and phone, comes with free cycle-nav app App Features; FAQ; Feedback; Shop. That too was a conscious decision made by Bike Citizens: For one thing, Austria’s second largest city has been combatting extremely high levels of fine particulate matter for years. Finn Bike Citizens - Der absolute Testsieger unserer Redaktion. With multiple benefits, this is your ideal biking buddy. The app navigates. Bike Citizens (former BikeCityGuide) is a bicycle app designed for urban cyclists. 0 users rated this 1 out of 5 stars 0. Bike Citizens Finn Universal Phone Mount Transparent Premium Silicone Fits All Bikes. Well designed. Finn Bike Citizens - Der absolute Favorit unserer Produkttester. Die Smartphone-Halterung Finn ist der perfekte Begleiter für Spaziergänge mit Kind und Kinderwagen. Con cada Finn que compras, viene un código para descargarte un mapa de ciudad en nuestra App fantástica Bike Citizens. Due to the current situation, order processing and delivery may take longer than usual. If you’re still doubting Finn’s elasticity and range of applications, whether it’s in Burgenland or in Hollywood, take a look at our critical self-test in our video: Finding Finn! In prison, specifically the Graz-Karlau Prison, each Finn passes through the hands of a prisoner, whose job it is to put the silicone band in the right packaging. Made with the highest quality standards in the heart of Europe, Austria! Easy to use. Um Ihnen zu Hause die Entscheidung wenigstens ein klein wenig abzunehmen, hat unsere Redaktion zudem unseren Testsieger gewählt, der unserer Meinung nach unter allen getesteten Finn Bike Citizens enorm auffällt - vor allem der Faktor Qualität, verglichen mit dem Preis. The foundation of a Rad-WG (a shared flat for bicycles) for secure storage options in vacant business premises. Um Ihnen zu Hause die Entscheidung wenigstens ein klein wenig abzunehmen, hat unsere Redaktion zudem unseren Testsieger gewählt, der unserer Meinung nach unter allen getesteten Finn Bike Citizens enorm auffällt - vor allem der Faktor Qualität, verglichen mit dem Preis. Map; 5MinsbyBike; Route Export; Portfolio. The Finn’s part of it. Small but clever. As a “squid” it is used by boom operators and sound mixers for attaching a wide variety of recording devices to boom poles or other equipment. Its “strong, lightweight and elastic” properties are perfect for filming in Hollywood. Egal, ob für Stadtfahrten, Mountainbike-Strecken oder Spätsommer-Tagestour mit der Familie, "Finn" zeigt Ihnen den Weg. bike citizens finn Sono le piccole cose che fanno bella la vita ! Finn Smartphone Mount; Partner Area; Route Planner. Es ist jeder Finn Bike Citizens 24 Stunden am Tag bei verfügbar und sofort bestellbar. Finn Bike Citizens - Der absolute TOP-Favorit unserer Tester. Bike Citizens has a very clever pricing mechanism - share your route each time and get the app for free, or pay £6. Be creative and make any combination YOU like! Die Betreiber dieses Portals haben es uns zur Kernaufgabe gemacht, Alternativen verschiedenster Variante ausführlichst auf Herz und Nieren zu überprüfen, damit Interessierte schnell und unkompliziert den Bike Citizens Finn finden können, den Sie als Kunde möchten. Finn Bike Citizens - Der absolute Vergleichssieger . Finn! Bike Citizens - the first cycling app designed for cyclists in urban areas + surroundings! Free delivery and returns on all eligible orders. The Bike Citizens Finn universal smartphone mount fits pretty much any phone to any bike with its impressively simple design. Finn Online-Shop: Link, From the By-Product to the Cash Cow: The Finn Smartphone Mount, A wonderful article, which i never forget. OUR PRICE £12.00. That’s how they earn their money! The Finn allows you to securely and easily mount your smartphone to any handlebar. Simply add three single Finns to your cart and get your discount! Find out with the world’s first book of folding bike etiquette for considerate, mobile togetherness! Or buy this Finn mount, because it includes a code you can enter to get one city for free (in my case London, but many are represented). $17.99 $ 17. We present three original and sustainable ideas from Austria and Germany. The base material of natural rubber comes from Munich. Kommt ein Anruf, muss man nicht erst lange nach dem Smartphone in den vielen Taschen suchen. This way you can make your ride more colourful and give your bike an extra touch of joy. Bike Citizens’ philosophy: Lots of fun and freedom cycling as well as sustainability and social responsibility. Finn Bike Citizens - Der absolute Gewinner . Shop Bike Citizens / Finn Universal Bike Mobile Phone Holder/Smart Phone Mount & Slime Skabs Package. Ontdek nieuwe routes. For Cities. As the name suggests, a spokecard is a card you can clip between the spokes of your wheel. Mountain bike, City bike or Speed bike, Finn does not like to exclude anyone! That’s how they earn their money!”, according to Peter Scherz, Superintendent of Operation Group 1 and Manager of Company Operations 3 at Austria’s third largest penal institution. 02 99792855;; Home Brands HED. Ursprünglich fürs Radfahren konzipiert, lässt sich Finn sehr schnell und einfach am Bügel des Kinderwagens befestigen. So kannst du die Freude am Radfahren erfahren und teilen. Avec chaque Finn que tu achètes, tu reçois un bon que tu peux utiliser pour télécharger ta ville dans cette appli cycliste! Without flinching, he firmly and reliably attaches the high-end microphone to the boom pole of the operator and it’s a wrap. Includes the Bike Citizens App. Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen hier bei uns. Bike Citizens Finn - Der Testsieger unseres Teams. Good value. The Finn mount by Bike Citizens is the universal smart phone mount for your mountain, trekking, commuter, road or touring bike. 4.4 out of 5 stars 9. For six years now, a small silicone band has been inspiring old and young across the globe and conveying the Bike Citizens’ philosophy throughout the whole world: lots of fun and freedom cycling as well as sustainability and social responsibility. 4.8 average based on 18 product ratings. Renting a just-married wedding rickshaw to "green" couples who don't want a stretch limo. From rags to riches. Bike Citizens Finn Universal Phone Holder. On the other side of the world: The same quick step with the same silicone band on the set of the blockbuster “Transformers”. In Hollywood, Finn is called “Squid”. It’s an effective rehabilitation measure. Auf was Sie beim Kauf Ihres Finn Bike Citizens Aufmerksamkeit richten sollten. However: How should folding bike users actually behave? Smartphones and bikes Due to its elastic silicone, the Finn Smartphone holder is for every Smartpohne. The City of Vienna will provide up to €800 in funding towards cargo bikes from March 2017. Discount valid for max 10 pieces per order. There are lots of silicone webbing type phone mounts out there. Die Redaktion hat im großen Finn Bike Citizens Vergleich uns die genialsten Produkte angeschaut und alle nötigen Merkmale aufgelistet. 1. Products. Thanks to its simple design and high quality material, the mount withstands whatever you throw at it. The journey by bike begins. Real-time route calculation and bike GPS navigator prioritising bike friendly ways. To keep our quality standards high and deliver the best service, Finn is made in the heart of Europe; Austria! Bike Citizens was founded as BikeCityGuide in Graz in 2011 by the bike messengers Daniel Kofler and Andreas Stückl. MSSP £12.99. Bik­e­Ci­ti­zens APP. Each Finn smartphone mount comes with a free spokecard. The MIAMI Citizen Bike is an elegant combination of practicality, performance and price – and riding a bike has never been this fun. Whether it’s for navigating your way through the daily city traffic or for whizzing downhill on the weekend, Finn can attach all types of smartphone (up to the iPhone8) to the handlebar of all types of bikes. Bike Citizens also developed the best-selling smartphone mount Finn that reliably fastens any smartphone to any handle bar. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Back to Hollywood. (Read more about this story here) As they were right in the middle of developing the bike navigation app “BikeCityGuide” (today Bike Citizens App), they saw it as a personal and commercial necessity to develop a universal holder for bikes. Finn Bike Citizens - Bewundern Sie unserem Favoriten. The initial idea was born during a trip to Budapest, where Andi, one of the founders, struggled to explore the city with his bike. Each Finn smartphone mount comes with a free spokecard. Die beigefügte Designer-Spoke-Card leitet Dich mittels QR-Code zur Bike Citizens Fahrrad-App, gebe dort den in der Verpackung befindlichen Gutscheincode ein und nutze die Bike Citizens Navigation. Questions about Bike Citizens, our app or smartphone mount Finn? Auf dieser Seite findest du die größte Auswahl an Finn Bike Citizens verglichen und in dem Zuge die wichtigsten Merkmale gegeneinander gestellt. The silicone band stays in place. Bij elke Finn die je aanschaft zit een unieke voucher code die je kan gebruiken om jouw stad te downloaden voor deze fiets-app! $299 Accessorize & buy. Get it as soon as Tue, May 26. How it all began… Die Bike Citizens Reporter waren wieder unterwegs und haben die Smartphone-Halterung Finn von Experten testen lassen. They guarantee mobility in the urban space. The prisoners engage in a meaningful activity. Bike Citizens ist die erste Fahrrad-App, die sich darauf spezialisiert hat, auf die Bedürfnisse von Radfahrenden im urbanen Raum einzugehen. Made of strong silicone, the Finn is even tested by -20 °C! Meet the Finn smartphone mount from Bike Citizens. The universal smartphone mount for every bike.Made in Austria. La App no solo es una herramienta para la navegación, también te permite tener un seguimiento de tus caminos y participar en campañas de ciclismo entre miles de otros ciclistas. Stretch the straps and pull them over the corners of your smartphone. Her approach to riding a bike is multilayered with a love of detail, but always practical, going back to the days of her youth spend in Austria. Karen runs the Urban Independence Magazin since 2017. Welche Kriterien es vorm Kauf Ihres Finn Bike Citizens zu beachten gilt. Finn hält jedes Smartphone ohne direkten Kontakt am Lenker, egal welches Fahrrad. Real-time route calculation and bike GPS navigator prioritising bike friendly ways. Type above to start your search. 99. The prisoners engage in a meaningful activity. Um der vielfältigen Preis-Leistung der Produkte genüge zu tun, testen wir im Vergleich eine Vielzahl von Faktoren. Responsibility Put Finn onto the handlebar and pull the smaller end through the slit. Mit der finn Halterung von Bike Citizens aus hochwertigem Silikon halten die verschiedensten Smartphones fest und sicher am Lenker. The American Dream Simply attach the mount to the bike, clamp the smartphone and use the navigation app to plan the right route from A to B through the city. Smartphones and bikes Whether it’s for navigating your way through the daily city traffic or for whizzing downhill on the weekend, Finn can attach all types of smartphone (up to the iPhone8) to the handlebar of all types of bikes. June 2019 – Community, Gear & Fashion. Heb je al wel eens van de Bike Citizens app gehoord? See where you bike, how fast you bike and how long! Um Ihnen bei der Entscheidung etwas Unterstützung zu geben, haben unsere Produktanalysten am Ende das beste aller Produkte ernannt, welches unserer Meinung nach unter all den Finn Bike Citizens enorm herausragt - vor allen Dingen beim Thema Verhältnis von Qualität und Preis. Bike Citizens - the first cycling app designed for cyclists in urban areas + surroundings! 0 users rated this 3 out of 5 stars 0. Whether you use it during your city rides, your mountain bike tracks or your late summer day tour with the family, the Finn will show you the way. As the name suggests, a spokecard is a card you can clip between the spokes of your wheel. The Finn is also making an impression away from the world of bikes. © Meric Dagli, On set, the boom operator uses the squid, for example, everywhere… © K-Tec Pro, …where it would be too risky to use drones. The two locations are about 500 km apart as the crow flies. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Finn! Buy from Bike Citizens Finn | €15 (around £13.63) Quad Lock Bike Mount. In prison, each Finn passes through the hands of a prisoner. 18. I don’t like to brag, but here we go. The passionate pedal pusher has already travelled plenty of miles on her bike. How did the Finn manage it? “Everywhere where drones would be too risky but you have to be really close to the sound, the Finn’s living the ‘American Dream’ in Hollywood”, according to Ali Ahmadi, who works close-up with the professionals on set and asked around for Bike Citizens there. © K-Tec Pro. Finn The Roadie Universal Smartphone Bike Mount - Award Winning, Fits Every Phone & Every Bike - Screens to 5.9" 3.7 out of 5 stars 240. Auf was Sie als Kunde bei der Auswahl Ihres Finn Bike Citizens Acht geben sollten. People with the courage to innovate and the desire to be self-employed turn their passion for bicycles into a profession: Cargo bike instead of a family car and moving trucks. Unser Team hat unterschiedliche Produzenten ausführlich verglichen und wir zeigen Ihnen als Interessierte hier die Ergebnisse des Tests. 14 users rated this 5 out of 5 stars 14. The professional boom operator Kevin Cherchiaihas no time to lose – Hollywood won’t wait. Local raw materials which are only transported short distances are specifically used for the Finn. Well let’s see about that! Bike Citizens Finn Website: The bike navigator gives precise audio notifications and works without an active data connection, saving battery and roaming costs. “It’s an effective rehabilitation measure. Description: The universal smartphone mount for every bike. Buy Bike Citizens Finn Universal Smartphone Silicone Bike Mount at Amazon UK. We're here to help. Finn Bike Citizens - Unsere Favoriten unter allen verglichenenFinn Bike Citizens Welche Kriterien es vorm Kauf Ihres Finn Bike Citizens zu beachten gilt Auf dieser Seite findest du die größte Auswahl an Finn Bike Citizens verglichen und in dem Zuge die wichtigsten Merkmale gegeneinander gestellt. Whether you use it during your city rides, your mountain bike tracks or your late summer day tour with the family, the Finn will show you the way. STILL NOT CONVINCED? The bike navigator gives precise audio notifications and works without an active data connection, saving battery and roaming costs. BIKE CITIZENS "Finn", die universelle Smartphone-Halterung aus Silikon, ist mit seinen zahlreichen Vorteilen der ideale Fahrradkumpel. Bike Citizens Finn Smartphone Silicone Bike Mount 4.1 out of 5 stars 966. 4 users rated this 4 out of 5 stars 4. From prison to Hollywood 5. Enjoy the different default tours or create your own one! De Bike Citizens app is niet alleen voor navigeren! Have you heard about the Bike Citizens app? With multiple benefits, this is your ideal biking buddy. Thanks to its simple design and high quality silicone material, the mount withstands whatever you throw at it. Egal, ob für Stadtfahrten, Mountainbike-Strecken oder Spätsommer-Tagestour mit der Familie, Finn zeigt dir den Weg. Jeder einzelne von unserer Redaktion begrüßt Sie als Kunde zum großen Vergleich. Foto: Anne Savage and Tom Neal in "Detour" (1945), Fotomontage © Bike Citizens. Elle te permet aussi d‘enregistrer tes trajets et même de participer à de super campagnes cyclistes avec des milliers d‘autres cyclistes ! Mit der Bike Citizens Fahrrad-App und Smartphone-Halterung Finn über 430 Städte entdecken. Clever, smart and reliable. This folding bike will get you anywhere you need to go, for travel, storage or simplicity. We are sorry for this inconvenience and thank you for understanding! BIKE CITIZENS Finn Universal Phone Holder Pricing. Sie ist knapp 20 cm lang und in ihrer Mitte auf Höhe des Bike-Citizens-Logos etwa 4 cm breit und 1 cm dick. Find further information in our. Die Betreiber dieses Portals haben es uns zur Kernaufgabe gemacht, Alternativen verschiedenster Variante ausführlichst auf Herz und Nieren zu überprüfen, damit Interessierte schnell und unkompliziert den Bike Citizens Finn finden können, den Sie als Kunde möchten. Log in Or create an account. Folding bikes are no longer a big secret. Menu Login My Bike Citizens Login EN; DE; Redeem voucher code . Was als normaler Produkttest begann, endete in einer Liebesgeschichte: "Finn", der Fahrrad-Smartphone-Halter, sowie die "Bike-Citizen"-App, der dazugehörige Blog, die Routenpläne im Netz und nicht zuletzt das Team hinter dem Projekt haben unser Radlerherz mühelos erobert! ¿Ya conoces la App Bike Citizens? 0 users rated this 2 out of 5 stars 0. Not just a navigation tool, the Bike Citizens app allows you to keep track of all your rides and let you even join cool cycling campaigns you can join with thousands of others. For more details, please see our, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Nite Ize Wraptor, Rotating Smartphone Bar Mount 4.6 out of 5 stars 946. The Finn “Made in Austria” has made a splash worldwide and not just with cyclists. Auf welche Kauffaktoren Sie zu Hause bei der Wahl Ihres Finn Bike Citizens Aufmerksamkeit richten sollten! … and somewhere in between is everyday life. You'll receive a response from a real person. Bike Citizens Finn Universal Silicon Smartphone Mount Bicycle Phone Holder. Finn Bike Citizens - Unsere Favoriten unter allen verglichenenFinn Bike Citizens. Bike Citizens - known for the Finn smartphone mount for cyclists and its bike app. Bike Citizens Finn - Der absolute Testsieger . Finn Bike Citizens - Die preiswertesten Finn Bike Citizens unter die Lupe genommen Auf was Sie beim Kauf Ihres Finn Bike Citizens Aufmerksamkeit richten sollten Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen hier bei uns. The mount is made of robust silicone, holds bombproof, is suitable for every smartphone and fits on every bicycle handlebar as well as in every trouser pocket. Mit der finn Halterung von Bike Citizens aus hochwertigem Silikon halten die verschiedensten Smartphones fest und sicher am Lenker. Finn Bike Citizens - Die besten Finn Bike Citizens im Vergleich! Damit Ihnen die Entscheidung etwas leichter fällt, hat unser Testerteam abschließend das beste Produkt dieser Kategorie ausgewählt, welches zweifelsfrei unter all den Bike Citizens Finn enorm auffällig war - insbesondere der … The production facilities are located in Burgenland. The Finn was on set as a squid, for example, for the filming of the blockbuster Transformers. Met deze app worden je routes opgeslagen en kan je leuke uitdagingen aangaan met andere gebruikers! Jeder einzelne von unserer Redaktion begrüßt Sie als Kunde zum großen Vergleich. Oggi iniziamo la distribuzione per l’Italia di un “piccolo prodotto” che è una grande figata per chi va in bici – qualsiasi tipo di bici – spinge un passeggino : un sistema per fissare il cellulare al manubrio che si monta e smonta in 5 secondi. Finn, die universelle Smartphone-Halterung, ist mit seinen zahlreichen Vorteilen der ideale Fahrradkumpel. Design, in other words packaging of the Finns, takes place in the nearby regional capital of Graz. 4. Now hold it while pulling the large end under the handlebar and towards you. Contact us! Funky way for regular public hire bike users to quickly attach a smartphone to a handlebar – just pray it doesn't rain More and more cities are recognising the advantages of cargo bikes for private as well as commercial use and are granting subsidies. 3. Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen hier bei uns. Yes, please! Es ist jeder Finn Bike Citizens dauerhaft auf Amazon erhältlich und somit direkt lieferbar. History. Bike Citizens Finn. App. Die Betreiber dieses Portals haben es uns zur Kernaufgabe gemacht, Ware unterschiedlichster Variante zu testen, dass potentielle Käufer schnell den Finn Bike Citizens bestellen können, den Sie kaufen möchten. Finn Bike Citizens - Der absolute TOP-Favorit unserer Tester. Bike Citizens Finn - Universal Fahr­rad­hal­ter clear inkl. Finn is the new Universal Smartphone Mount thats has been designed to be used with all bikes. Community cargo bikes will receive even up to 100% subsidisation. This is a great way to experience and share the joy of cycling. Incorrect use? Lots of fun and freedom cycling as well as sustainability and social responsibility. It was developed as a universal smartphone holder for bikes after the business duo Daniel Kofler and Andreas Stückl realised that there wasn’t a simple solution for securely attaching a smartphone to a bike. Bike Citizens ist die erste Fahrrad-App, die sich darauf spezialisiert hat, auf die Bedürfnisse von Radfahrenden im urbanen Raum einzugehen. Technische Daten: PETER SCHERZ, Superintendent of Operation Group 1 and Manager of Company Operations 3, Graz-Karlau Prison. There’s a lot riding on this. Today she combines either a folding bike and a bike trailor for kids or a Compact Cargobike with the railroad in Berlin and Brandenburg, touring mostly with her daughter. The local bike courier service transports the Finn to the next distribution location in and around Graz on a freight bicycle. With Finn you can safely and easily mount your smartphone to any handlebar. Finn Bike Citizens - Die ausgezeichnetesten Finn Bike Citizens ausführlich verglichen! $16.99. Approved third parties … Only 1 left in stock - order soon. You think you know your city? Die Betreiber dieses Portals begrüßen Sie als Kunde auf unserer Webpräsenz. Unser Testerteam hat unterschiedlichste Hersteller ausführlichst getestet und wir präsentieren Ihnen als Interessierte hier unsere Testergebnisse. Bike Citizens’ philosophy: Select Your Cookie Preferences . Explore over 450 cities with the Bike Citizens cycling app and Finn smartphone mount. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Bike Citizens Finn Smartphone Silicone Bike Mount at Unsere Mitarbeiter haben es uns gemacht, Alternativen unterschiedlichster Art ausführlichst auf Herz und Nieren zu überprüfen, damit Kunden problemlos den Finn Bike Citizens finden können, den Sie für gut befinden. For every bike, the Finn universal smartphone mount holds any smartphone without direct contact with your handlebar. 2. And for another, Pink Pedals are renowned for the fair remuneration and good working conditions of their couriers.
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