MEDUSA infrastructure was developed thanks to the financial support of the PAC01_00044-EMSO-MedIT project for the Enhancement of multidisciplinary marine research infrastructures in Southern Italy funded by MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research). Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 16:30. tweet Stampa. At Campi Flegrei caldera, volcanic unrest hazards during 1982–1984 caused significant building damage and led to the evacuation of over 40,000 residents in the central town of Pozzuoli. U.S. Geological Sur-vey Techniques and Methods, 13 (B1), 75. FIGURE 7. The datasets presented in this study can be found in online repository: We used the dMODELS software package (Battaglia et al., 2013a; Battaglia et al., 2013b), which provides MATLAB functions and scripts to invert GPS data for the typical source shapes used in the volcanic environment (see eg: Gottsmann et al., 2006), such as spherical (McTigue, 1987), spheroidal (Yang et al., 1988) and sill (Fialko et al., 2001), embedded in a homogenous, isotropic, elastic half-space. in Campania, Dire, In primo piano. Consequently, long term pressure measurements are contaminated by a high level of noise that can be removed only with precise knowledge of the sea water density profile over the time (Chierici et al., 2016). Modeling crustal deformation near activefaults and volcanic centers—a catalog of deformation models. 22, 21. doi:10.1007/s10291-017-0686-6, Larson, K. M., Poland, M., and Miklius, A. This simple symmetric pattern would be perturbed if there were a lateral intrusion, such as a dyke, in the marine sector in the future. Hot Springs & Geysers, Volcanoes. Summer Camps 2020 From 22 June to 31 July the Summer Camps of the Sub Campi Flegrei Center in collaboration with Legambiente Città Flegrea at the Lido Montenuovo for children aged 6 to 12 years. Measuring tectonic seafloor deformation and strain-build up with acoustic direct-path ranging. Campi Flegrei; Fuorigrotta; Napoli; Creato da: Redazione - 29 Novembre 2020 28 Novembre 2020. The location of the source is indicated by a red cross. Black dots indicate the on land stations of the NeVoCGPS network; colored dots represent the cGPS stations installed on MEDUSA infrastructure. They compared the expected vertical displacement in the marine sector to that predicted by a Mogi model computed using only horizontal and vertical, on-land, cGPS measurements in the period between April 2016 and July 2017. Over 90% of the horizontal positions of the buoy are within 30 cm of the origin, taken as the mean horizontal position in the considered period. Main physical characteristics of the buoys. Two buoys (CFBA and CFBC), deployed where seafloor depth is about 40 m, have a long pole connecting the float and subaerial part to the ballast on the sea bottom. The rigid pole is shown in yellow and the flexible steel cable in black. dMODELS: a MATLAB software package for modelling crustal deformation near active faults and volcanic centers. Black and orange arrows indicate observed (Table 3) and calculated displacements assuming a spherical source (Table 4), respectively. The kinematic time series of the MEDUSA cGPS stations showing the position changes every 30 s for the North, East and Vertical (Up) components (m) are shown in Figures 3A–6A. We have shown that MEDUSA provides continuous GPS measurements in shallow water (less than 100 meter depth) with a comparable precision to the land GPS vertical displacement and competitive with other systems such those using seafloor pressure gauges or GPS-acoustic positioning. An outlier is defined as having a residual with respect to the weekly median greater than 2 times the IQR. Unrest at the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy): a critical evaluation of source parameters from geodetic data inversion. A seismic swarm took place in the Campi Flegrei area near the Pisciarelli fumarole at the Solfatara crater in Italy, on Sunday night, April 26, 2020. Castel dell'Ovo is 3.7 miles from the accommodation, while Molo Beverello is 3.7 miles away. J. Geophys. Our expert volcanologists and photographers offer unique travel experiences: A seismic swarm occurred beneath the Phlegrean Fields. The nearest airport is Naples International, 8.7 miles from Campi Flegrei Studios, and the property offers a paid airport shuttle service. Res. J. Int. (2014a) showed that the CUMAS GPS station measured a seafloor uplift of about 3–4 cm over 17 months from January 2012 to May 2013, demonstrating the validity of this conceptually simple system for geodetic measurements in shallow waters. Successiva > Un tratto di Fortesta Tropicale / Getty Images . Campi Flegrei Luoghi della cultura aperti dal 3 dicembre: il comune di Napoli lancia un appello al Governo. A new methodology for seafloor geodesy measurements suitable for shallow water environments, less than 100 m depth, was recently introduced in Southern Italy. CFBB has a pole the same length as for CFBA and CFBC joined to a steel cable of 33 m length, while the CUMAS buoy has a pole of 26 m long and a steel cable of 83 m. The floats of CUMAS and CFBB provide a buoyancy force acting on the ballast and keeping the steel cable under tension. Note the different scale for the signal on the horizontal components (North and East) with respect to the vertical component (Up). Using a digital compass installed on the buoy, Xie et al. 36,000 y.BP, Napoletanian Tuff eruption ca. Solid Earth 123, 66–83. Cats: gps coordinate time series analysis software. Campi Flegrei. The horizontal and vertical velocities, uncertainties, and noise properties were estimated from the weekly position time series of the 3 cGPS stations on the buoys (CFBA, CFBB and CFBC in Figure 7) and of the 21 cGPS stations deployed on land (De Martino et al., 2014b; Iannaccone et al., 2018), using the software package HECTOR (Bos et al., 2013). Only 70% of the horizontal positions of the buoy are within 1 m of the origin, taken as the mean horizontal position in the considered period. FIGURE 5. J. Volcanol. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.03.003, De Martino, P., Tammaro, U., and Obrizzo, F. (2014b). J. Geophys. Each buoy is connected by a power supply and data transmission cable to a seafloor module equipped with geophysical and oceanographic sensors placed a few meters from the buoy ballast (Figure 2A). In the Campi Flegrei caldera the deformation rates are relatively low (a few millimeters per month) and the trend of the displacement time-series can be best visualized with averaging to produce less frequent but more accurate positions (Larson et al., 2010). With this criterion, the algorithm removed about 5% of the kinematic data. FIGURE 2. The ballast holds the floating body fixed a few meters below the sea level so it is not affected by sea level variations (Iannaccone et al., 2009). This period, however, was characterized by small vertical movements. (2018) demonstrated that a single Mogi model point source can explain both the onshore and seafloor deformation from cGPS data. Citation: De Martino P, Guardato S, Donnarumma GP, Dolce M, Trombetti T, Chierici F, Macedonio G, Beranzoli L and Iannaccone G (2020) Four Years of Continuous Seafloor Displacement Measurements in the Campi Flegrei Caldera. Seafloor geodesy in shallow water with GPS on an anchored spar buoy. (A) North (top row), East (middle row) and Up (bottom row) components; (B) GPS kinematic positions shown in the horizontal plane; (C) Frequency histogram of the horizontal components. Table 2 reports the correlation between the cGPS horizontal components of the couples of the buoys CFBA, CFBB and CFBC, in the period between 1 March 2018 and 31 May 2020. 18 Novembre 2020. The CUMAS buoy consists of an underwater floating body attached to a concrete anchor ballast on the seafloor. di . Battaglia, M., Cervelli, P. F., and Murray, J. R. (2013a). Long-term seafloor experiment with the CUMAS module: performance, noise analysis of geophysical signals, and suggestions about the design of a permanent network. TABLE 2. We demonstrated that a spherical source (McTigue, 1987) is in good agreement with both the vertical and the horizontal cGPS measurements. Acoustic methods use travel time measurements of acoustic wave packets between two reference locations together with estimation of the seawater sound speed. Continuous Global Positioning System (cGPS) data are available since April 2016 for the CFBA, CFBB and CFBC stations and since July 2016 for the CFSB station. 86 Reviews #126 of 855 things to do in Naples. Copyright © 2020 De Martino, Guardato, Donnarumma, Dolce, Trombetti, Chierici, Macedonio, Beranzoli and Iannaccone. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.07.002, Iannaccone, G., Guardato, S., Donnarumma, G. P., De Martino, P., Dolce, M., Macedonio, G., et al. Facebook. Each module includes: a three-component broadband seismic sensor, two low-frequency omnidirectional hydrophones, a three-component MEMS accelerometer and an absolute pressure recorder. doi:10.1029/jb092ib12p12931, Petersen, F., Kopp, H., Lange, D., Hannemann, K., and Urlaub, M. (2019). 86 Reviews #126 of 857 things to do in Naples. Consequently, we consider that under bad weather conditions the measurements of the position of the buoys is unreliable and we remove all data with fluctuations above ±30 cm in the North and East components. A pole supporting a subaerial, top turret is inserted into the body, allowing a GPS station installed on top of the pole to be rigidly coupled to the seafloor and allowing direct recording of seafloor displacement. Res. The main analysis methodologies used are based on acoustic waves propagation and pressure measurements. Oggetto del bando: L’Associazione Flegrea PHOTO, in collaborazione con il Parco Archeologico Campi Flegrei, bandisce il "Premio Campi Flegrei 2020”, VI edizione del concorso fotografico nazionale, con mostra finale, finalizzato alla diffusione della conoscenza dei Campi Flegrei, alla promozione delle sue bellezze paesaggistiche, naturalistiche ed archeologiche. 15,000 y.BP, 1st. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). doi:10.1029/1998JB900033, McTigue, D. F. (1987). MEDUSA is fully integrated in the Campi Flegrei surveillance system: all the data acquired are transmitted to a unique, land acquisition center where they are analyzed and stored together with the data provided by the other land monitoring networks. FIGURE 6. A first set of long-term, geodetic time-series from July 2017 to May 2020 highlights the coherence of the deformation pattern across the marine and land areas. Deformation due to a pressurized horizontal circular crack in an elastic half-space, with applications to volcano geodesy. Campi Flegrei. The volcanic field has been the site of some extremely violent eruptions in the past, although the few ones that occurred during historic times were small events. Moreover, an erratic instrumental drift of BPRs must be taken into account (Chierici et al., 2016). GPS data are acquired with a sampling interval of 30 s and downloaded daily by the INGV-Monitoring Center in Naples for storage and processing. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). In particular, the Campi Flegrei is infamous for its frequent episodes of major ground deformation in the form of large-scale up- and downlift of the ground (bradisism, see below). However, noise reduction through data position correction can be performed using heading, pitch and roll measurements produced by a digital compass on the top of each buoy. J. Geod. Keywords: seafloor geodesy, volcano monitoring, Campi Flegrei caldera, Global Positioning System, time series, buoy. A Campi Flegrei vagy Flegrei-mezők egy kalderákból, azaz kiszélesedett kráterekből álló vulkáni terület Dél-Olaszországban, Nápolytól és a Vezúvtól északnyugatra, a Pozzuoli-öböl körül és a Flegrei-félszigeten.Különféle vulkáni kúpok (összesen 27), kráterek és kalderák sűrű csoportosulása. The latest report of the Vesuvius Volcano Observatory (INGV OV) shows that inflation of the Pozzuoli area continues at steady rates of up to 0,7 cm per month, totaling over 10 cm during the past 10 years for some places. (2010). We interpret the high correlation between the horizontal components as due to the effect of the wind and marine currents acting coherently on the three buoys CFBA, CFBB and CFBC. J. Volcanol. Best of 2020 ; Help Centre ; Campi Flegrei, Naples: Address, Phone Number, Campi Flegrei Reviews: 4/5. The results for different volcanic sources obtained by cGPS data inversion are listed in Table 4. doi:10.1002/2017JB014852, Iannaccone, G., Guardato, S., Vassallo, M., Elia, L., and Beranzoli, L. (2009). Fabrizio Milanesi. Map of cGPS stations operating in the Campi Flegrei area. The geodetic data produced by MEDUSA has now been integrated with the data flow of other monitoring networks deployed on land at Campi Flegrei. Diving Center - Centro Sub Campi Flegrei. Res. (A) Horizontal and (B) vertical cGPS velocity fields at Campi Flegrei caldera from July 2017 to May 2020. Impact Factor 2.689 | CiteScore 3.3More on impact ›, Frontiers in Seafloor Geodesy
Video tratto da “guida all’Osservatorio Vesuviano” – Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia sezione di Napoli. We use jointly the GPS horizontal and vertical velocities of seafloor and on-land deformations for modeling the volcanic source, finding that a spherical source fits best the GPS data. Dives & Snorkeling in the Underwater Archaeology Park of Baia CENTRO SUB CAMPI FLEGREI was established in 1992 and is orientated towards recreational diving activities. A weekly average is routinely applied (De Martino et al., 2014b) to data produced by the permanent Neapolitan Volcanic Continuous GPS (NeVoCGPS) network deployed on land (black circles in Figure 1. Instantaneous geodetic positioning at medium distances with the Global Positioning System. Over 90% of the horizontal positions of the buoy are within 30 cm of the origin, taken as the mean horizontal position in the considered period. The deformation field observed in the Campi Flegrei area is generally axi-symmetric with the maximum of vertical displacement measured at the RITE GPS station (Figure 1), at the center of the caldera (De Martino et al., 2014b). *Correspondence: Giovanni Iannaccone,, Front. As shown in Figures 3C–5C, about 10–15% of horizontal positions at CFBA, CFBB and CFBC are outside ±30 cm of the corresponding origin (mean position in the considered period) and were discarded to reduce the noise in the North and East components for these stations.