Look. "Mit Urteil vom 12. The intention of this article is not to deny any of Engels’ strengths; they are surely real, and have been […], In acts of solidarity, passing workers in cars and trucks blare horns and raise fists from cockpit windows. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. El día en que se llevan cabo, una variedad de derechos quedan suspendidos mientras que al mismo tiempo los recintos de votación son resguardados por fuerzas militares y policiales. (Video: Ulrike Abraham) If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Shortcuts. In the night of May 9, 2020, we took our anger and indignation about the current conditions of society with 50 comrades loud and militant to the streets of Chemnitz, Germany. […], Over the summer I read a lot of Lacan and revisited some influential Lacanian texts including Jacques-Alain Miller's 1966 essay on "Suture" published in the first volume of Cahiers pour l’Analyse. Why struggle to look elsewhere when... Jag har varit i skogsockupationen i Dannenröder forst i centrala Tyskland i snart tre månader. Is there anyone who has worked in hospo for more than a year, who -HAS NOT- experienced some form of wage theft / underpayment / non payment of penalty rates/ non payment of super?!”. Our main content is a conversation with antifascist organizer Daryle Lamont Jenkins of the One People’s Project and IdaVox to talk about […], The post Not in Our Streets: Report Back on the 12/5 Mobilization Against the Far-Right in Sacramento appeared first on It's Going Down. Translated by Enough 14. Some 100 policemen, backed by special commando units, detain suspects aged between 28 and 30. Grounded in peasant and indigenous knowledges, struggles for food sovereignty and agrarian reform, agroecology is understood by social movements as “a […], The abrupt replacement of president Martin Vizcarra by the president of congress Manuel Merino has ignited a week of protests in multiple cities in Peru, including Lima. Also a well-known shitbag company has had its brand redacted just because...Source: Retrieved on 7th December 2020 from https://archive.org/details/chasing-dreams-fighting-nightmares/ Now, more than ever. Maroon has been in prison since 1972 because he…, submitted anonymously On December 5th in Olympia, an anti-antifa “patriot” and confederate flag enthusiast Chris Guenzler shot into a crowd of leftists, anarchists,…, submitted anonymously Occupied Chinook land. We are hopeful to be fully back soon. Is TC Energy? The largest camps all over the world, in Kenya, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh or Rojava, are unscrupulously overcrowded and people are defencelessly exposed to the virus. Makasining na paglalarawan ng babaeng nakataas ang kamao at may lilang buhok. The misery is at once obvious and easy to ignore. Demonstration zum Frauenknast in Chemnitz - Fahnentanz am … Deleuze/Guattari call this process, which is different from social subjection, and which divides, divides and reassembles the subjects, making them more fluid, more flexible and more variable […], First published in Coils of The Serpent: ISSUE 6 (2020): CONTROL SOCIETIES II: PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS, ECONOMY In his discussion of the transition from the cinema of the movement-image to the cinema of the time-image, Deleuze famously makes way for the traumatic intrusion of history. We didn’t get... Vad: Premiär för Radio CyklopenNär: 11 december klockan 20.00.Var: www.cyklopen.se, Radio Noden och där poddar finns.Från och med 11:e december sänder vi varje fredag klockan 20.00 radio från Cyklopens bibliotek i Högdalen. Long-running anarchist radio and podcast show The Final Straw presents an interview with antifascist organizer Daryle Lamont Jenkins. The Tool Demonstration Track will NOT follow a double-blind review process. This transition, he writes, is not purely internal to cinema, but […], from Dreaming Freedom, Practicing Abolition ONE: What’s so sad now a days these young men would rather fight someone over $5 then peacefully stand up for their rights and what they believe in. Report back from recent antifascist mobilization in so-called Sacramento, California, where a coalition of anti-racist and antifascist groups converged after weeks of violent far-Right and pro-Trump rallies. Sixty-five to eighty percent of what human beings ate in those regions in Paleolithic, Neolithic, and prehistoric times was gathered; […], Author: Thomas Giovanni — NEFAC — Boston LocalTitle: Queer Liberation and Anarchist CommunismDate: June 17, 2008Source: Retrieved on 2020-12-08 from http://anarkismo.net/article/9161 As anarchist communists, it is only logical and consistent with our principles in the struggle for a free humanity that we support the personal, cultural, and institutional fight against patriarchy, hetero-sexism, the gender bi-nary […], Author: J. In the German city of Chemnitz, a 23 year-old Syrian and a 22 year-old Iraqi are under suspicion of murdering a 35 year-old German and wounding two others during a city festival by stabbing them multiple times after – according to eye witnesses – the trio came to aid a woman who was being harrassed by the migrants, while the police issued a statement where they denied the circumstances and instead told … Shutting down bridges, ports, highways, railways, centres of capital, fuel terminals, and even storming TC Energy facilities. They threatened to evict Liebig34 on Friday, October 9 at … Continue reading →, [Prisiones chilenas] Palabras del compañero Juan Aliste Vega ante la partida de Pedro Villarroel See also: In Memory of Pedro Villarroel We’re love at war. Este hecho se enmarca en una serie de acciones represivas de carácter criminal que desde el estallido de la revuelta […], En el actual escenario nuevamente vemos como la clase dominante se cuadra de izquierda a derecha para involucrarnos en el tan publicitado “Proceso Constituyente”, salvaguardando la democracia, siempre al servicio del Capital, utilizando viejas fórmulas acomodadas a los nuevos tiempos, decantando en las urnas el potencial de transformación social del proletariado y manteniendo la ilusión […], We are currently still low on the printing cost for this journal, please consider to donate, we still need about 150 USD for 500 copies. Several of them apparently committed crimes. By Arthur Pye As the November election rapidly approaches, a larger battle is raging over the future of this country. Ξέρουμε καλά πως το κράτος μας θυμίζει καθημερινά πως δεν μπορεί να έχει καμία ηθική παρα μόνο αστυνομία. Supporters of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party wave German flags as they walk behind a barrage of riot police during a demonstration in Chemnitz, eastern Germany. In the meantime, we will be posting new content on Raddle's Canada forum: https://raddle.me/f/canada and reposting it on Twitter @nscounterinfo We are […], Where have you gone? Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. 2019-08-25T19:05:18.847Z. We see Wetsuweten, Secwepemc, and Mohawk warriors and matriarchs standing firm against the fascist state that is trying to unabashedly and continually steal their land through state militia sponsored industrial projects. Demonstrations: Pro Chemnitz Demo: Less participants than logged in . We see your fights in Lebanon, Rojava and in the banlieues in France full of joy and love! Fascist groups traditionally march on March 5, mourning the day the city was bombed by allied forces in 1945. Enough Info-Café (Opening hours and program), About the Enough Info-Café in times of the #coronavirus Part 4: “An inspiring week”, From Bielefeld, Germany to France: Action in solidarity with the protests against the new “Global Security Law”, Athens, December 7: Cops still fear monument for Alexis, memory and symbolism [Video], Beyond The Dark Horizon Vol. Student Service; Central Examination Office; Consulting and Support [de] Course Catalogue … Nearly 300 people reportedly took part in an unauthorised protest in the city of Chemnitz on Monday, to oppose the restrictive measures imposed to fight against the coronavirus spread. The municipality of Wassenaar removed Ivicke’s gutter despite an Omgevingsdienst Zuid-Holland directive to stop all works on the building immediately due to the suspected presence of bats. Footage shows police forces pushing protesters and dragging them away, with some seen being arrested. Rarely has solidarity been declared such a principle of politics as it has been since the beginning of the Corona crisis. For some time now, we had also understood that we would have to deal with the ecological crisis. The Difference Between Mass and ClassWhy is it important to know the difference between mass and class? Translated by Enough 14. We must not leave protest and the streets to the far-right. If you meet a Buddha, kill the Buddha; if you meet a Patriarch, kill the Patriarch; […], Author: Ursula K. Le GuinTitle: The Carrier Bag Theory of FictionDate: 1986 In the temperate and tropical regions where it appears that hominids evolved into human beings, the principal food of the species was vegetable. Dies kann - so das LG - nur dadurch verhindert werden, dass man sich ausdrücklich von diesen Inhalten distanziert. Here, we present the introduction in English. These do not satisfy us. Call for a mobilization in Olympia, WA against far-Right violence following a shooting by a Trump supporter against an antifascist protester on December 5th. Greece's New Democracy administration is exploiting the pandemic to crack down on immigrants and anarchists and to destroy traditions of resistance. From 10 to 12 November 2020, the International University Center (IUZ) is organizing a virtual information fair on studying abroad together with national and international guests … Chemnitz becomes European Capital of Culture 2025 We do not ask the state for permission to take our rights to the streets. Donation for our work in the Enough 14 info-café (More needed than ever before in times of the coronavirus) and our independent reporting on our blog and social media channels. mit zu verantworten hat. In the early morning of 26 August, after a festival celebrating the city's founding, a fight broke out resulting in the death of a Cuban-German man and serious injuries to two other people. Even worst, last year the cynicism of the authorities reached to an unseen level –, Good Times in Dystopia George F Zero Books, 2020 ISBN: 9781789041902 Review by Peter Bearder Featured Image by oneslutriot Additional artwork by Junk Comix The literary output of squats, occupations and other autonomous spaces is vanishingly small. In that light, we’ve decided to revisit a few…, from It’s Going Down [This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.] Don’t touch Liebig 34! In Chemnitz haben sich am 27. Capitalism is the virus! Create a … Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. TU Chemnitz 07/12/2020 07 Dec FSR WiWi Christmas Lecture 2020 Prof. Dr. Kolev speaks on the subject: "Does the social market economy also have a future after … Internationales Universitätszentrum 17/12/2020 17 Dec Erasmus+ semester and intersnhip abroad / Online Information Session Antifa and PKK! Mick Jagger gives news of his confinement in France, and it’s... Renato Ibarra left the Reclusorio Oriente. Clear signs of resistance are needed to make our struggles visible. We, as the radical left, cannot find an appropriate response to the intensification of social conflicts in the course of the Corona pandemic. Last January there were so many of you. Unsurprisingly, the occasion has been celebrated by the publication of a number of hagiographies from Marxist outlets. According to the police, however, there were around 300 people around the demo, who “clearly sympathized with the participants in the assembly through banners and loud voices”. Find the perfect chemnitz stock photo. Enough 14 is not organizing any of these events, we are publishing these texts for people across the US and Europe to be able to see what is going on and for documentation only. Αυτές είναι οι ανάγκες μας; Αγ.Παρασκευή, [Διεθνή Νέα] [Αλβανία] Δολοφονία 25χρονου από μπάτσο και συγκέντρωση στα Τίρανα, [Ανακοινώσεις] [Λέσβος] Κείμενο αλληλεγγύης στον σύντροφο Ερόλ, [Τοπικά Νέα] [Λάρισα] δύο μέρες στο δρόμο, Why socialists should pause before celebrating Engels’ 200th birthday, The importance of being rooted: an interview with Angry Workers World, Bite the hand that feeds you: fighting wage theft and winning, Neither Trump nor Biden, but Workers Power, Covid, Kapitalismus, Streiks und Solidarität: Ein Interview mit Asia Art Tours, Deleuze: The Machinic Enslavement and the Dividual in Control Societies, Two Missives from a PA Prison, from Comrade Elliot, December virtual anarchist discussion: lockdown and isolation, Political Prisoners and Prison Rebel Birthdays for December, Free Political Prisoner Russell Maroon Shoatz, Olympia: All Out Against Fascist Violence 12/12, Portland: Monument to Genocide Toppled and Defaced, Towards A More Holistic Violence: Thoughts on PNW Anti-Fascism, FBI Attempting to Harass Seattle Area Activists, Demonstrations against the police in Nigeria and murder by the military, France: thousands demonstrate against extension of police state, Alexander Dunlap - The Direction of Ecological Insurrections, Ursula K. Le Guin - The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction, Thomas Giovanni — NEFAC — Boston Local - Queer Liberation and Anarchist Communism, J. On Saturday November 21st thousands demonstrated in Paris and other cities over plans to bring in a new security law on “global security”. The feminist movement has a […], Author: RebelNetTitle: Chasing Dreams, Fighting NightmaresSubtitle: An Invitation to Imagine Another WorldDate: 1st January 2020Notes: There are quotes and images appearing in the original e-zine which are not included here. Revolution Chemnitz was a neo-Nazi group active in the East German city of Chemnitz, which turned to militancy in the aftermath of a series of anti-immigrant protests that engulfed the city between August and early September 2018.. Hamilton: Renewed Push to Drop the Charges Against Pride Defenders, Black Rose Anarchist Federation Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra, Agroecology and Organized Anarchism: An Interview With the Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro (FARJ), Insurgencia en el Peru: A Reportback from the Streets of Lima, People Get Ready: Popular Power In The Coming Crisis, Especifismo: Ang Anarkistang Pamamaraan sa Pagbuo ng mga Kilalang Samahan at Rebolusyonaryong Kilusan, The Anti-Mass: Methods of Organizing for Collectives, Athens, December 2008: “The ghost of freedom always comes with the knife between its teeth”, [Ανακοινώσεις] Ποδηλατοπορεία για την υπεράσπιση της Γης και οδηγίες για τους ναυτιλομενους, [Ανακοινώσεις] 50000 ευρώ για ενοικίαση στολιδιών. We chose to write a text for both the demo and the discussions, as we consider it important to be transparent […], Potential Roost Destroyed And Building In Danger After Municipality Of Wassenaar Ignores Directive To Stop All Works. We need to put pressure on the city and the police again because all of their attempts at dialogue can only be hollow while queers still face jail time for defending themselves and others at Pride. A fundamental place for his neighborhood and for the whole city, the demonstration that […], With this second lockdown, we sense that we will have to learn to live with the global pandemic a little longer. The 28th of November, 2020 marks the 200th anniversary of Friedrich Engels’ birth. Informing, engaging, inciting. Rogue — Common Action, Workers Solidarity Alliance - Strengthening Anarchism’s Gender Analysis, RebelNet - Chasing Dreams, Fighting Nightmares, Libro Evade Chile «Reporte de una insurrección», Ya no hay vuelta atras N° especial: La democracia es el orden del Capital: apuntes contra la trampa constituyente, Memoria y solidaridad contra la impunidad, Libertad a tod@s l@s pres@s de la revuelta, mapuche y revolucionari@s, Indonesia: Call for Financial Solidarity from Jurnal Anarki, Santiago, Chile: Photographic Record of the 2020 September 11 Demonstrations, Berlin, Germany: Don’t Touch Liebig34! At the end of futures. Updated: Dec 07, 2020 12:44 IST Centre unlikely to share draft amendments to farm laws with protestors before talks, hopes to resolve agitation through dialogue Updated: Dec 07, 2020 12:32 IST On the same day, a demonstration by the anti-Islam group Pegida took place in Dresden. We have to be an offensive! Shortcuts . Eviction Date on October 09, 2020, Chile: Words by Compañero Juan Aliste Vega on the Departure of Pedro Villaroel, San Miguel Prison, Chile: New Drawing by Anarchist Prisoner Mónica Caballero, Enough 14 Mastodon (Todon) Timeline @enough14GNU, enough14GNU: “Health, yes sir! A bumper issue of 60 pages, it contains, On October 3rd members of the much-hated Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) shot a young man, dumped his body at the side of the. -September 11th … Continue reading →, [09.10.20 RÄUMUNSGVERSUCH DER LIEBIG34 – DON’T TOUCH LIEBIG34!!!!!] Moreover, a suitable evaluation of the approach is part of the thesis. We are angry and show determination in our rebellion against these conditions. Chemnitz has become accustomed to witnessing small Neo-Nazi demonstrations over the years. The rails have always been instruments of colonial expansion. Learn how your comment data is processed. This systemic crisis pushes the conflicts between the interests of an economy based on the logic of competition and growth and the basic needs of the people to the extreme. Lightboxes ; 0 Cart; Account; Hi there! 40 Corona Ordinance Violations . Skogsockupationen försöker stoppa nybyggandet av motorvägen A49 och har funnits i lite... Με αφορμή την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα των Βουνών, καλούμε την Παρασκευή 11 Δεκεμβρίου, στις 14:30 σε ποδηλατοπορεία, με σημείο αφετηρίας το Πάρκο Ερμού και Πειραιώς, προκειμένου να αναδείξουμε την ανάγκη προστασίας κάθε σπιθαμής γης που απειλείται από όσους τοποθετούν τα κέρδη των εταιρειών πάνω από την ποιότητα ζωής του ανθρώπου και όλων των έμβιων πλασμάτων. Callum Cant’s recent, At the end of November 2018, activists from the Artistic Movement of San Isidro met for the first time to demonstrate in the streets of Havana and in front of the Ministry of Culture, with the aim of obtaining the repeal of the Decree 349: a law aimed at restricting the creativity of any artistic, This year’s 6th of December marked 12 years since the cold-blooded murder by the Greek police of 15-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos in the neighbourhood of Exarcheia. Sie folgten dem Aufruf der rechten „Bürgerbewegung Pro Chemnitz“. Romper juntos las cadenas de la competencia y el miedo del viejo mundo fue una fiesta donde no hizo falta ni líderes, ni representantes, ni vanguardias, ni partidos para que cada cual encontrara su lugar y supiera lo que quería dar. The chances are that there can be no conscious revolutionary practice without making this distinction. However, the practice of government action shows that the concept of solidarity is merely an empty phrase for fighting insurgency. The current situation is particularly hard on refugees in group shelters in the FRG and on the European external borders. Online activism is important, but we must not completely shift our practice into virtual space. After reading too many industry news sites and pompous press releases, interviews and share reports I […], Working class Hamilton families breathed a collective sigh of relief Monday afternoon, when the Province announced they were killing the Light Rail Transit (LRT) project. A long period of time in which justice hasn’t been served, to say the least. Current lightbox. …, A comrade writes about the Walthamstow Hoe Street Ward Mutual Aid group While Johnson and Co have careened from one profit driven Covid-19, Stormy Petrel, the Anarchist Communist Group’s theoretical and historical magazine will be out this Friday. Keep the Enough 14 blog and the Enough 14 Info-Café going. Demonstrationen : German - English translations and synonyms (BEOLINGUS Online dictionary, TU Chemnitz) Yet this crisis hits those who have already been on the losing side of this competitive capitalist society particularly hard. This article argues that the anarchist focus on abstention as a responsive strategy to electoralism is not […], This article is also available in English / Español / Italiano / Português / Deutsch / Turkish This article appears here in Tagalog thanks to an anonymous translator. These people are not receiving large-scale international support, nor are the causes of their flight being tackled by the states of capitalist modernity. What follows is a statement by the Surrealist Group of Athens.The ghost of freedom always comes with the knife between its teethShooting in the flesh is the high point of social oppressionAll the stones removed from pavements and thrown to cops’... A dream that ends in shoutingHere we are. Real solidarity between people is not promoted or even prevented by state institutions. Revolution Chemnitz: German police uncover far-right 'terrorist' group . Mai 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Haftung für Links" hat das Landgericht (LG) Hamburg entschieden, dass man durch das Setzen eines Links, die Inhalte der gelinkten Seite ggf. We have the choice of engaging in a fight, on playing fields chosen by the state, or of choosing decentralized concepts and thus evading their control and power. The blinking lights of the carnival pull our attention ever away from ourselves. The border is not between inside and outside, but between above and below! The city had originally prohibited the demonstration. One Police report According to, charges were filed for attempted dangerous bodily harm and the use of license plates by unconstitutional organizations. “Police brutality is the reason our people are inside,” says Russell Shoatz III, Maroon’s son. Log in; Sign up. Black Mosquito hat eine Sammlung unserer Texte von 2012-2020 veröffentlicht – hier findet ihr die Einleitung und weiterführendes Material. After a decision by the administrative court in Chemnitz, it was able to take place with 15 participants, who also had to wear face masks and had to maintain a minimum distance of two meters. The main reason for the protest was the date of the rally: April 20 is the birthday Adolf Hitler and a day used repeatedly by the right-wing extremist scene for meetings. Interwoven webs connect peoples and communities – spreading fire from one space to the next. The corona pandemic is not the crisis – it is only an expression of the crisis of capitalist modernity in which we have found ourselves for decades. TIME ONLINE | News, backgrounds and debates . We hope that this, […], A [machine translated] statement from Ex Asilo Filangieri (Naples) in support of the recently evicted Nuovo Cinema Palazzo in Rome: The Nuovo Cinema Palazzo has for years been one of the most important expressions of solidarity, hospitality, mutualism and real democracy. Technische Universität Chemnitz, TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Computer Science, Distributed and Self-organizing Systems (VSR), Computer Science: VSR Research Group . No need to register, buy now! We are living in a mass society. Attempts to relay what is happening in any specific […], Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info This island is riddled with train tracks: arteries that enable the flow of capital across the continent, conduits for the transport of bitumen and other products of resource exploitation, colonization, and death. It's an important essay, garnering key responses from Alain Badiou (and, much later, Zizek), as well as helping to spawn a whole cottage industry of Lacanian […], Social subjection, however, is only one form, strategy and method of constituting the modern subject.
2020 chemnitz demonstration 2020