While Partnership is not guaranteed, we’d love to hear from you. Log in sign up. Followers 0. When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. Thread starter Dayn Brian; Start date Nov 1, 2017; Nov 1, 2017 #1 Dayn Brian New Member. Tagging a Discord Moderator is always allowed and welcomed if somebody believes someone is breaking the rules, this is because you are simply alerting us and not making a mistake if you get some rule knowledge wrong, we will be the ones to correct this and issue the right punishments. Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat. 05 Dec 01:43 UTC; Holidays on TruckersMP! In dieser Bewerbung würde ich mich gerne als Moderator auf Ihrem Discord Server bewerben. 17 replies . 369 days ago . Bewerbung zum Discord-Baron. Name: Rainbow Strike @! Login. I have little to no experience in discording at all, just reading things and talking to people. Doesn't get "riled up" easily. :Rainbow Strike: ! We have paused Discord Hypesquad Applications while we tidy up things on our end. Application Bot lets you have application forms in your server. of 2. Showing 1 - 24 of 30 servers. In dieser Bewerbung würde ich mich gerne als Moderator auf Ihrem Discord Server bewerben. With discord's own push to be more multi-role and the pandemic pushing discord into a more common means of communication, the lack of any provisions for multiple accounts or multiple discreet identities on an account is increasingly becoming an issue. Make sure you join the official Partner server after acceptance and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the program. Moderators can do basic things like edit/delete messages, ban/kick people who violate any rules the moderators put in place, and make sure the Discord is a safe, healthy environment to do whatever is happening in that server. Discord Moderation Bot that helps you restrict certain things such as commands, links.. in channels where they were not allowed. You’ll need to hit certain engagement stats before you can apply. Natürlich ist Discord immer nebenbei geöffnet. Ich habe einfach nur ein wenig Freizeit momentan und weiß nicht wohin damit, also dachte ich mir: Warum denn nicht Moderator auf einem Discord Server werden. Vorwort; Gliederung; Real-Life Daten; Stärken und Schwächen; Onlinezeiten; Warum ich ? - habe soziale Kompetenzen und kann mich so gut in die Probleme von anderen Usern versetzen, - erfülle meine Aufgaben stets gewissenhaft, - sollte mich jemand auf einen wunden Punkt erwischen, diskutiere ich unnötig lange. : - To increase … Apply Now . Rainbow Strike !#4080 (discord) Which position are you applying for? What do I get as an applicant/server owner? Recommended Posts. Sonst viel Spaß beim Lesen! I can't find any pages describing Mod features very well. All names relative to my username are welcome. Details on what we use to determine acceptance be found in our. Where hanging out is easy. 1 hour ago, C | Thread starter Sayed; Start date Oct 10, 2019; Latest tournament. Discord Mod If Sectional/Forum Mod, which section(s)? Join this Server. discord.py. Activity on the discord server and being helpful to others is paramount. What we are looking for in a Moderator: Someone who is calm, well spoken, and mild mannered. Sayings_ Posts: 530 . Discord Username (include #number): - Dayn Brian#1344t How old are you? Discord Moderator Application. Aside from the perks listed above, your server will also get a better bitrate, which is fancy talk for your voice channels will sound better. Get link ; Mute this server ; Report this server ; the-forest ; cs:go-minecr Aside from everything listed above, we’re always working on new rewards and perks that will encourage communites to stay healthy and engaged with our program. If you’ve followed the steps above, apply within Discord under the Partner Program tab and we’ll get back to you as fast as bureaucracy will let us. Mein Name ist Henrik, ich bin 17 Jahre alt und komme aus dem Bundesland Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Instead, acceptance as a Partner is based on your server. N/A Why do you … Represent Discord at local events - as an attendee or event coordinator. Name: Fluttershy#0990; call me Fluttershy, Fluts, Shy, Flooter, etc. Lucas und ich ( Jason) wünschen dir viel Spaß auf dem Server. Schreib @Ja son617#5248 eine Bewerbung. ProMods Canada Support! Das war meine Bewerbung zum Moderator. To apply, click here and create a new thread and use the below format for posting an application to become a Damnlag Discord Moderator. : - Malaysia and GMT +8 Which position are you applying for? Bewerbung als Moderator auf Ihrem Discord. What numbers do I have to hit as a community to be accepted into the Partner Program? Discord Moderator Application Sign in to follow this . Discord Moderator Applications. The Discord Moderatr is a Pattern Skin added in the v0.8.1 "Splinter shell" on August 21, 2019, and is meant to be given only to the Discord moderators of the official surviv discord. 1 hour ago, JSON | Login. 03 Dec 18:02 UTC; Event Team satisfaction survey 28 Nov 14:07 UTC; Useful Links. Außerdem habe ich angefangen jede Woche ins Fitnesstudio zu gehen. Applications! Minecraft Soup KitPvP Server KitPvP.de PvP. As role models to all of Discord, Partnered servers are communities that both our new and veteran users can use as inspiration to create their own communities. Recommended Posts. We are currently looking for a few more Moderators to help out around on the Discord. It appears as a surviv logo colored cyan blue, with sky blue gradient hands and indigo gradient backpack. Whether you’re a community about learning how to cook, a server about fantasy sports, fans of your favorite game, or anything in between, we support engaged communities and content creators. TruckersMP Translation Manager | TruckersFM Presenter & Discord Moderator. VZ BOSS Live . Vindicator Bot . Must have been a member for 1 month or longer on the forum and discord server. If you like to … Has good ideas on how to improve the Discord. 2 hours ago, Lua | If a situation related to the Discord server requires immediate attention from a moderator, you can notify the group by prepending your message with @Moderators. Which position are … 1 year ago. From a few to a fandom. 3.Weshalb ich Ihren Discord Server unterstützen möchte. hide. save. Discord Moderator and Discord Dj applications . Computer Science. Relationships & Identity, General Chatting, All you’d want to know, and even some extras. Discord Servers Moderator Discord servers tagged with Moderator. Someone who appreciates me for who I am and likes long walks on the beaches and candle-lit dinners and... wait, I think I misread the question. Does anybody have any tips or tricks for moderating in discord? There is no age limit, but you have to be mature. Not afraid to "be the bad guy". Nunja, um ehrlich zu sein kenne ich Ihre Persönlichkeit überhaupt nicht und bin auch vor ein paar Stunden erst gejoint, und es gibt auch nicht wirklich ein Grund weshalb ich genau auf diesem Discord Server Moderator werden möchte. Discord Moderator. We’re also working on new ways to keep members excited about being a part of your community. discord moderator. As role models to all of Discord, Partnered servers are communities that both our new and veteran users can use as inspiration to create their own communities. Personalize your server with a Custom URL, Server Banner, and Invite Splash. By GlimGlamShimSham, May ... it would make sense for me to try and become a moderator, as the only thing I would be incorporating into my time on Discord is the occasional rule enforcement or banning of a troll. Get Discord swag to spread the word and brighten people's day. Die Zeiten können sich aber ändern, da ich momentan in der Prüfungsphase bin. Moin Leute, Trymacs hier! Damit Sie schon einen Eindruck von mir haben würde ich gerne mein Vorgehen erläutern, wie ich einen Konflikt lösen würde. Klasse und strebe den Erwerb meine Mittleren Reife an. Just so happened the day after I signed up, a sub I use a lot started using Discord much more actively. Guest Fluttershy1994 Guest Fluttershy1994 Guests; Report post; Posted May 28, 2017. Join this Server. The KitPvP and 1v1 Server. 83% Upvoted. www.youtube.com/trymacs www.twitch.tv/trymacs | 243,841 members Ich habe in meiner Vergangenheit die Jugendfeuerwehr ca. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Get link ; Mute this server ; Report this server ; bot ; moderation ; moderator ; Vindicator is a Discord channel monitoring bot, Vindicator monitors for duplicate and cross posting in admin set channels. Official Football League for $1500! Ansonsten mache ich das, was wohl viele andere auch machen, ich treffe mich oft mit Freunden und unterhalte mich mit denen oder gehe mit denen Feiern. Posted by. Sollte er dennoch wieder mich oder einen User beleidigen folgt ein Ban. Acceptance is based on both quantitative and qualitative factors, and may vary from one candidate to the next. ~Elon Musk. We take an overall look at your community. Other 9. So, I applied for moderator in some stupid attempt at doing things, and now I might be hired. Grab a seat in a voice channel when you’re free. What prior moderator/administration experience do you have, if any? 9. User account menu. Sollte diese Person davon nicht abgeschreckt sein und weitermachen, werde ich ihn zuerst kicken. What prior moderation/administration experience do you have, if any? Bumped recently . Latest News. Want to rep Discord? Guest ! This thread is archived . Auf Griefergames bin ich bekannt unter den Namen _Asano. If you feel like you qualify for the position please fill this form out! Discord Moderator Sign in to follow this . : - Moderator Why do you want to be a Damnlag Discord Moderator? Page. All Games . Personalize your server with a Custom URL, Server Banner, and Invite Splash. Join the HypeSquad and let Discord support your gaming community. :Rainbow Strike: !, May 23, 2017 in Staff Application Archive. So, ich hoffe ich konnte Ihnen einen Eindruck von mir geben und Sie überzeugen, dass ich als Moderator fähig bin. I became active, there was rapid growth, and BAM! Ich war schon einmal Moderator auf einem CS:GO Ts (ExODivision), da der Server aber leider geschlossen hat, habe ich auch mein Platz als Moderator verloren... Ich war im Team sehr beliebt und hatte oft genug die möglichkeit als Admin aufzusteigen, jedoch habe ich nicht die Technischen Kenntnisse um einen Ts Server zu Administrieren. Nitro Safety Support. Is a server apart of the Secrets chain. Receive a special badge on your server and stand out from the crowd on our Discovery page. Invite Vote Application Bot … 58 min ago, C# | : - 20 What country and timezone are you in? 2 hours ago, Python | Nehmen wir an jemand würde mich als „Hurensohn“ nennen würde ich ihn zuerst Verwarnen und mögliche folgen dieser Person schildern. Designed for active and engaged communities, the Partner Program distinguishes the best servers out there. HypeSquad. : Run my own discord server i have ran forums and website's in the past … Meta. Bumped recently Member Count . Remember, it’s not just about the numbers. Ich investiere viel Zeit auf Griefergames und spiele demnach oft und lange Minecraft. report. By Guest ! Download; Support ; Forum; Server Status; Meet the Team; … 2 hours ago, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. 4 4. comments. Außerdem wollte ich sagen, dass ich auch nicht meine Freunden bevorzugen werde. Forums » News & Announcements » Discord Moderator and Discord Dj applications » » Tweet. 16 min ago, C++ | A very wholesome community server that accepts YOU no matter where you're from or your ethnicity. Numbers on other platforms don’t always represent an active Discord community, so we no longer require non-Discord related numbers like views or followers on other platforms. Momentan besuche ich eine Realschule und absolviere zurzeit die 10. Guest ! Store This should only be done for issues pertaining directly to the Discord server itself, not issues on wiki. Be recognized. Friends in your server can see you’re around and instantly pop in to talk without having to call. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Script is Node.js based using discord.js discord discord-bot discord-js discordbot discord-bots discord-moderation-bot discord-moderation Updated 13 days ago C++ | Hope to see … Press J to jump to the feed. Wie ihr euch bewerben könnt? Get Discord Nitro, rewards for your community, and access to the Partners-only server. Wir such derzeit noch Supporter sowie Moderator. Get rewarded for creating an engaged community with our Partner Program. Unlimited questions, Dashboard, 24/7 uptime, Certified. Followers 0. Get Discord Nitro, rewards for your community, and access to the Partners-only server. Professional. Mod assignment. By Guest Fluttershy1994, May 28, 2017 in Staff Application Archive. : Because I think you only have 1 moderator from the UK and i would like to help grow that number so that when we get busyier there be always someone on and i like been helpful. Please fill out the below form if you are interested and comment it here. Administrators have all the rights of moderators, but can also ban/kick moderators and evaluate the jobs of moderators. Discord Moderator Application. Hey y'all we are looking for two new moderators for the server. 9. Mein offizieller Discord Server. Discord Moderator Why do you want to be a Damnlag Discord Moderator? share. Unique branding. 2 hours ago, SQF | Als disclaimer: ich benutze die selben Grafiken wie aus der letzen Bewerbung, da ich finde, dass diese gut passen und man nicht immer 500 neue Grafiken die ähnlich aussehen benutzen muss. Download Why Discord? Close. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the, Test of multiple Erase Methods for std::vector. 1 Jahr lang besucht bin aber aus schulischen Gründen abgegangen. What perks does my community get from this? Ich (Jason) habe LRS wenn was falsch geschrieben ist niemand es nicht böse! Once you’ve set your server to Community, you should see a Partner Program tab. Archived. Guests; Report post; Posted May 23, 2017. We want to support communities that invest time and effort on Discord. Partner-only perks. Read the requirements. I know the difference between Kick and Ban, but what else can I do as a Moderator? Discord Moderator Application. :Rainbow Strike: !
2020 discord moderator bewerbung