Beginner level. simple future: prediction 3. Present continuous (future arrangements) We often use the present continuous to talk about the future, especially about future plans when we have decided a time and a place with other people. Cinema [photo]. (She has already registered at a language school where she wants to study English). Retrieved on 2017, June 07 from, Steve p2008. Sue is starting an English course next summer. I’ m flying to New York tomorrow morning. Los contenidos de cada REA son responsabilidad exclusiva de sus autores y no tienen impedimento en materia de propiedad intelectual; asimismo, no contienen información que por su naturaleza pueda considerarse confidencial y reservada. No, they aren't. When the verb is go or come, we often use the pres.continuous. QUESTIONS: Verb TO BE + subject + verb –ing + complement + time expression ? Roselie. Next year I’m going to buy a car. I'm meeting my mother at the airport tomorrow. An arrangement is something that is done to prepare or plan for something in the future. Choose the right options.1)I did really well in the interview, so I ___ a new job on Monday.2)My wife and I ___ a party this weekend. CD 1 TR 11 44 Lesson 2 In the activity, students practice asking and answering questions using a variety of future forms. What are you doing on Saturday night? ��9�ӥA�D��{�բ�D�y����Q�T���Z�� �Z�`�e�B��e* ��%L�M��:�(�,�_wҠ���{�������(K]A���V�`9Xx)+ mz&+ȉ�k������y���I���o�s�\�uF��3x9��N� �7< Z���~Մλ��� �#r�������H�&ua�����(�h��[W8�׫+�`8>�ּZ����˾��g�� b�q �7�!#�v� ���}V��,J���7*uϷ�9���_�]�@.+ޔ�)%����Uܷ�&�ܭ�����>n;B��X�!W��}�����wz��b�G��S���ĴD Ǻ�G��7�r�rf2�!G�x>�l� ٲQdP��&eZWrFa�ʅ%< In addition, some common expressions are used to refer to when the action will take place and indicates that it will be in the near future. Many students use only will or going to in order to talk about the future. We can use the present continuous to talk about arrangements (plans which you have organised) in the future. We use different verb forms to talk about our plans for the future, depending on what kind of plan it is: a spontaneous plan, a pre-decided plan or an arrangement. Hecho en México. (Check your spelling). Day 1 Affirmative: Negative: Interrogative: Day 2 Affirmative: Negative: Interrogative: Day 3 Affirmative: Negative: Interrogative: Day 4 Affirmative: Negative: Interrogative: Day 5 Affirmative: Negative: Interrogative: Day 6 Affirmative: Negative: Interrogative: Day 7 Affirmative: Negative: Interrogative: Surely you built sentences taking into account the structures you reviewed in the content: AFFIRMATIVE: Subject + verb TO BE + verb –ing + complement + time expression, NEGATIVE: Subject + verb TO BE+ not + verb –ing + complement + time expression. In this activity you will have to pretend that you are going to take your ideal vacation next summer. 1 0 obj As you see the present continuous tense serves to express the arrangements that are planned to do soon but not yet succeeded. 3. x��][o�8�~���}�޳�ū�E`���9@������}����ٸ�L���*^D��.��`0�n�d��x)������zs�co���v��������������y{�����a��{|89ag?����~� /�f%�WժP���L6������W�o�77[�~zd�x���=FP�nY��sv�����n�x��� YJ�v�xw��'VF�_��`gu]�&�H�h�d�qq��� • Harrison, M. (1995). Note: As you notice in the examples, there are two different ways of structuring an interrogative sentence in the present continuous tense. (2009). Go, come, leave, arrive, fly, have, start, go out, visit, meet, stay. Once you finished your composition on a word processor, save it to your computer. Both students have four free periods in their diary. Exercise on future activities . You can evaluate your audio with the following rubric. 15,599 Downloads . Plane [photo]. Are you having a party for your birthday? New English File. tomorrow, next week, at 7, etc. QW + verb TO BE + subject + verb –ing + time expression ? Note: It is important to include the verb TO BE after the subject and before the main verb. Present Continuous for Future Pre-intermediate with answers. Do you want to know them? Este sitio puede ser reproducido con fines no lucrativos, siempre y cuando no se mutile, se cite la fuente completa y su dirección electrónica, de otra forma, se requiere permiso previo por escrito de la Institución. I have a doctor's appointment. Use the correct spelling. (look after Carol's kids) What is she doing on Tuesday evening? will. (Some friends have invited me to their party). Niagara Falls [photo]. Do you remember Joshua and Jamie? Coordinación de Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia de la UNAM. Who _____ _____ you to the museum? Start. You'll feel better soon. You will see your score at the end of the exercise. Understanding and Using English Grammar. ����}���?�(��b�*�JU���ֵ�Iƛ��P����e�V_�r�]5��-�zX��n}$W���!� �z�n The present continuous can express fixed social arrangements, as you saw in the content. Before recording yourself, study the aspects that will be evaluated, they are described in the rubric. It's time to practice your knowledge. Answer the questions. 2 0 obj Exercise 1 Trip to New York City and other arrangements . Check your grammar: grouping Predictions and hopes Spontaneous ideas Plans and arrangements I don't think I'll ever be famous. Which ‘tense’ do we use for talking about our plans and arrangements? In each one you will be given the appropriate instructions. Once you are done, click on the Check answers button and then on the Continue button. First, you will unscramble the words to form correct sentences. – He isn’t coming to the party. endobj New York City [photo]. Departamento de Inglés present continuous with future meaning 1. Include the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms in your speech. I'm sure you’ll pass / you're passing . This is where you can find activities to help your students talk about plans.At the moment we have 26 worksheets in this section that you can use in class or use as inspirations for worksheets of your own.This plans worksheet is a writing activity for intermediate students to practice using the simple future. Present continuous for future arrangements 1. I'm staying with Susan this weekend. The negative form is after verb TO BE. Check the rubric in order to include all the components you need to write your paragraph. Kang_hojun. The activity covers will for predictions, be going to for future plans and intentions, present continuous for definite arrangements as well as the future perfect, future continuous and would like. Al navegar en este sitio, encontrará contenidos diseñados por académicos de la UNAM, denominados Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA), disponibles para todo el público en forma gratuita. <> According to the audio decide if the following statements are true or false by choosing the appropriate option. English rules and practice. On Monday, I’m seeing my friends and we’re going to the cinema. <>>> Luggage for Vacation - Bags [photo]. On Wednesday, I’m playing tennis with my older brother. Be careful! The present continuous tense is used in talking about arrangements. It also takes into account that depending on how the question was constructed it will be the answer. (=I have talked to her and we have arranged to meet.) 4 0 obj Future plans Using 'going to' and the present continuous are two ways we can talk about our future plans and arrangements in English. You can know your score at the end of the exercise. 3,498 Downloads. Making arrangements TEACHER’S NOTES: Aim: to consolidate the use of the Present Continuous (for future arrangements) and can do statement: making arrangements with friends. Predictions and hopes Spontaneous ideas Plans and arrangements 2. Grammar Spectrum 2. A kind of drill to learn present continuous for the future and be going to. It won't take long to get there. Download now: stories, exercises, rules, and answers for the simple present, simple past and simple future. Susan is taking an English course next summer. My brother is playing football with his friends tonight. Well, you will have to identify which statements express the use of the simple present for future plans and which ones are happening now. You will review the Present Continuous and use it to talk about arrangements by using common expressions in this unit. Grammar, reading, vocabulary, speaking. The Present Continuous is used to talk about future arrangements. Our grandparents are visiting us this Christmas. You shall do as I tell you! 1 Complete with the words from the boxes. I’m finally seeing that film tonight. future tense exercise. Next week I’m heading off to Berlin for a few days. Students read a letter and correct a variety of errors to properly complete the message. According to the text decide if the following statements are true or false by choosing the appropriate option. Click on each character name to display the content: Subject + verb TO BE + verb –ing + complement + time expression. He will have told you a million lies by the end of your romantic dinner. An arrangement is also an agreement between two people or groups about how something happens or will happen. I’m having a party tonight. Present continuous for future arrangements. Choose the most appropriate option for each statement. endobj Look at the following sentences. As you will realize you will use the present continuous to express plans or arrangements. The Future Tenses 5 1.B. The first is starting with the verb TO BE and the second is using the Wh-questions. I'm seeing a film. Grammar videos: Future forms – answers Answers to Future forms – exercises 1. On the right you see Kim's diary for the next week. These are general plans for the future. De la Garza, C. (2006). <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.2 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Oxford University Press • Macfarlane, M. (2009). You use the Present Continuous for plans as future arrangements. (2006). I’ m meeting Sally at 7. I'll hold the door for you. In British Council. Have a great day! As you can see, we use the Present Continuous (or ‘present progressive’) when we refer to our plans. No, + subject + verb TO BE. Chicken soup and green salad. You will have to write for each day of travel three sentences: affirmative, negative and interrogative. Present continuous: present and future use. Verb TO BE + subject + verb –ing + complement + time expression ? Retrieved on 2017, June 07 from She is not doing her homework after dinner. Affirmative, negative, and interrogative exercises. After reading the text, complete the sentences with one word over each line. (2017). We've already bought the drinks and sent the invitations.3)Celia ___ to Chicago later this month. Well, he is planning to go on vacation and he has two incredible options. (play badminton) Are Jamie and his family flying to Toronto next week? This confuses some students because they were taught that the future is eith… Question word (wh... questions) + verb TO BE + subject + verb –ing + time expression ? Be going to + verb. I think he will definitely go for it. Yes, + subject + verb TO BE. }_ �k�j%�B��I e���@32o�8�V���[`Y�b��oWE�3&�Rĺ�֭���DјA,eQW��B�n��2��^A�-\i�RUa���������L۔ReQsf�)� ����i Make contractions wherever possible. She is watching her favorite TV series. You will have to use the present continuous to narrate your plans or activities that you will have tomorrow, remember that as you are famous you will have many things to do. Start. What are you doing next Friday evening? Do u remember. Jamie and his family are flying to Toronto next week. (1999). In this lesson, we will learn how to talk about intentions and arrangements in the future. 1.Jack ’s visiting visit a retirement village. • Oxeden, C., Latham-koenig, C., and Clandfield, L. (1996). Grammar - Present Continuous For Future Arrangements 10 Questions | By Chapako24 | Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 | Total Attempts: 3697 Questions All questions 5 questions 6 questions 7 questions 8 questions 9 questions 10 questions Find the future arrangements and write them in the boxes. Now it is time to review what you have studied in this lesson about the use of the present continuous to talk about fixed plans and arrangements. • Present continuous - future arrangements. caI�Ž0�,=wTYS�D�퐤�5zY���m_spj0L!�������Gvq=�S 臸���7�Ow47���,��y��W4��f�2�z�T��6�� T���{ďk���AO�"X�?��.�cW��?�|�����0{���k��\&N6_��*��6PK�R}S���/O�$|�eyf *O^N���~�j2�%}����G��ۧ����q��v{`�Py�gw�,��C��Fi �;^c� B��/[�w PR��NwX9p�S ����pԬ����̯L��(�����mW��Ki�� 0�KQ6����_T���������R³�Q��>#��'G*z����ɑ�6�k���*n��>�5>�la� 9�����7��:���;"V�Hu��`��X�'k]H5(?�EdUB78 Future plans: Grammar test 1. In the activity, students practice asking and answering questions about future arrangements. You will know your score at the end of the exercise. Pearson Longman. a. It’s eight o’clock, Meg. tpsdave. Consider the following aspects in your recording: Compare your file with the audio provided. You have made all your plans and you have your itinerary. (n.d.). SHORT FORMS.Use be going to … (An arrangement is is a plan for the future that you have already thought about and discussed with someone else.) You will practice your reading skills in order to get the most important information from the texts to answer some statements for each one. I'll wash. You dry. We use will: when we express beliefs about the future: It will be a nice day tomorrow. Now, use the itinerary to write sentences in the Present continuous. THE STUDENTS ARE THINKING ABOUT THEIR PLANS FOR THE DAY. Free Practice Tests for learners of English. Read and find. <> What is Kim doing on Monday evening? 3 0 obj In the content you have learnt that the Present Continuous is used to express planned events which will take place in the not-too-distant future and you reviewed the structures of this tense. All with comprehensive Teacher Notes included. Diary [photo]. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. � ,��@mY��k � f�v'X�����4c����]�:��` Grammar explanation. This is a powerpoint presentation that I made using website resources that will hopefully help you introduce future tenses and your students learn about future tenses and practice exercises online (be going to for plans and predictions, and present continuous for future arrangements). We usually use the present continuous when the activity has been arranged. Note: Do not forget! The exercise consists of two parts. Intentions An intention is something that we would like to do in the future. What are we having for dinner? + She’s meeting David at the train station tomorrow. The use of the present continuous tense to talk about one’s plans and intentions. Here are some ways you can talk about your future plans and intentions in English. Check your grammar: multiple choice Circle the best future form to complete these sentences. The guys who are talking about Jamie’s plans and do you remember what is the question that Joshua is asking to Jamie is? English Practice Grammar. Retrieved on 2017, June 06 from • Schrampfer, B. I think Brazil … You can begin your composition like this: This coming summer I am beginning my ‘Ideal Vacation’….
2020 future plans and arrangements exercises pdf