Name Status Einwohner Schätzung 2009-12-31 Einwohner Schätzung 2013-12-31 Einwohner Schätzung 2019-12-31 ; Adalar: Bezirk: 14.341: 16.166: 15.238 → Arnavutköy 03/04/2019 at 21:40. Similar trends and electoral successes for the opposition were also replicated in Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, Mersin, Adana and other metropolitan areas of Turkey. Das Ergebnis der Wahl wurde vor allem von den Siegen der CHP in zahlreichen Großstädten (sowohl gegen die AKP, als auch gegen die MHP) und den starken Zugewinnen der MHP in ländlicheren Gebieten bzw. 1. Each city holds a respective population of 14,808,116; 3,517,182; and 2,500,603. [129], Istanbul does not have a primary urban park, but it has several green areas. [citation needed], Various economic and military policies instituted by Andronikos II, such as the reduction of military forces, weakened the empire and left it vulnerable to attack. The Ottoman Parliament was dissolved by the Allies on 11 April 1920 and the Ottoman delegation led by Damat Ferid Pasha was forced to sign the Treaty of Sèvres on 10 August 1920. The United Nations defines an urban agglomeration as "the population contained within the contours of a contiguous territory inhabited at urban density levels without regard to administrative boundaries". Population density per country. admin Site Admin Posts: 9610 Joined: Feb 10, 2007. This means the commercial center is in Europe while the rest of the city is in Asia. Parts of the province that are away from both seas exhibit considerable continental influences, with much more pronounced night-day and summer-winter temperature differences. [302] Until then, buses provide transportation within and between the two-halves of the city, accommodating 2.2 million passenger trips each day. [15], Because private universities were officially outlawed in Turkey before the 1982 amendment to the constitution, there were no private universities in the city until 1992, when Koç University was founded. As a result, the city constant change, constantly reshaped to achieve the needs of these new population. [70], The Ottomans quickly transformed the city from a bastion of Christianity to a symbol of Islamic culture. Aktualisiert: 24.09.2019, 15:44. [170] Only 28 percent of the city's residents are originally from Istanbul. Der Ballungsraum Istanbul macht insofern fast ein Fünftel der Gesamtbevölkerung der Türkei aus Einwohner/innen nach Hauptwohnung zum 31.12.2019: Alter unter 18 Jahren: Alter 18 bis unter 65 Jahren: Alter 65 bis unter 80 Jahre: 80 Jahre und älte So viele Deutsche, Ausländer und Deutsche mit Migrationshintergrund leben jetzt in der Hauptstadt. [315][316], Istanbul had three large international airports, two of which are currently in active service for commercial passenger flights. It was formerly known as Engürü the city is also the capital of Ankara Province. Been in both cities. In the Ottoman period, it was first granted to Nişancı Feridun Ahmed Bey in the 16th century, before being granted by Sultan Murad IV to the Safavid Emir Gûne Han in the 17th century, hence the name Emirgan. In today’s article, I want to share with you the 3 most celebrated Portuguese traditions!A tradition is something that travels through generations and that defines the character and the personality of a people, which is the soul of a country! The neighborhood of Balat used to be home to a sizable Sephardi Jewish community, first formed after their expulsion from Spain in 1492. [193] Trade is economically important, accounting for 30 percent of the economic output in the city. [121] Farther inland, outside the city's inner ring road, are Levent and Maslak, Istanbul's main business districts. [43] Byzantium's decision to side with the Roman usurper Pescennius Niger against Emperor Septimius Severus cost it dearly; by the time it surrendered at the end of 195 CE, two years of siege had left the city devastated. [125] Moreover, large scale gentrification and urban renewal projects have been taking place,[126] such as the one in Tarlabaşı;[127] some of these projects, like the one in Sulukule, have faced criticism. [101] There is a significant difference between annual mean temperatures on the north and south coasts as well, Bahçeköy 12.8 °C (55.0 °F), Kartal 15.03 °C (59.05 °F). The largest is the new Istanbul Airport, opened in 2018 in the Arnavutköy district to the northwest of the city center, on the European side, near the Black Sea coast. The O-7 motorway from Kinali Gişeleri to Istanbul Park Service has 139 km, with 8 lanes (4x4). [108] Lake-effect snow from the Black Sea is common, although difficult to forecast, with the potential to be heavy and—as with the fog—disruptive to the city's infrastructure. [276][279] Postal services remain under the purview of what is now the Post and Telegraph Organization (retaining the acronym PTT). The left-wing pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) is the city's third largest political force due to a substantial number of Kurdish people migrating from south-eastern Turkey. [214] The Turkish film industry ramped up in the second half of the century, and with Uzak (2002) and My Father and My Son (2005), both filmed in Istanbul, the nation's movies began to see substantial international success. Both schools were shut Darüşşafaka High School provides free education to children across the country missing at least one parent. [290] The O-7 motorway connects Istanbul Atatürk Airport with Istanbul Airport. [56] Hagia Sophia was converted to a Catholic church in 1204. [95][96], In the Köppen–Geiger classification system, Istanbul has a borderline Mediterranean climate (Csa), humid subtropical climate (Cfa) and oceanic climate (Cfb), due to its location in a transitional climatic zone. wie viele einwohner hat russland 2019; Browse our posts that related to : wie viele einwohner hat russland 2019 - wie viel einwohner hat russland 2019 - Bellow. August, die positiv auf Covid-19 getestet wurden. Because of the topography, buildings in Beyoğlu were once constructed with the help of terraced retaining walls, and roads were laid out in the form of steps. [262] Galatasaray High School, established in 1481 as the Galata Palace Imperial School, is the oldest high school in Istanbul and the second-oldest educational institution in the city. Veröffentlicht von Bruno Urmersbach , 19.05.2020. Mirroring the executive committee at the municipal level, the Provincial Executive Committee includes a secretary-general and leaders of departments that advise the Provincial Parliament. [10] It was instrumental in the advancement of Christianity during Roman and Byzantine times, before its transformation to an Islamic stronghold following the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 CE. By 500 CE, Constantinople had somewhere between 400,000 and 500,000 people, edging out its predecessor, Rome, for world's largest city. The average age of people living in Liverpool is 38 years. Nach 1950 erlebte die Stadt ein Bevölkerungsboom und die Einwohnerzahl stieg damit in 1955 auf 1 … Webseite: Don’t ever compare. Mehmed II also repaired the city's damaged infrastructure, including the whole water system, began to build the Grand Bazaar, and constructed Topkapı Palace, the sultan's official residence. [102][unreliable source?] Sie befindet sich an den Ufern des Bosporus. [321], Air pollution in Turkey is acute in İstanbul with cars, buses and taxis causing frequent urban smog,[325] as it is one of the few European cities without a low-emission zone. Türkei: Einwohner von Istanbul wollen trotz Einsturz-Gefahr nicht ihre Häuser verlassen 17.11.2020 20:36 Uhr Ein Bericht des Istanbul er Statistikamtes zeigte, dass fast ein Viertel der Einwohner Istanbuls nicht dazu bereit ist, ihre Häuser zu verlassen - selbst wenn die Gebäude, in … [318] Once all phases are completed in 2025, the airport will be able to accommodate 200 million passengers a year. Its 3,769,495 inhabitants as of 31 December 2019 make it the most populous city of the European Union, according to population within city limits. The city was founded in 1893 as a transport hub. The Treaty of Lausanne was signed on 24 July 1923, and the occupation of Constantinople ended with the departure of the last forces of the Allies from the city on 4 October 1923. [17] The name is thought to be derived from a personal name, Byzas. [citation needed], Radio broadcasts in Istanbul date back to 1927, when Turkey's first radio transmission came from atop the Central Post Office in Eminönü. The deportation of Armenian intellectuals on 24 April 1915 was among the major events which marked the start of the Armenian Genocide during WWI. [131] The AKP government's decision to replace Taksim Gezi Park with a replica of the Ottoman era Taksim Military Barracks (which was transformed into the Taksim Stadium in 1921, before being demolished in 1940 for building Gezi Park) sparked a series of nationwide protests in 2013 covering a wide range of issues. … Istanbul (/ˌɪstænˈbʊl/ ISS-tan-BUUL,[7][8] also US: /ˈɪstænbʊl/ ISS-tan-buul; Turkish: İstanbul [isˈtanbuɫ] (listen)), formerly Byzantium and Constantinople, is the most populous city in Turkey and the country's economic, cultural and historic center. [270] In later years, in response to increasing public demand, water from various springs was channeled to public fountains, like the Fountain of Ahmed III, by means of supply lines. [15][16], The first known name of the city is Byzantium (Greek: Βυζάντιον, Byzántion), the name given to it at its foundation by Megarean colonists around 660 BCE. Erdoğan, the AKP's presidential candidate, received exactly 50.0% of the vote in the presidential election held on the same day. Along İstiklal Avenue is the Çiçek Pasajı, now home to winehouses (known as meyhanes), pubs, and restaurants. The Armenian community has also dropped, partly caused by the Armenian Genocide, but it has rebounded thanks to recent immigration. [295] It still carries passengers between Karaköy and İstiklal Avenue along a steep 573-meter (1,880 ft) track; a more modern funicular between Taksim Square and Kabataş began running in 2006. [140] The imperial mosques include Fatih Mosque, Bayezid Mosque, Yavuz Selim Mosque, Süleymaniye Mosque, Sultan Ahmed Mosque (the Blue Mosque), and Yeni Mosque, all of which were built at the peak of the Ottoman Empire, in the 16th and 17th centuries. [276] Sultan Abdülmecid I issued Samuel Morse his first official honor for the telegraph in 1847, and construction of the first telegraph line—between Istanbul and Edirne—finished in time to announce the end of the Crimean War in 1856. It never returned to being the world's largest, but remained Europe's largest city from 1500 to 1750, when it was surpassed by London. [211] Movie theaters rapidly cropped up in Beyoğlu, with the greatest concentration of theaters being along the street now known as İstiklal Avenue. Constantinople eventually declined, and it was pillaged after the Fourth Crusade. [154] Representing the Republican People's Party, Ekrem İmamoğlu has been the Mayor of Istanbul since 27 June 2019. [215] Istanbul and its picturesque skyline have also served as a backdrop for several foreign films, including From Russia with Love (1963), Topkapi (1964), The World Is Not Enough (1999), and Mission Istaanbul (2008). Gülhane Park and Yıldız Park were originally included within the grounds of two of Istanbul's palaces—Topkapı Palace and Yıldız Palace—but they were repurposed as public parks in the early decades of the Turkish Republic. [94] Seismologists say the risk of a 7.6-magnitude or greater earthquake striking Istanbul by 2030 is more than 60 percent. The industry has its roots in the former Ottoman capital, where the first Turkish newspaper, Takvim-i Vekayi (Calendar of Affairs), was published in 1831. It is believed that Istanbul has been inhabited since 3000 BCE, although it did not become a city until the Greeks arrived in the 7th century BCE. Istanbul hat mehr Einwohner als Belgien Weekly Arkansas Fishing Report. [citation needed], More recently, Istanbul and many of Turkey's metropolitan cities are following a trend away from the government and their right-wing ideology. Ankara is the capital of Turkey. Restaurants featuring foreign cuisines are mainly concentrated in the Beyoğlu, Beşiktaş, Şişli, and Kadıköy districts. [276][278] GSM cellular networks arrived in Turkey in 1994, with Istanbul among the first cities to receive the service. [15] Istanbul has three major shipping ports—the Port of Haydarpaşa, the Port of Ambarlı, and the Port of Zeytinburnu—as well as several smaller ports and oil terminals along the Bosporus and the Sea of Marmara. This means that eight more countries are included in this year’s index than in the previous year. [93] The northern half of Istanbul has a higher mean elevation compared to the south coast, with locations surpassing 200 meters (660 ft), and some coasts with steep cliffs resembling fjords, especially around the northern end of the Bosphorus, where it opens up to the Black Sea. [210], International rail service from Istanbul launched in 1889, with a line between Bucharest and Istanbul's Sirkeci Terminal, which ultimately became famous as the eastern terminus of the Orient Express from Paris. Along the European side, and close to the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge, is Emirgan Park, which was known as the Kyparades (Cypress Forest) during the Byzantine period. stadtallendorf einwohner 2019. Following the Turkish War of Independence (1919–1922), the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in Ankara abolished the Sultanate on 1 November 1922, and the last Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed VI, was declared persona non-grata. It is also one of the largest agglomerations in Europe and the fifth largest city in the world in terms of population within city limits. Hinta: 9,7 €. Istanbul was occasionally a venue of the F1 Powerboat World Championship, with the last race on the Bosphorus strait on 12–13 August 2000. Inalcik, Halil. [needs update] In recent years, Istanbul's educational system has expanded substantially; from 2000 to 2007, the number of classrooms and teachers nearly doubled and the number of students increased by more than 60 percent. [260] Kanal D and ATV are other stations in Istanbul that offer a mix of news and series; NTV (partnered with U.S. media outlet MSNBC) and Sky Turk—both based in the city—are mainly just known for their news coverage in Turkish. Following occupation, the Turkish War of Independence occurred, and the city became a part of the Republic of Turkey in 1923. It then became the center of the Catholic Latin Empire in the early 1200s. [233] Istanbul has seven basketball teams—Anadolu Efes, Beşiktaş, Darüşşafaka, Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyespor and Büyükçekmece—that play in the premier-level Turkish Basketball Super League. Similar to the MMI, the Istanbul Special Provincial Administration has a governor, a democratically elected decision-making body—the Provincial Parliament—and an appointed Executive Committee. [263] It is one of Turkey's Anatolian High Schools, elite public high schools that place a stronger emphasis on instruction in foreign languages. Istanbul has remained one of the largest cities in the world for most of its long history. The WorldRiskIndex 2019 indicates the disaster risk for 180 countries in the world. [295][296] The Tünel opened in 1875 as the world's second-oldest subterranean rail line (after London's Metropolitan Railway). The Sulukule neighborhood in Istanbul is the oldest Roma settlement in all of Europe. One-fifth of all district council members, including the district mayors, also represent their districts in the Municipal Council. Istanbul is so huge as an area and it has so many topographic diversities that you can experience several different sub-climates in the same city. [15], Istanbul was historically known as a cultural hub, but its cultural scene stagnated after the Turkish Republic shifted its focus toward Ankara. [257] Today, TRT runs four national radio stations; these stations have transmitters across the country so each can reach over 90 percent of the country's population, but only Radio 2 is based in Istanbul. Sep. Presseaussendung des Gouverneurs Ali Yerlikaya İmamoğlu won the vote with 48.77% of the vote, against Yıldırım's 48.61%. Lake maumelle (updated on 7-3-2019) Hatchet Jack's on Crystal Hill (501-758-4948) said that gilthead bream is good for red worms and crickets. Istamboul Pour les articles homonymes, voir Istanbul (homonymie) . These estimates represent the Urban agglomeration of Istanbul, which typically includes Istanbul's population in addition to adjacent suburban areas. [139] Over the next four centuries, the Ottomans made an indelible impression on the skyline of Istanbul, building towering mosques and ornate palaces. [177] Because of events during the 20th century—including the 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey, a 1942 wealth tax, and the 1955 Istanbul riots—the Greek population, originally centered in Fener and Samatya, has decreased substantially. [210][203], The first film screening in Turkey was at Yıldız Palace in 1896, a year after the technology publicly debuted in Paris. The whole city was generally known as Constantinople or under other names. The most densely populated areas are the southwest, west, and northwest of the city center as well as the European side, while the most densely populated district is the Asian side, Uskudar. Origin of the migrants stocks per country. Allendorf entwickelte sich in der Folgezeit zu einer typischen Auf 78,3 km² Fläche leben rund 20.700 Einwohner, davon 16.900 in der Kernstadt. Sources have provided conflicting figures on the area of Istanbul. The Genoese fortifications in Galata were largely demolished in the 19th century, leaving only the Galata Tower, to make way for the northward expansion of the city. [13] As an alpha world city,[14] Istanbul is home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and hosts the headquarters of numerous Turkish companies, accounting for more than thirty percent of the country's economy. [103][107] During these summer months, high temperatures average around 29 °C (84 °F) and rainfall is uncommon; there are only about fifteen days with measurable precipitation between June and August. [143] The city, considered capital of Istanbul Province, is administered by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (MMI), which oversees the 39 districts of the city-province. "Istanbul." [206], By the end of the 19th century, Istanbul had established itself as a regional artistic center, with Turkish, European, and Middle Eastern artists flocking to the city. 47 Jahre später im Jahr 2017 waren es bereits 1510 Ü100-Jährige oder 0,018 % der Gesamtbevölkerung. [196] While the project was still on Turkey’s agenda in 2020, there has not been a clear date set for it. [18] After Constantine the Great made it the new eastern capital of the Roman Empire in 330 CE, the city became widely known as Constantinople, which, as the Latinized form of "Κωνσταντινούπολις" (Konstantinoúpolis), means the "City of Constantine". [321], Sabiha Gökçen International, 45 kilometers (28 mi) southeast of the city center, on the Asian side, was opened in 2001 to relieve Atatürk. Love Is Just A Word, Until Someone Comes Alone, And Gives It Meaning. Small settlements adjacent to major population centers in Turkey, including Istanbul, were merged into their respective primary cities during the early 1980s, resulting in metropolitan municipalities. [53][54], Constantinople began to decline continuously after the end of the reign of Basil II in 1025. Modern scholars have also hypothesized that the name of Byzas was of local Thracian or Illyrian origin and hence predated the Megarean settlement. [267][better source needed][failed verification] Other prominent high schools in the city include Istanbul Lisesi (founded in 1884), Kabataş Erkek Lisesi (founded in 1908)[268] and Kadıköy Anadolu Lisesi (founded in 1955). [205] Much of Turkey's cultural scene had its roots in Istanbul, and by the 1980s and 1990s Istanbul reemerged globally as a city whose cultural significance is not solely based on its past glory. 2. ", Kara Rapor 2020: Hava Kirliliği ve Sağlık Etkileri, Website of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality: Interactive aerial photos from 1946, 1966, 1970, 1982, 2006, 2011 and 2013, Museum of Science and Technology in Islam, Congratulations: 50 Years of the Eurovision Song Contest, "December 2013 address-based calculation of the Turkish Statistical Institute as presented by",, Ancient Greek archaeological sites in Turkey, Archaeological sites in the Marmara Region, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles containing Turkish-language text, Pages using infobox settlement with possible demonym list, Pages using infobox settlement with possible area code list, Pages using infobox settlement with unknown parameters, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles containing Ottoman Turkish (1500-1928)-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2020, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from April 2020, Articles lacking reliable references from November 2020, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from May 2020, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Wikipedia articles scheduled for update tagging, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from December 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2020, Articles lacking reliable references from December 2020, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from August 2020, Articles with failed verification from November 2020, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2019, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with TDVİA identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 December 2020, at 18:50. Istanbul's main bus station is the largest in Europe, with a daily capacity of 15,000 buses and 600,000 passengers, serving destinations as distant as Frankfurt. The Byzantine Empire was restored, albeit weakened, in 1261. [231] Galatasaray SK and Fenerbahçe SK have fared better in international competitions and have won more Süper Lig titles, at 22 and 19 times, respectively. Two long suspension bridges, namely the Bosphorus Bridge (1973) and the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge (1988) link the two parts of the city, as well as connecting the two continents. The pinnacle of Byzantine architecture, and one of Istanbul's most iconic structures, is the Hagia Sophia. nidottu, 2019. Geneva: in 2019 no sample was collected on Sunday, consequently week and weekend means were calculated respectively on six and three days. Nothing of the architecture of the classical Greek period has survived, but Roman architecture has proved to be more durable. Folkmängden uppgick till 13,8 miljoner invånare i slutet av 2012 på en yta av 5 343 kvadratkilometer. The O-2 continues west to Edirne and the O-4 continues east to Ankara. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk became the Republic's first President. For example, Bosphorus Strait and surroundings are dominated by the Mediterranean climate (dry summers and mild and rainy winters) but to the north you can notice a Black Sea climate (mostly rainy). Due to its initial status as Turkey's only club, Beşiktaş occasionally represented the Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic in international sports competitions, earning the right to place the Turkish flag inside its team logo. Since the 1950s, Istanbul's population has increased from 1 million to about 16 million residents. Istanbul verbindet als einzige Stadt der Welt zwei Kontinente (Europa & Asien). The second largest party in Istanbul is the center-left Republican People's Party (CHP), which is also the country's main opposition. Dargestellt sind Netto­zuflüsse (Netto-Investitions­zuflüsse abzüglich Des­investi­tion) von auslän­dischen Investoren in die bericht­erstattende Volks­wirtschaft. [323][324] Atatürk had also experienced rapid growth, as its 20.6 percent rise in passenger traffic between 2011 and 2012 was the highest among the world's top 30 airports.
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