Separate Shower. Uspešno odstranjeno iz primerjave. Knaus Traveller A510 - POV-like test drive in HD Fiat Ducato 150PS Automat KNAUS Sky TI 650 MEG Silver Selection infos Knaus Knaus BoxStar 540 Road 60 Years 2021! Layouts. New models 2021. Kies uw opties Geselecteerd + Aflevering dealer i.p.v. Knaus Boxlife 630 Me Motorhome Review; 23/08/2015 Share this review << Back to search results. Enquire Now Back to Showroom . af. ; prodejce CAMPERVANS.CZ - okres Nový Jičín Here everyone will find their favourite place and enough storage space for all luggage that has to be taken on the journey. Opties. The Knaus Boxlife 630 ME camper van is a robust vehicle design for those looking to hit the open road and maintain optimal comfort at all times. … * In some cases, figures show equipment features that are not standard. Jeho předností je variabilní uspořádání interiéru, kde dominuje velká zadní podélná posuvná postel , pod ní můžete přepravovat velké množství zavazadel, sportovního vybavení apod. Unser Tatschi wurde im Februar 2020 produziert und wird euch diesen Genuß ermöglichen. KNAUS BOXLIFE 630 ME The family's best friend. Umweltplakette. Engine Power (bhp) 130. 2661 DG BERGSCHENHOEK, © 1996 - 2020 is an activity of. Knaus BoxLife 630 ME Vozidlo Knaus BoxLife 630 ME, postavené na podvozku Fiat Ducato Maxi, s nástavbou od německého výrobce Knaus, je určeno pro pohodlné cestování na rodinnou dovolenou. Knaus Boxlife 630 ME (BN4126) £65,452 Delivery miles 2021 4 seatbelts 3 berth Automatic. Width (m) 2.05. Oddaj povpraševanje × CARAVAN.SI - povpraševanje. 2021 Knaus BoxLife 630 ME Nydelig Knaus Box Life 630ME med masse utstyr, og heve/senkeseng bak slik at muligheten for kjempe stor garasjeplass er mulig, samt den nye smidige 9- trinns automatkassen. 2.3TD. All in all, the Boxlife 630 ME fits up to seven sleepy campers at night when choosing all options available with this model and design. PERPIGNAN CAMPING CARS vous présente le nouveau van KNAUS BOXLIFE 630 ME sur Fiat 2.3L 160CV modèle 2021. The Knaus Boxlife 630 ME camper van is a robust vehicle design for those looking to hit the open road and maintain optimal comfort at all times. Exceeds everything that has existed before. Add to Compare. Length (m) 5.99. Caravans-Wohnm Knaus Boxlife 600 ME Modell 2021 Euro6d Temp. Siehe selbst! A la zona posterior de la camper Pilot trobem dos llits bessones amb capacitat per a 2 persones. Entdecke 5 Anzeigen für Knaus boxlife 630 me zu Bestpreisen. 55,990 € I like this car. Knaus Boxlife 630 ME verhuur buscamper 2021 uit 2021 bij Jan Schreur Recreatie te Winkel - Új jármű Lakókocsik és lakóautók Zárt kocsi Ajánlat: Knaus BoxLife 630 ME Automatik, uvm., € 65.888,- Bruttó ár, ban ben 49143 Bissendorf/Osnabrück, Németország Automatic Diesel NA 0 KM. The KNAUS BOXSTAR 630 is a star in camper van heaven. Motorhome Review Knaus Boxdrive 680 Me Campervan; 25/07/2019 Share this review << Back to search results. Deli . Outfitted with a standard bed at the rear section, the vehicle also hides an additional four sleeping areas throughout to sleep a total of seven people at once. 2.3TD. The agile model. Due March 2021. ALBI CAMPING-CARS 321 route de Castres 81990 PUYGOUZON Tél : 05 63 54 75 51 ... KNAUS BOXLIFE 600 MQ FOURGON 2021 4 places carte grise / 5 places couchages 54 902€ | à partir de 345€/mois. 2021 Model Year Hymer; ... 2018 Knaus Boxlife 630 ME Camper Van For Factory Order . 63.590 EUR (Brutto) 54.819 EUR (Netto) 16,00% MwSt. Fijn voor 's nachts! Vozidlo Knaus BoxLife 630 ME, postavené na podvozku Fiat Ducato Maxi, s nástavbou od německého výrobce Knaus, je určeno pro pohodlné cestování na rodinnou dovolenou. 2021 L: 599 cm / B: 205 cm / H: 312 cm / G: 3.500 kg. Just in time for the 60th company anniversary and the 100th birthday of founder Helmut Knaus, we are setting the bar for camping perfection higher than ever before. Model Year : 2019 Class : High top Base Vehicle : Volkswagen Crafter Engine Size : 2.0TD Maximum Weight (Kg) : 3500 Berths : 3 Layout : Fixed Single Bed The Verdict. KNAUS BOXLIFE 630 ME Standard Equipment. Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe cen brez predhodne najave. Key Features. Serienausstattung bestehend aus: Chassis: Fiat Ducato 2,3 l 120 Multijet, Euro 6d-Temp (88 kW/120 PS) Das günstigste Angebot beginnt bei € 41.200. Manual Diesel NA 0 KM. Knaus Boxlife 630. £65,452.00 ... Diesel Gears : Manual Model Year : 2021 … Knaus Boxlife 630 Me Motorhome Review; Back Details for Knaus BoxLife 630. 4. Attribute Value Manufacturer Knaus Class High top Base Vehicle Fiat Ducato Range BoxLife Model Year 2021 Engine Size. 258f3302-22ea-414d-ab7c-806cd8eb50f5 . Furgoneta camper nova Pilote V 630 J de la temporada 2021, en promoció a M3 Caravaning. ... Knaus BoxLife 600 ME 5 Pakete, 3,5 t Inserat online seit 25.11.2020, 11:19. With its variable interior concept, the BOXLIFE 630 is perfectly suited for a relaxing family holiday. Highlights. Manual Diesel NA 0 KM. knaus husbilar 2021. Outfitted with a standard bed at the rear section, the vehicle also hides an additional four sleeping areas throughout to sleep a total of seven people at once. Knaus Boxstar Lifetime 600 ME Modell 2021 Maxi Styling Inserat online seit 30.11.2020, 18:09. Serienausstattung bestehend aus: Chassis: Fiat Ducato 2,3 l 120 Multijet, Euro 6d-Temp (88 kW/120 PS) Knaus Boxlife 630 ME (BN 4124) £61,400 Delivery miles 2021 4 seatbelts 3 berth Manual. Deze buscamper is geschikt voor maximaal 7 personen. Awards. The key to the Boxlife’s flexibility is its design – and the 630 ME floor plan – with much of the camper’s features adjustable, including the one standard rear bed that can raise and lower. Manual Diesel NA 0 … ... modell box star 600 k (family) 600 me (lifetime) 540 mq (road) 600 dq ... 630 me freeway. Dodaj v primerjavo × Primerjava. Utstyrshøydepunkter - Head up display - Fiat ECO pack . Seit 2017 sind wir mit einem KNAUS BOXLIFE glücklich im Landvergnügen unterwegs. Read Free Knaus 630 User Manual KNAUS Knaus 630 User Manual can be taken as skillfully as picked to act. Knaus Boxlife 630 ME (BN4126) £65,452 Delivery miles 2021 4 seatbelts 3 berth Automatic. Optie Prijs Actieprijs; Prijs camper: € 62.283,00: Stap 2. Auto Option (£) Yes. 689cc1a8-6d7a-4e00-95b3-4170a3b02826) ... Model Year 2015 Engine Size. Title Kindle File Format Knaus 630 User Manual Author: Subject: Download Knaus 630 User Manual - KNAUS BOXSTAR – Technical Data Lifetime 2Be 600 Lifetime 600 Solution 600 Freeway 630 Motorization … Belted Seats. T o find out more about our low-cost premiums visit the motorhome insurance discounts page. Knaus Motorhomes. … Belted Seats. EPS integral insulation, poplar plywood and PVC covering, Temperature-controlled intermediate floor in seating group, Furniture construction in full carcase design with dowelling technology, Vertical furniture surfaces with ABS coating, Kitchen worktop and table in seating group in CPL (laminate), Furniture hinges with spring reinforcement, Drawers, hatches and doors flushly fitted in furniture body, Kitchen drawers with soft-close function and ball bearing mounted full extension, Ceiling cabinet hatch with handles, rocker arms and soft-close function, Dinette seat extension through side pull-out (also while driving), Dinette table with free access (floating table), swivelling with table top extension, Two-layer cold foam mattresses with breathable and durable mattress cover, 2-burner cooker with glass cover, separate sink with cover in surface decor of the worktop (Dependency: ABH1848), 90-litre CUV compressor refrigerator with night and silent mode (Dependent on layout), Toilet / shower room with washstand, cassette toilet, sliding mirror and storage compartments, Compact bathroom with patented shower curtain (with air ring): Shower tray with at least 2 drains, Gas regulator version D/AT/ES/FI/BE/IT/NL/DK, Hot water supply with single-lever mixer tap, Water pipes laid with circulating air hose, Electr. Produkt anfragen . Caravans-Wohnm Knaus Boxstar Freeway 630 60 Years Knaus 2021. De boxlife 630 me staat te koop vanaf: 66.372,00,- Opties deze buscamper is uitgerust met de volgende opties: + 200601 campovolo grey 676 + 202132 - "16"" banden " Due March 2021. Berths. 258f3302-22ea-414d-ab7c-806cd8eb50f5. Caravans-Wohnm Knaus Boxlife 600 ME Modell 2021 Euro6d Temp. Highlights - KNAUS BOXLIFE 630. Diesel Automatik Klimaanlage. Base Vehicle Price: £61,400: Options Fitted: 140bhp Engine Upgrade: £718: 9 Speed Auto Gearbox: £3,025: ... Model. Caravans-Wohnm Knaus Boxlife 600 ME Modell 2021 Euro6d Temp. teilen ; Weitere technische Daten. 4. Sommer ist wenn du in Tatschi entscheidest, dein Leben in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Knaus Boxlife 630 ME automatic from 2021 for sale on Furgoneta camperizada amb capacitat per a 4 persones en ruta i 2 persones de nit. Knaus BoxLife 630 ME mit folgender Ausstattung: ~* Media-Paket - Headup Display für...,Knaus BoxLife 630 ME Gebrauchtfahrzeug in Hessen - Maintal Fijn voor 's nachts! From the compact VAN TI to the luxurious SUN I, from the innovative CUV pop‐up roof to the unique L! Standard equipment ; Optional equipment; Packages; Search dealer now; Day. Deutschland - Deutsch Français - Français España - Español Nederland - Nederlands. Knaus Boxlife 630 ME - motorhome review. Alternatives : Adria Twin 640 SLX, Rapido V68, Westfalia Amundsen 640 E La marca número 1 en campers. All rights reserved. Innovations 2021. Caravans-Wohnm Knaus Boxstar Street 600 60 Years Knaus. ft. 600 Street \u0026 630 Freeway! Knaus BoxLife 630 ME / 2021, CHF 76'294.-, Longueur: 636cm, Largeur: 205cm, Vous pouvez trouver plus d'informations de cette annonce sur: New models 2021. KNAUS BOXLIFE 630 ME FOURGON 2021 4 places carte grise / 7 places couchages 55 415€ | à partir … VAN TI NEW. van ti plus 650 meg. Doch jetzt kommt es noch besser: Mitte August holte Landvergnügen-Gründer Ole Schnack das neuste Modell aus der CUV–Serie, nämlich den KNAUS BOXLIFE 630 ME , im bayerischen Jandelsbrunn ab. 53,980 € I like this car. 48.242,- € Grundpreis Knaus BoxLife 600 ME Modell 2021 Polster Casual silber. Main Layout. Add to Compare. The new L!VE I; 60 YEARS special models ; The new SUN I; The new CUV pop-up roof; Trade Fairs & Calendar; mein.KNAUS Club; Awards; Insights; History; MOTORHOMES. 50.972,- € Grundpreis Knaus BoxLife 630 ME Modell 2021 327,- € Polster Active Rock. The vehicle team at Out and About Live bring you in-depth reviews of the latest motorhome releases from all of the main vehicle manufacturers. The BOXLIFE 630 is the perfect companion for those who are always looking for the next adventure – and need maximum storage space in a compact CUV. Base Vehicle Price: £61,400: Options Fitted: 140bhp Engine Upgrade: £718: 9 Speed Auto Gearbox: £3,025: Fiat Eco Pack : £309: Total OTR Price: £65,452 . Vse slike so informativne. History. Photo ID: 4159869 Competence. ... Knaus BoxLife 630 ME / 2021 Motorcaravan (Panelvan) / New. In een handomdraai is het bed naar boven te brengen waardoor er een zee van ruimte ontstaat. Boxlife 630 ME (Freeway) Knaus 2021. od: 58.433,00 € Vse cene so informativne. Berths. 360° * In some cases, figures show equipment features that are not standard. This … Vous trouverez d'autres Knaus Boxlife 630 Me sur notre site Annonces Caravaning ou des Camping Car équivalents 2. VOZIDLO DOPRAVÍME AŽ K VÁM DOMŮ. New and used camper vans at Truck1. Farbe. Si vous choisissez un BOXLIFE, ce sera le meilleur ami de la famille... avec son concept variable, il est parfaitement adapté pour des vacances en famille détendues. Knaus BoxLife 630 ME 2021 Maxi/9 Gang Autom./ Sofort! Price Bracket. Experience the KNAUS innovations for the 2021 model year! Main Layout. Knaus BoxLife 630 ME / 2021, CHF 76'294.-, Länge: 636cm, Breite: 205cm, Sie finden weitere Informationen, Fotos & Kontaktangaben zu diesem Inserat auf: Enquire Now Back to Showroom . 57,980 € I like this car. © 2020 Knaus Tabbert AG. Knaus Sky TI 700 MEG Platinum selection autom. The new KNAUS VAN TI VANSATION | Compact & agile outside. BOXLIFE 630 ME. Fixed Single Bed. Night. sky ti platinum selection 590 mf. Deutschland - Deutsch Français - Français España - Español Nederland - Nederlands. Caravans-Wohnm Knaus Boxstar Freeway 630 60 Years Knaus 2021. 2018 Knaus Boxstar Family 600 Camper Van For Factory Order . Jeho předností je variabilní uspořádání interiéru, kde dominuje velká zadní podélná posuvná postel , pod ní můžete přepravovat velké množství zavazadel, sportovního vybavení apod. … 689cc1a8-6d7a-4e00-95b3-4170a3b02826) 2021 model. Caravans-Wohnm Knaus Boxstar Freeway 630 60 Years Knaus 2021. View Knaus Boxlife 630 ME images from our Knaus Boxlife 630 ME photo gallery. Knaus BoxLife 630 ME 2021 Maxi / 9 Gang Automatik. At 6.36 metres, the BOXLIFE 630 offers enormous versatility and variability. Maximum weight (kg) 3500. Donkere thema-instellingen worden alleen in deze browser onthouden. ... 53,980 € I like this car. VAN TI NEW. Height (m) 2.58. Stav: nové; tachometr 0 km; cena 1 719 000 Kč - K ODBĚRU ÚNOR 2021. Model Year : 2015 Class : High top Base Vehicle : Fiat Ducato Engine Size : 2.3TD Maximum Weight (Kg) : 3500 Berths : 2 Layout : Fixed Single Bed The Verdict. ... 53,980 € I like this car. Probeer het donkere thema. With a high roof, large single beds, an open bathroom and an optional fold‐down bed, it combines the best of all BOXSTAR models with the holiday qualities of a full‐blown motorhome. Inzerát na prodej obytný vůz Knaus Ostatní, Boxlife 630 ME 2021CAMPERVANS.CZ edition. ab999652-bf33-42c9-9977-a794c6f76ae1. If the exterior is a little lacklustre, the Knaus’ interior is smart. Probeer het donkere thema. is the site with the best offer in the Netherlands. New Knaus BoxLife 630 ME camper van for sale, year of production - 2017, price - 54999 EUR. Manual Diesel NA 0 KM. Odpri primerjavo zapri. View Knaus Boxlife 630 ME images from our Knaus Boxlife 630 ME photo gallery. Great inside. Insights. Der KNAUS BOXLIFE 630 ME hat Längsbetten und einen sehr variablen Stauraum. Knaus Boxlife 630; Share this item << Back to search results. Deze compacte camper is ideaal voor lange reizen. Donkere thema-instellingen worden alleen in deze browser onthouden. 2021 L: 599 cm / B: 230 cm / H: 258 cm / G: 2.000 kg. Donker thema . KNAUS BOXLIFE 630 ME The family's best friend . KNAUS BOXLIFE 630 ME Fourgon 2021 . Great inside. Knaus Buscamper - Boxlife 600 ME - 2021. Fijn voor 's nachts! Probeer het donkere thema. Mass of unladen vehicle (basic model with special equipment but without basic equipment) (kg), Mass in running order (basic model without optional equipment but with basic equipment) (kg) (Note: H140), Technically maximum authorised laden mass (kg), Number of persons allowed in driving operation, Automatic three-point belts, height-adjustable, Bed size, rear lifting bed with compact bathroom (cm), Bed size, rear lifting bed with open bathroom (cm), Bed size, rear lateral bunk bed unterneath with compact bathroom (cm), Bed size, rear lateral bunk bed unterneath with open bathroom (cm), Bed size, rear longitudinal lifting beds with compact bathroom (cm), Bed size, rear longitudinal lifting beds with optional open bathroom (cm), Bed size, rear longitudinal bunk bed with compact bathroom (cm), Bed size, rear longitudinal bunk bed with optional open bathroom (cm), Bed size, spare bed on semi-dinette and driver's seat (cm), Fresh water volume in liters (Note: H711A,H712D), Fiat Ducato 3,500 kg; 2.3 l 120 Multijet, front-wheel drive, Euro 6d-Temp (88 kW/120 PS) (Dependency: ABH1770), Original Fiat Captainchair seats with armrests, Car key with remote control for central locking for cab doors, Power windows (driver's and passenger's door), Daytime running light with series headlamps, Technology module with supply installation and devices with easy access, Gas locker for gas bottle reserves 1 x 2,7 kg, Roof hood (lift-tilt) 70 cm x 50 cm with insect screen and blackout, (bow), Roof hood 40 cm x 40 cm with insect screen and blackout, clear (rear), Seitz frame window (S7P) 80 cm x 40 cm, rear right (with sliding door limiter), Seitz frame window (S7P) 80 cm x 40 cm, rear left, Hinged window 28 cm x 30 cm with insect screen and blackout, (toilet room), Polyethylene foam closed-cell and KEFA coating on side walls, Floor plate in sandwich construction incl. New Campervan/Caravan Panel van Offer: Knaus BoxLife 630 ME Automatik, uvm., € 65.888,- Gross price, in 49143 Bissendorf/Osnabrück, Germany mein.KNAUS Club. Anrufen: 05232-8588534 E-Mail schreiben. Details for Knaus BoxLife 600 DQ. In 2021 komt Knaus met drie nieuwe Boxlife buscampers, waaronder de Knaus BoxLife 540 MQ. … V případě koupě Vám bude odečteno 50% ceny nájemného. Knaus Boxlife 630; Share this item << Back to search results. (basic model with special... Standard equipment - Page 2/16. automatic charger for body / vehicle battery, CEE external socket for 230 V with circuit breaker, Board control with digital display for power/water/waste water/battery, LED lighting living area (exception: entrance light + luggage compartment), 230 V SCHUKO sockets "D/AT/ES/FI/BE/IT/NL/DK/SE" version. Bouwjaar: 2021. Ask Us A Question. Manual Diesel NA 0 KM. Base Vehicle Price: £61,400: Options Fitted: Total OTR Price: £61,400 . d'un Knaus Boxlife 630 Me à 58.990 euros sur Saleilles (Pyrenees Orientales - 66). Engine Power (bhp) 120. Length (m) 6.36. Motorhome review: Knaus BoxDrive 680 ME campervan . £65,452.00 Key Features. Knaus BoxLife 630 ME 2 021 Maxi/9 Gang Autom./ Sofort! Neem zijn revolutionaire hefbed. Weg en Bos 1 Größer, schöner und vor allem höher kommt der KNAUS BOXLIFE 630 ME im Landvergnügen–Look daher. Wave 700 RV for 2020 How To Market A Book - what works + what doesn't in 2020 Knaus BoxStar Road campervan review - 2020 model!KNAUS BoxLife 600 MQ ... und Verwandlungskünstler top 5 caravans 2020 Expandable Teardrop Camper Trailer Caravan Triples its Size. Heb je liever een donkere pagina? All of this makes it the perfect companion for all holiday types. To save an advertisement as a favorite, you must first log in. De tal van handige oplossingen maakt de Knaus BoxLife 630 ME 2021 de ideale reisgenoot. Ask Us A Question. Knaus Deseo 400 TR / 2021 Trailer / New. KNAUS BOXLIFE 630 ME FOURGON 2021: ... KNAUS BOXLIFE 600 MQ FOURGON 2021 4 places carte grise / 5 places couchages 54 902€ | à partir de 345€/mois. Knaus Boxlife 630. Highlights; Layout & Data; Interior; Exterior; Variability; Find dealer. a35ad55c-9bc9-40b2-bc7f-fff2eee3f3ae. Key Features. Camper furgoneta nova KNAUS BOXLIFE 630 ME, novetat 2017. Steering Position : Right Hand Fuel : Diesel Gears : Manual Model Year : 2021 Condition : Used Last Updated : 04/12/2020 County : Warwickshire Private / Trade : Trade Miles : N/A Contact Seller. KNAUS BoxStar Freeway 630 | 2021 Knaus Boxlife 600 ME 2021 … No. Camping-car Knaus Boxlife 630 Me neuf publié dans la catégorie Fourgon / Van. 600 mq street. With this BoxLife, the the base vehicle is the longest Ducato van, at 6.36 metres, while, engine-wise, the start point is the 130bhp unit with six-speed manual gearbox. Knaus Boxlife 630 ME machine is stored in your favorites and can now be found on your account! Új jármű Lakókocsik és lakóautók Zárt kocsi Ajánlat: Knaus BoxLife 630 ME Automatik, uvm., € 65.888,- Bruttó ár, ban ben 49143 Bissendorf/Osnabrück, Németország Camper de 6,30m de llargada, amb llit del darrere regulable en alçada de grans dimensions, ideal per carregar bicicletes o molt equipatge. We have equipped the BOXLIFE 630 with everything that defines a real KNAUS CUV so that you don’t have to do without living comfort. Space/Water Heater. Height (m) 2.82. Donkere thema-instellingen worden alleen in deze browser onthouden. With its variable interior concept, the BOXLIFE 630 is perfectly suited for a relaxing family holiday. Manual Diesel NA 0 … is the site with the best offer in the Netherlands. Heb je liever een donkere pagina? VE I 900: For model year 2021 we have worked hard to make our … Kastenwagen Neufahrzeug . 4. Payload (kg) 530. 0km 118kW . Achsen-- Länge-- Breite-- Höhe-- Zulässiges Gesamtgewicht -- Schadstoffklasse. BOXLIFE 630. Payload (kg) 620. Trade Fairs & Calendar. In 2021 komt Knaus met drie nieuwe Boxlife buscampers, waaronder de Knaus BoxLife 600 DQ. KNAUS BOXLIFE 630 ME Caravans-Wohnm Knaus Van Ti 650 MEG Vansation Mod 21. Produkt anfragen . Due March 2021. 2021 ... Knaus BoxStar 600 STREET XL Motorcaravan (Panelvan) / New / Modell 2021. Here we’re also testing the Comfort-Matic gearbox, which I still find far too reticent. Please note the important information, notes and dependencies on the technical data. Anrufen: 05232-8588534 E-Mail schreiben. There’s more information on the BoxLife 630 ME on the Knaus website ( DDV vključen. Extra informatie Knaus BoxLife 630 ME 2021. Knaus Boxlife 630 ME from 2021 for sale on Special edition. Uspešno dodano v primerjavo. Heb je liever een donkere pagina? Auto Option (£) Maximum weight (kg) 3500. Destaca el gran bany 3D de Knaus, que aconsegueix una gran dutxa en un espai petit, a més de wc químic, lavabo i armaris. Width (m) 2.05. The new KNAUS VAN TI VANSATION | Compact & agile outside.
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