Many people who breed purebred dogs say that keeping dog breeds pure is a good thing. Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix is going to be a medium-sized dog or slightly larger than a medium-sized dog. The Labmaraner is a hybrid or mixed breed from breeding together a Weimaraner with a Labrador Retriever. Well, that’s because the … During 1830, labs were imported to Great Britain. It requires plenty of exercise on a daily basis, and is hence suitable for very active families. Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix can be very affectionate and loving towards their owner as they always need interactions and love and care from their own and their family members. Take a look if you’re interested! Weimaraner Lab Mix Dogs như thế nào? She’s really laid back and is good with our chickens, tortoise and other dogs. Neglecting the proper training can make them learn the things that you don’t want them to know like how to open doors and escape. Jūs varat iegādāties šokolādes Lab Weimaraner, Weimaraner Black Lab mix vai dzelteno Lab Weimaraner … His family bred them to be hunters, and gave them their name. Does the dog in your life have a cat in theirs? He is already house broken and Crate trained for night sleeping. We have had him for 6-7 months now and he fits a lot of the descriptions I have been reading here, both in the way he looks, in character and in temperament. They believe in their true love for swimming and playing in the water. So, take a look at the parent breeds before deciding about them. He does love to chase after critters and barks at any person that comes to the house, yet wiggles his butt off when he greets them. First, you should know that a Weimaraner crossed with a Labrador will have qualities of both breeds, but it isn’t easy to predict which ones. So, let’s take a closer look at what you can expect from the Lab and Weim breeds. The Weimaraner Lab Mix of course. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. 7 males available. Thanks in advance. He is crate trained and quite obedient. Did you get him through a breeder? Welcome to our complete guide to the Weimaraner Lab mix! So, you can expect a mix between the two to be the same. Puppy Mills keep their puppies in a small cage and in an unhygienic manner. I agree with Meghan’s comment …we’ve been slightly awed with her intelligence. We do know that they are one of the rarer, newer forms of Lab mix. I did the google search as well. They are not good when they are left alone inside in the home or they are tied outside the home.It is never recommended to walk your dog if they are not properly trained as they can harm strangers and also they can be very aggressive towards them. If you take a quick look at its parents then you can know the exact information that will be almost next to correct about Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix characteristics.So, before we know the Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix s characteristics, we are going to take a quick look at its parents first. Weimaraners will generally grow from 22 to 27 inches tall, weighing from 55 to 88 pounds. Silver Labs are, in essence, chocolate Labs with a “diluted” color gene. Weimaraner comes with a height of 1 foot 6 inches tall at the shoulder 22 43 inches tall at the shoulder. For one thing, Lab/Weimaraner mixes will be big dogs, so they’ll need controlling. Labradors especially are known to be good for families, but Weimaraners are no slouch in this area either. Jedan od novijih hibridnih pasa dostupnih danas je Weimaraner Labrador mix. If you brush their coat against the direction of their growth, then it can make your dog feel pain. 3 days ago. We got Cassidy from rescue. Which is a great combination for training! It is very important to brush their coat outside the home so that their hair won’t get spread all over the house and doesn’t get collected inside. Like any puppy, you should work hard to train and socialize your puppy from the time you bring them home. I hope you are able to find one. Great dog!!! They never do, Always check the insurance paper as well as medical papers to ensure that. The labmaraner inherits some of the personality traits of its Labrador parent, making it a loyal, gentle, and loveable pet. They are also prone to hip and elbow dysplasia, which are developmental abnormalities in the joints. Only energetic when greeting people and other dogs. If you’re happy to bring home a slightly older dog, you could consider getting a Labmaraner rescue. In the 19th century, the Earl of Malmesbury reportedly imported one of these dogs to England. We’ve submitted DNA to find out for sure what breed he is. The English Kennel Club recognized Labradors as a breed in 1903. You can avoid some of the pitfalls of these health issues through thorough testing – before you fall in love with a puppy (we know that’s hard!). Weimaraner Lab Mix Puppy For Sale. If you’d like to delve more into the science of crossing genetic subpopulations and how it might affect dogs, visit this article. Whether your Lab Weimaraner pup takes after mom or dad, you’re going to have a big dog on your hands! Sometimes called the Bullador or French Labrador,… Dat ćemo vam sve informacije kako biste sami odlučili hoće li ova križna pasmina ukrasti vaše srce! Best dog I have ever had!! Appropriate effective grooming is going to create a huge difference in how your dog looks and how much your dog is healthy. We just rescued our little Lab/Weimaraner mix . I had never heard of the breed so I never questioned it before the comment. He is great with most other dogs and even cats, great with kids and older people also. These are the problems that we only learned by looking at their parents.Apart from that, it is very important to adopt a healthy puppy to ensure that your puppy is not going to face any kind of health issue in the future. He was about 9 1/2 months. Apart from that, they can also inherit some serious health issues that might occur in the future with your Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix.As Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix is high energy dogs and designer dog’s they can inherit some genetic health problems as well. He is a chewer (especially socks) and a counter surfer. Don't miss out on the perfect companion to life with a purrfect friend. Always ensure that you are feeding your puppy with a good diet routine that contains only high-quality foods that have only protein-rich ingredients like meats. Make sure that a designer dog’s lifestyle by which we mean Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix lifestyle is not surrounded by lots of outside activities as they are prone to skin diseases and allergy. We rescued him from a local rescue. They Make Great Family Pets and Don’t Require A lot of Training . He is mostly black with a white tux mark on his chest and silvery white bits on his feet (more so on his back feet) and currently weighs 65-70lbs. Plus, many of our pure breeds today may not survive into the future without some hybridization. She is super active and highly intelligent but can also be very stubborn. The friendliness of the Labrador and the obedient, passive nature of the Weimaraner can make for a wonderful family dog. But at least knowing about the parents can give you a hint of what the puppy will be like! For the right family, Weimadors can make a great family pet. This is not a dog for someone who doesn’t have a lot of time for exercise or is a low energy person. A Lab Weim mix will respond best to positive reinforcement. Weimaraner Lab Mix Appearance. I just got one and he’d absolutely beautiful, affectionate and very smsrt…housetrained and full of life…loves attention. Mix Weimaraner Lab je rezultat Weimaraner cross Lab-a. Both types of dog bark when necessary, so expect an occasional barker. See more ideas about weimaraner, black lab, lab mix. Weimaraners come in three colors – blue, gray, and silver gray. We would get another one in an instant. He’s about 18 months old. I too am looking for this mix. We adopted a 8 week old puppy who turned out to be a Weimaraner/lab/golden mix (we did DNA because people kept asking what she was-she’s a gorgeous dog). Designer dogs, like the Weimaraner Lab Mix, are crosses between two purebred dogs. Other conditions that are known to affect Labradors include: When you have your dog’s health screening done, you should make sure to check if hip or elbow dysplasia may be a problem. Labmaraner dog breed information and weimaraner mix puppies animal pet fur golden retriever weimaraner puppies for puppy weimaraner labrador retriever mix weimaraner labrador retriever mix 16 weimaraner mi grey ghost. If you are still looking for this breed go to Camp Jean located in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. Could have a little vizsla in he as well! This does not make them Weimaraners. If we talk about them getting along with children, a Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix can easily get along with children as well as other pet animals if they inherit most of its traits from the chocolate left side.But, if they had its most of its rates from the. He is hands down the smartest dog we have ever had… and we have learned a LOT about keeping food off the counters!!! The life span of a Weimaraner is going to be around 9 years to 15 years on average. Offering the very best in healthy & happy puppies. They can then reduce the risk of inherited problems, such as diseases. White River Kennels is a family owned and operated business of full-time breeders of Weimaraners and Vizslas. Weimaraners have a short coat that doesn’t need much grooming, other than a weekly soft brushing and perhaps the occasional bath. Born November 23, 2016. Purebred chocolate labrador puppies. There are lots of things that you need to learn to keep a Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix healthy all the time. Meet the pup’s parents, ask questions, and get physical proof of health screenings. Training and socialization are good for any puppy, but in these crosses it’s absolutely necessary. This is what the vet told us she was today. Quick to learn? Early socialization is always necessary to keep them from being aggressive towards strangers, kids, and other pet animals. Weim grey in color, longer than lab ears, 75 pounds. There are plenty of dogs that will express the dilute gene in chocolates. There is the potential for a large number of health issues. Labs are generally a healthy breed. The guides above will help you choose the best products for your new family member. Amazon and also the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. I was wondering where did you get your Labmaraner? So without wasting time let’s begin and learn everything from this complete guide of Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix. Are you considering to adopt a Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix in your home, and you think that maybe a Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix will be the perfect fit for the family as well as for your kids as a companion.If you do then maybe this guide will help you to identify and to know if they are going to be a good as a pet or not. The Weimaraner Lab mix is also often known as the Weimador or Labmaraner! If you like the sound of the Vizsla Lab mix but would still like to see what other options are out there, here are a few mixes that are similar: Transylvanian Hound x Vizsla; Labrador x Weimaraner Vizsla x Golden Retriever; Pointer x Labrador; Braque Francais ; Vizsla Lab Mix Rescues. They can weigh around 45 pounds to 85 pounds, depends upon if they are female or male. They can be as tall as 27 inches as an adult; females can be as small as 23 inches. Don’t skimp on this – you’ll thank us for the tip as your Weimaraner Lab pup gets bigger. Amarige First Illusion BISS Weimaraner Club of NSW October 2002, Gr. Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix height, weight, and life span, Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix health issues. Some conditions known to affect Weimaraners include: Additionally, Weimaraners may suffer certain eye problems such as cataracts, dermoids, corneal dystrophy, and distichiasis entropion. Just like the Lab Weimaraner mix, their temperaments and appearances won’t be very predictable. Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix can inherit some minor health problems like skin diseases, hip dysplasia, alleges, excessive shedding, and allergy.They also have the potential to inherit some major health problems like cataracts, breathing problems, eyesight problems, hyperglycemia, and many more. So, it could take you a while to find a Weimaraner Lab mix suitable for your home. the side then they can be very aggressive towards strangers as well as it will be pretty difficult to make them corporate with small children as well as other pet animals.However, with proper training, you can make them follow your command and can easily make them get along with children as well as other pets. Here’s a quick summary of everything we have learned about this unique mixed breed. Weimaraners are just a bit taller and heavier. If a dog breed is prone to certain inherited problems, these problems can be magnified in the next generation of purebreds. Make sure that you brush your coat in the direction of their growth. But, the chance of these can be reduced by choosing a reputable breeder who health tests their puppies, and attending regular veterinary check ups once you bring your pup home. The intelligence level in this breed is one that Is amazing we have had her for over a week and she is crate trained, housebroken, and already has learned several commands. However, Chocolate Lab Weimaraner Mix can be a very good Watchdog while you will be sleeping in your bed at night. It is considered a rare cross, but at the same time, it is one of the most sought after due to its beauty. If you are into jogs, treks, and climbing, then this will be the perfect companion for you. Labradors tend to be between 21.5-24.5 inches tall (male dogs fall on the taller side). I think the Lab or Weimaraner rescues are the best way to go. Chocolate Lab Weimaraner Mix is popular for its height and appearance as well as high alert nature.They can make a great page if they are trained properly because it is very important to channel them constructively. Also, both breeds are active and need exercise to get their energy out. Neither of the parent breeds have long coats. Always remember, each of the Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix puppies going to be slightly different from one another.By which we mean that every puppy has its own traits and every puppy will inherit different physical as well as behavior traits from each of the parent’s side. Training will offer much-needed mental stimulation, but also a little exercise. Labrador Retriever / Weimaraner Mixed Breed Dogs Information and Pictures. He’s leaving for two weeks with a trainer at the end of the month. If you really want to make them follow your command and make them learn how to perform tricks for you then proper training comes very handily. We’ll give you all the information so you can decide for yourself if this cross breed could steal your heart! Adopt Jasmine - Beautiful Weimaraner mix - Duration: 1:26. She’s almost a year now and has been a wonderful addition to our family! Many people give the name “Silver Labradors” to these dogs. They are usually cheaper than puppies, and are past the awkward first training stages. We don’t specifically market to youngsters below 13. Bạn chỉ đơn giản là không thể nói trước mà cha mẹ một hỗn hợp Labrador Weimaraner sẽ ủng hộ. They are lively, intelligent and active dogs much like both parent breeds. Basically, your Weimaraner cross Lab can have any of the attributes of both breeds. Temperament in mixed breeds is just like appearance – impossible to predict! Only by its name, you can easily guess what a Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix color will be in. Weimaraner Vorstehhund, Weim, Grey Ghost : Labrador, Lab : Hungarian Vizsla, Magyar Vizsla, Hungarian Pointer, Hungarian Short-Haired Pointer, Rövidszőrű Magyar Vizsla : Breed Type : Purebred : Purebred : Purebred : AKC Group : Recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1943 as a Sporting breed. Today, they’re America’s most popular dog. It is also known as a Labmaraner. Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix height, weight, and life span. Although it’s hard to know exactly what you’re going to get from the combination of a Lab and a Weimaraner, this cross generally produces dogs with a short, flat coat and floppy ears. How to find a puppy and raise a happy, healthy dog. Ours is high energy 6 month old great with other dogs loves to play and is a in and out dog, he was house trained in the first week and has learned to sit first, he likes to grab your hands but does not bite down hard he likes to sleep on the bed which we don’t mind I think the breeder has kids that let him do this. I have had Golden Retrievers my whole life and i was dumbfounded how intelligent my Weimaraner/Lab was and how fast he learned. But looking at the parent breeds can give us a better idea. He’s a 5 1/2 month sweet pup. I’m looking for a lab weimaraner mix puppy any suggestions! Only complaint, she is a Barker. But, this isn’t a hugely common mixed breed. Best Dog Food for Weimaraner Dog Breed: Here is a list of the best dog food for Weimaraner Dog Breed. Adunk neked minden információt, így eldöntheted magad, hogy ez a keresztfajt el tudja-e lopni a szívedet! A Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix is also vulnerable to some minor health problems like allergy and skin diseases.Chocolate Lab Mixed With Weimaraner also has the potential to develop some serious health problems by inheriting the major problems from its parent’s genetics. This breed of dogs originated through the mix between a Weimaraner and a Labrador Retriever in the United States. But they are genetically prone to obesity, vision problems, and certain types of cancers. I have had my Weimaraner/Lab mix for about a year now. There’s one thing we know, though – we should be most concerned about the welfare of individual dogs, whether they are mixed breeds or from pedigreed lines. I just saw this site, we have a 5month old, which we have had for 3 months. Apart from that, it is also very critical to make the grooming experience fun and. Never feed your dog your leftover food of the kitchen as they can be harmful to your dog, especially designer dogs like this one. An active Labrador x Weimaraner is a happy one. Well thanks to this site and learning about Silver Labs I”m sold!! Temora, Canberra. As soon as I saw him I knew he would be coming home with us and we have been inseparable since. Where are you sending him for training? Would you be willing to give me their info. A Labmaraner dog may be a mix, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will avoid the health issues the parent breeds may experience. Mostly lazy at home. It is also necessary to train them and to exercise them regularly to keep their high energy to a minimum.It is very important to drain their energy every single day so that you can keep them from being destructive at your home in your absence or in your presence while you will be busy. But they are also genetically prone to certain conditions, including hip and elbow dysplasia. Do Weimaraner Lab mixes make good family pets? Well, first, a dog is a dog is a dog. The Weimaraner Lab Mix, is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Weimaraner and the Labrador Retriever. Apart from that, if you urgently need a good watchdog that can keep an eye on your home while you be sleepy in your home then maybe Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix is what you need because they are very good at keeping me and protecting their territory.However, if you are adopting a Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix for a senior citizen then maybe it is not the right pet for you. Some are popular, some not so much. Their lots of grooming practices that you need to do and there are some points that need you to need to avoid if you want your Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix to be healthy all the time.Apart from that, it is also very important to feed the right diet routine, along with it, it is also critical to know what is harmful to your dog and what is healthy. Their teeth should also be brushed. Weimaraner Lab Mix Your Guide To The Labmaraner Cross BreedLabmaraner Lab And Weimaraner Mix This Is What My CharlieWeimaraner Lab Mix Your Guide To The […] His diet should be enriched of nutrients so it can get the best out of it. As you can see, some of these conditions are similar to what the Labrador Retriever has, which makes it possible that your hybrid will inherit health problems. Don’t forget to tap into your personal networks to find a Lab Weimaraner mixed breed dog. They are not good with other pet animals as they can be very aggressive towards another animal especially cats and foxes. Also ask questions about their temperament, including how well socialized they are different types of people, animals, and things. How to take care of a Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix? Silver Labmaraner puppies. The best way to train a Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix is by rewarding them high-value treats each time they do well. This is true for all hybrid dogs. Report Ad. Originally, they were bred as big-game dogs, but shifting hunting priorities turned the breed into a sought-after bird dog. By looking at its parents, we can predict these health issues in a Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix. What is the Ideal Diet for Weimaraner Dogs: One must pay close attention and care when it comes to getting the best out your Weimaraner. For a complete rundown of Silver Labs and the controversy surrounding them, visit our article on the topic. Fortunately, they’re definitely eager to please, so your mixed breed dog will be easy to train, good with children, and good with dogs if they’ve been socialized well. Mine, while still in puppy stage, has tried to kill chickens, cats and most of my wardrobe. She is still under 4 months old but very obedient!! Remember, these are the diseases that we have guessed by looking at its parents Genetics.It is not confirmed that a Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix is going to face the same health concerns that have been discussed over here. The most important factor of proper grooming is brushing their coat. What could possibly go wrong when you … Mother is AKC Silver Lab, father purebred Silver Weimaraner. We spent hours and hours researching the health concerns that can occur in a Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix and after taking a quick look at its parent’s health issues, we managed to get some space of information that is totally based on its parent’s genetic health problems.We have discussed some health problems that occurred in a Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix in time if they inherit most of its traits from its parents. Your email address will not be published. Goldador is a combination of Golden Retriever and Labrador. Every single hybrid/designer dog that has been bred to date comes with some genetic health problems which we will discuss in this article. Never bath your Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix more than once a month as bathing a dog frequently can make their skin look dry. Weimaraner Labrador Mix Training And Care. Most likely, a mix will be friendly and sweet. Labmaraners are rarer than many hybrids, but you’ll still be able to find breeders online. But breeding of animals that are similar genetically can lead to problems, too. The Labmaraner is a hybrid breed and is a mix between a Labrador Retriever and a Weimaraner. Goldador. Choose an appropriate puppy food that is right for their size and age. If they come with the medium size hair then i, If you experience lots of shedding going on with your dog then maybe your dog is suffering from health concern which is excessive shedding, so it is recommended to, If you live in a hot temperate climate, then the shedding is going to be very heavy so you will need to. They don’t need to worry about their safety because they have a powerful protector at hand! Amarige Walk the Line BISS Victorian Weimaraner Club September 2008, Cash was only 15 months of age when he took out Best in Show in Victoria. Golden Labrador. Very young puppies don’t need much in the way of formal exercise. Both parent breeds are active, energetic dogs. Here is a list of rescues for the parent breeds. We have recently adopted a Labmaraner. The two parent breeds are similar, but very distinct dogs. If you’re unsure how to strike the right balance, the best person to speak to is your vet.