I knocked him out in a fight and stole his hat. After tossing him into the pig pen out back I guess someone saw and the lawman came looking and I hid until it was clear. In order to purchase these items you will need to bring the Trapper the right set of ingredients for the job. Tommy vs Jon The Drunk Trapper Bar Fight Valentine Saloon - Duration: 3:09. cad5150 4,686 views. I had this happen on my own hat, and the gunsmith was missing. 1:56. Red Dead Redemption 2 features a Trapper that you meet in Saint Denis and a few other locations in Rockstar's open world. They're marked on the map as "Trapper". Red Dead Redemption 2 is filled with secrets both easy and hard to find. I've played a while now, but I haven't seen the Trapper anywhere yet. I got a similar notification when killing and skinning the legendary bear. General Store, Hotel, Saloon and Gunsmith are in good walking distance. Random Encounters refer to events and characters the player can come across while roaming the map. Reinforced Equipment is gear that Arthur can wear to carry more weapons and ammo on his person at a single time.. Archived. It was opened only recently before 1899, and quickly became the most popular in town, surpassing the smaller and run-down Keane's Saloon across the street. A little-known group of actors have voiced and motion captured one of the most immersive narratives ever told Flatneck Station. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in America’s unforgiving heartland. User account menu. Of course he's immortal smh. After I completed some challenges, I got a notification that I unlocked a new item at the Trapper. Habt ihr Agnes getroffen, müsst ihr außerdem 48 Stunden (Ingame-Zeit wohlgemerkt) warten, bevor ihr sie überhaupt wieder sehen könnt. He doesn’t have a hat now when he appears, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the reddeadredemption community. Classic! Trapper locations can be found across the world of Red Dead Redemption 2, with the hunting-focused merchant appearing in both a major town and a few spots out in the wilderness. 1 History 1.1 Background 1.2 Events of Red Dead Redemption 2 2 Character 2.1 Personality 2.2 Appearance 3 Quotes 4 Missable Items 5 Gallery 6 Trivia 7 Navigation Jon hunted Indians at some point in his past. Hahahaha i am so glad it wasn't only me!!! He drinks in the saloon almost every night in Valentine. Reddit community for discussing and sharing content relating to Red Dead Redemption 2 & Red Dead Online. Where do you find the trappers? It went away eventually but he had blood around his mouth after that... Undead trapper? level 2. With such a huge map, it made sense for Rockstar Games to let players branch off from the main Story Missions in search of all the wonders the game has to offer. I got a girl in Valentine, likes to drink that fancy wine. It’s a cook skin hat. Barber, gunsmith, good food, poker, hotel and bath, stable, doctor, butcher, 2 bars (i go to keanes saloon when i don’t want the excitement of smithfields). Methods of enter found by edepot. Cons. Außerdem ist Agnes auch abgesehen davon nicht zu jedem Zeitpunkt der Story sichtbar. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 2. Hat can be taken as a permanent collectible, found under stolen in wardrobe. Press J to jump to the feed. The Trapper is a special vendor that can craft customized items for Arthur Morgan. 100 Funny Ways to Die: Red Dead Redemption 2 (part 1) - Duration: 9:43. mans1ay3r Recommended for you. Rhodes you won't go to until much later, but you can travel there as soon as you get control of your character in Chapter 2. There is a drunken trapper in the main saloon in valentine, I can't talk to him- just hear him ramble and yell at everyone. A subreddit for Rockstar's critically acclaimed open-world Western game Red Dead Redemption, its prequel Red Dead Redemption 2, and its online multiplayer Red Dead Online. Press J to jump to the feed. it also has a nice working atmosphere in the day, and it is just as alive at night. The main trapper in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be found in Saint Denis, the game world’s big city. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Nice view of the mountains. The accidental shot to the heart. He massacred those he encountered, and even claims to have eaten the heart of one. I’ve had to fight him 3-4 times, and he’s HYSTERICAL. The visit will end with a fist-fight. Alle Trapper in Red Dead Redemption 2 - Trapper Locations | RDR2 Trapper. Valentine is a small livestock town, a short ride away from the Horseshoe Overlook camp; the first camp the gang makes after their exodus from the frigid mountains.Several suppliers and businesses can be found within the town including two saloons, a butcher, a doctor, a general store, a gunsmith, a newspaper stand, and a hotel.The northern section of Valentine contains the main street with most of the buildings and businesses. Ihr könnt ihr in den folgenden Kapiteln von Red Dead Redemption 2 … Horseman 3: Ride from Valentine to Rhodes in less than five minutes; Valentine should hopefully be easy enough for you to find since it is the very first town you'll be visiting this game. Trapper in valentine. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I think he comes back if killed but not sure. RDR2 Valentine 1v1 Fight Raccoon Hat - Duration: 1:56. Everyone is an asshole. This guide is for those who, inspired by Robin Hood, prefer to … Posted by 1 year ago. Figure I would tag it as a spoiler just in case.... Did anyone have the random encounter with a female "worker" outside of the Valentine saloon that asks you to dispose of a John's body upstairs in a room? The first thing you have to know is the fact when robbing the Valentine Doctor you cannot gain entry to the back by force as the metal door won’t open no … Smithfield's Saloon is a large saloon very popular within Valentine and one of the most prominent in the state of New Hanover. Save your game, and actually close the application. Red Dead Redemption 2 - How To Get a Free Racoon Hat / Fighting The Drunk Guy in The Valentine Saloon #RDR2 #RedDeadRedemption2 #RedDeadRedemption. You can identify these hats by their unique glow once they fall onto the ground. In my game Dutch got shot in the head in Valentine and since Valentine he's been rocking a bullet hole in his hat right around his forehead. How to unlock: Meet with Javier Escuella in the saloon in Valentine. Best Answer. valentine is by far my favorite town and where i spend 90% of my time, it has all the things i use. If you look at the map and pull up the index you can toggle down to trapper and it will show the location. Loading the game fresh fixed everything. Where exactly can I find him? Valentine Pros – Mickey I guess. At various places in the game, someone called "the Trapper" is mentioned. Red Dead Redemption allows you to manage your reputation (to a certain extent, of course). There is a drunken trapper in the main saloon in valentine, I can't talk to him- just hear him ramble and yell at everyone.My question is... can I kill him & take his hat? r/RDR2: Reddit community for discussing and sharing content relating to Red Dead Redemption 2 & Red Dead Online. When you load your save it will probably be fixed. Your goal is to defeat a few people, including Tommy. I have yet to run into one. The Valentine doctor is a special case and this guide will show you how to rob the Valentine Doctor in Red Dead Redemption 2. The trapper has a camp near the north-west border of West Elizabeth. If players are out in the wilderness, though, the Trapper can be found in four other locations around Red Dead Redemption 2's open world: west of Big Valley and north of Owanjila lake; east of Riggs Station in West Elizabeth (before Bard's Crossing); southwest of Annesburg, near Elysian Pool; and southwest of Manzanita Post, near the end of the Lower Montana River. Ninjajuicer. If you look at the map and pull up the index you can toggle down to trapper and it will show the location. Walkthrough: Watch the cut-scene that shows the meeting in the saloon. Close. Red Dead Redemption 2 Strangers are side-quests that run alongside the main storyline, and often pave the way to even more activities in the game's vast … J Did 1,328 views. Our Trapper locations guide explains where to find the Trapper’s stalls across Red Dead Redemptions 2’s map, what he sells and how he works. If you down game with the pelts in good condition, they'll fetch a high price at the Trapper where you can sell all your animal-related goods. This guide will show players the Trapper locations all across the Red Dead Redemption 2 map, helping … He’s a Canadian and he knew what he was in for moving to the US, so he permanently wears armor under his shirt. Also if I can, can someone confirm if I can save the hat :-), Yes and yes, he is immortal though so he will rise from his grave eventually ( I like shanking him in town and doing it in a way no one notices ). Ah yes. West Elizabeth Trapper Location. Red Dead Redemption 2 cast: Meet the voice actors behind the band of outlaws. Jon is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. Trapper locations in Red Dead Redemption 2. Last update: Nov 11, 2020 1 answer. Same. Collecting hats and masks is one such activity. Old ass immortal drunk lad roasts you when you just want to get a haircut and a drink. Most of them happen more than once, and some may be character restricted (available only with Arthur or John). Poker can be played in the Saloon of Valentine. The game's vast and atmospheric world also provides the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience. Early Schofield. As a result, it is always lively - at day and night - and has a wealth of amenities. I plan on staking him out until he's somewhere alone lmao. Question. For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Trapper reinforced equipment questions". The easiest way to find him is the bring up your map, select index, then narrow it down the trapper. RDR2: Americans At Rest ... During this mission you have to visit a saloon. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 2. Trapper in valentine. Smithfield's is popular with local farmhands, cowboys and traders loo… New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. there isn’t a better selection in any of the towns. Well the hat shall be mine soon. The Trapper is a special merchant in Red Dead Redemption 2 that deals in pelts, carcasses and anything hunting related really. Hunting is a great way to earn some cash in Red Dead Redemption 2. He’ll be the one that doesn’t shut up, covered in fur, sometimes walks away from the bar and passes out at a table. Meet the guy making noises behind locked door in Valentine Hotel from game Red Dead Redemption 2. Question. He's so annoying.