The cover and layout options available were enough for my project but some might find them too limited. I ordered a 52 page photo book with an acrylic cover, black binding and glossy paper. Das Panoramafotobuch von Saal (Testsieger 2012 in der Kategorie Echtfotobuch A4 Hardcover) glänzt mit brillanten Fotos, herrlich griffigem Fotopapier und einer exzellenten Leporellobindung, die eine ungetrübte Aufsicht auf die großflächigen Fotos im Buch ermöglicht. Saal Digital have an easy payment system that includes Payal. Die Fotograf*innen dafür werden von uns ausgesucht. ò o! ì ’ . ’ ( ) ù à . p ’à ì . CEWE books, Whitewall, Saal Digital, Milk Books. I am impressed! If so, please advise, and I will send the original source file. magenta/sepia cast in grey scale area. I used indesign and the templates on offer in the 'professional zone' to create it and had many delays and a few questions. Of course some of this will depend on how good you are at laying out your photos. You will receive a completely neutral photo product. I would say that you should be prepared to put the work into the creation of the album, and if you do, then great results are possible.Note I used the photos from a professional wedding photographer in creating the album.Overall recommended, and would use agin. Did test print for Hair and Makeup works with saal digital recently, absolutely inlove with my professional line photobook with arcylic cover. However it is understandable that doing this would be time consuming for the company. 02/03/2020 Museum Grade Fine Art Photographic Prints from the UK by MistyCities . Saal Digital Fotobog Tutorial. So I got two pictures printed before I got back because I want to always remember my trip and the feeling I had when I saw the mountains. The quality really exceeded my expectations. I ordered the Pro Line photo book with white leather and Matte pages. Zum Zeitpunkt der Erstellung meines Fotobuches gab es eine zeitlich limitierte Aktion (wurde inzwischen verlängert) für das 28 x 28 cm Format. 100%. Xpozer. I ordered the Professional line photobook. I was kept very well updated throughout the process of production and delivery which is very important when it comes to expensive products. This is the first professional photo book I ever ordered so I can't compare it with other products, but I am really happy with it. Dank Saal Digital ist uns dies nun möglich geworden: In dieser sowie den kommenden kwerboxen stellt Saal Digital je einen Fine-Art-Druck zur Verfügung. Und zwar identisch! Sign up for our newsletter and receive regular updates on Saal Digital offers, new products and professional information. Leather bound and acrylic fronted. I was worried about colour shifting from screen to print but i am happy to say it was acurate and detailed. Saal Digital is a European photo printing service. You will receive your highly anticipated photo product as quickly as possible. Erfahre aus erster Hand, ob Saal Digital Fotoservice als Arbeitgeber zu dir passt. At Saal Digital you can order in comfort, because your satisfaction is a central part of our company's philosophy. Russ Tierney. Run a test print. Fehlermeldung in der Software Fehlermeldung in der Software Installieren Sie erneut die Software. 24. Ability to submit the order from the program is nice too.Book came well packaged so no issues whatsoever there. Online wird eine Produktionszeit von 1 bis 2 Werktagen und eine ebenso lange Versandzeit angegeben. 26th September 2020, 02:55 PM #9. Auf der Website stehen auch Farbprofile für die verwendeten Papiere zum Download. Der Fotoservice Saal Digital bezeichnet sich selbst als modernen Online-Anbieter von hochwertig belichteten und gedruckten Fotoprodukten. 21. The acrylic front cover is a unique offer which suited my photography style and brought out the light in the shot. This is a $100 for a new unit (bonus). Now when I know what I can get if I pay a little more I probably will order from this Website again since they keep their promise of delivering great quality photo books. The acrylic front cover is a unique offer which suited my photography style and brought out the light in the shot. 19. Non-existent customer care. Wir nehmen keinerlei Veränderungen oder ungewünschte "Optimierungen" an Ihren Dateien vor. Snapfish. Would i use again? Printing Can you print double-sided? The paper is high quality, the colours came out with all the depth they had in my mind. Kind regards, Saal Digital. Edit: For some reason when I click on "thumbs up" for useful posts nothing happens. The folded cards are designed to fold out to the left. You can also choose our express shipping option for an even faster delivery. The turn over time is very prompt arrived before estimated delivery time. Personalize now. Traffic Rank: Daily Visitors: Daily Page Views: Daily Ads Revenue: Net Worth: 246096 : 1,100 Min: 660 Max: 1,650 10/10 for quality. It is an expensive but very good quality album. Thank you Saal! We want you to be happy with your products. This a nightmare, not a service! DIGITAL IMAGE MANIPULATION / Assignment Progress / Term 3, Week 12. Nach kurzer Zeit erhielt ich einen 70 Euro Gutschein für ein Fotobuch meiner Wahl und einen 50 Euro Gutschein zum Verlosen. 28. Well, this is what I call quality and I am picky! It all looks really good, the layout software they provided was a bit confusing to use at first (on account on having a lot of options and being pretty customizable) but it worked everything out and the results are great.I'm not a professional photographer, but I could definitely see myself using their services if I were. stell dein bildschiram darauf ein. I have recently taken part in promotional offer and received £100 voucher towards Professional Line photo album. I chose the slate wood finish with acrylic cover, and that really gave the book a unique look and feel. I was advised that my order had not been completely uploaded and it needed to be uploaded after the payment . Testergebnis. Nowadays we are working with major names in the Publishing, Culture, Education and Sports companies worldwide and providing person-to-person service to make this transformation journey through digital, easier and enjoyable. Nuestro objetivo es que todos nuestros clientes queden completamente satisfechos. Ich habe den Softwaredownload ausgewählt und nach der Bestätigung des Downloads die Installation der Software durchgeführt. I chose 30x30 professional line photo album with leather back and acrylic cover. I am including scans of two images to illustrate my problem.. one was printed grey scale, the other in colour - both on glossy paper with the glossy paper settings. Do you print digital artworks (i.e. Finden Sie hier Informationen wie Sie Ihre Daten anliefern. 17. Zum Sortiment zählen Fotobücher, Fotoabzüge, Poster, Fotokalender, Karten, Wandbilder sowie Fotogeschenke. So kann man anhand des Bildes was man in der Hand hat und der Anzeige am Bildschirm vergleichen, ob man am Bildschirm das gleiche sieht wie auf dem Ausdruck. I found it very confusing as I wasn't redirected to upload the project I had already designed and order number with the info that the payment was successful was clear indication that my order was placed. Get your parts into production in less than 5 minutes. In the last 12 months 818 customer reviews on the topic Photo Book were written with mostly very good ratings and on average 5.0 from 1 to max. I took advantage of the discount offer and downloaded the software on both my iPad and PC. The price varies by the number of pages and in truth I spent more than the voucher price so my album came out at around £130 before discount.The next step was to choose cover styles and binding, again the range was surprisingly good and I went for an acrylic cover with white leather binding. Outline and powerpoint 4 slides Develop a content outline. Auf der Internetseite von Saal Digital könnt ihr euch auch eine Testdatei downloaden und einen Testprint bestellen. Saal-Digital 10 Punkte 24h-Fotoservice 10 Punkte Bilder-Planet 10 Punkte Pixelnet 9 Punkte Schärfe (& Kontrast?) Hi all Id like to print some pictures with Saal Digital and i downloaded the ICC profile and think my monitor is well calibrated. At Saal Digital you can order in comfort, because your satisfaction is a central part of our company's philosophy. Great product, a bit pricey, but worth it. I have just opened an outlet for "open edition" prints on Etsy. Den bestätigte das Unternehmen in unserem Test: Die Software hat viele Möglichkeiten (wenn sie auch etwas übersichtlicher sein könnte), die Lieferung war ausgesprochen schnell und die Qualität gut. So satisfied! Saal Digital photo book review Introduction. Discover our photobooks now with the £15 voucher, Become familiar with our FineArt surfaces using the £15 voucher. Permanent Redirect 301: 25. Other than this, the software is fantastic, it even tells you what quality level your images are (enabling you to amend the file size and quality should you need to). Also war die Entscheidung schnell gefallen. Saal Digital trumpft mit besonders kurzen Produktions- und Lieferzeiten auf und behauptet auch auf diesem Gebiet seine Stellung als Premium-Produkt. The software is very intuitive and easy to use. Saal Digital Photobook Tutorial. The quality really exceeded my expectations. The software is easy to use once you have watched the tutorials and played around with the different options. It is imperative to us that you are completely satisfied. If I had not been lucky enough to get to try their proffessional line for free I would have bought a less expensive photo book from them since I heard their other products are good too. I opened two tickets, never had a reply in almost 3 days. Visit us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest information. 26. September 21, 2016 September 22, 2016 Posted in Image Manipulation Tagged term 3 Leave a comment (Test print image will be posted) I did some more adjustments to the poster to make some elements look more believable – especially that panther on the tree trunk. Finden Sie hier Informationen wie Sie Ihre Daten anliefern. So haben wir die Möglichkeit, Fotografien aus der digitalen Welt direkt in Euer Wohnzimmer zu bringen. It took a week for my order to arrive which is really great. One of my images is a little dark (again totally my fault as I had uploaded an image that I thought I had lightened), a great addition would be for any images like this to be reviewed and the customer asked if they would like to make any amendments. This way, you receive a completely neutral product without the distraction of any logos. Cheaper options, if you don;t want to splurge for premium print are : MixBook, BonusPrint, Snapfish, Photobox, Chatbooks. Will definitely buy my next albums there. I ordered a Pro Line Photo book, with black leather and high quality matte paper for an authentic natural finish. They offer high-quality print services for photo books, wall decors, greeting cards, calendars, booklets and fine art prints. Printing Memories, Saal Digital [Product Test] June 16, 2017 I think printing pictures are very important in a trip like the one I had. The inside of the photo book is just as great as the outside. The quality is really good - the cover, the thickness of the pages and the binding looks and feels like it's top quality. Saal Digital - photobooks, photo calendars, photo prints and much more - professional photo products in high-end quality. The paper quality feels nice, glossy and thick. The software Used to create the book downloaded quickly and was easy and efficient to use along with offering guidance on the quality of photos I was adding to the template. i'm not actually sure) cover looks solid, and the pages are thick. 23. I would be glad to pay full price if I would give this kind of book as a present or make one with your wedding photos or to make a portfolio of your work. Auf der Startseite von erscheint die Übersichtsseite zu den verfügbaren Fotoprodukten, die Saal anbietet. Ich habe vor ein paar Tagen den Support von Saal Digital angeschrieben und gefragt, ob wir auch dieses Jahr eine kleine Kooperation eingehen können. Saal-Digital: … Are you already following us on social media? Im Test dauerte es nur 2 … Walgreens Photo. The quality of the photos are amazing! Wir nehmen keinerlei Veränderungen oder ungewünschte "Optimierungen" an Ihren Dateien vor. Um ein bestmögliches Ergebnis zu erhalten, sollten Sie Ihren Monitor kalibrieren. Overall, I'm very impressed with the quality of the photobook. Above all the book came in really fast after ordering. I am very pleased to hear that everything worked out well and that you are satisfied . Which online photo printing is best quality? The quality of the photo albums from Saal Digital is amazing!! Knowing the size of paperback & hardcover books. I ordered a photobook on the Italian website on November 25th, they charged the card instantly (55€) but I received no email. At Saal Digital you can order in comfort, because your satisfaction is a central part of our company's philosophy. After this you went on to choose a design for the album, good amount of choice and I am sure that this will increase over time.So by this stage you can design your album, and the designer which looks complicated at first offers a lot of choices and control over the layout of the photos. Ready for delivery in 1-2 working days. I ordered the Professional line photobook and the quality was absolutely amazing. Original Photo Prints From The Lab For Pros: Choose From 9 Premium Papers! I was in contact with someone at Saal throughout who responded promptly and personally to my messages, this was hugely helpful and appreciated.The cost of the book is higher than I was originally planning on spending, but I will be making more books with them as I had an excellent experience and am very pleased with the quality of the final book.I only need to raise the level of my photography. Z toho důvodu nabízí Saal Digital záruku spokojenosti. The front cover was fabulous - a solid cover - quite like a coaster, which is fully wipeable without damaging the front cover. A great addition to the service would be if you were able to make changes after making the order. My local parts stores wanted $200 bucs for a rebuilt alternator. High-end photo products with brilliant quality - because that's what we stand for at Saal Digital. We want you to be happy with your products. @Saal-Digital bietet Fotobücher unterschiedlichster Formate an. In the end I used the PC version simply for ease of access to my photos. Definitely coming back for the perfect service of Saal Digital and the amazing quality, 100% would recommend. Thank you. Was leider etwas säuerlich aufgestoßen ist, dass trotz der wirklich schnellen Lieferung das Buch starke und unübersehbare Fehler aufwies. In the screenshot below we can see how professional looking their software really is and in latter examples too. These digital sketches are so different than what I sketched out on paper, with the exception of the imagery of an opening (to give the inside and outside dimension on the poster). You can’t imagine how many pictures I took, I have like 1To and more of pictures and videos. PRINTER TEST PAGE PRINTER TEST PAGE PRINTER TEST PAGE PRINTER TEST PAGE PRINTER TEST PAGE PRINTER TEST PAGE PRINTER TEST PAGE PRINTER TEST PAGE - 8.5 X 14 Thank you for using the Printer Test Page for Stevens-Ness To do so i had to download there app to design the book. They have a lot of options and all are very clear. 6. The service is great, quickly received it after ordering this beautiful book. Leichter Punktabzug in der Schärfe, da ein 13*17-Foto nicht ganz mit dem Saal-Pendant mithalten konnte. Your inquiries or problems will be directly sent to and replied by our general manager. Much to my pleasant suprise the experience and the product its self was superb. I went for a non-glossy finish as I wanted a professional natural photo book. Saak Digital is a smart software development company, highly specialised in education and culture sectors with almost 20 years of experience. 1 Light (R1 200) from Abode. If you're still in doubt, I promise you, you'll be very happy choosing for Saal. Came with a test print out to show new alternator was operating as normal. Bitte laden Sie sich die aktuelle Version von unserer Software herunter und installieren diese erneut. © 2020 Trustpilot, Inc. All rights reserved. Stop by and be inspired! Transparency is important to us: At Saal Digital, you receive all of your products directly from the manufacturer. The print quality of the deposited material is a function of mask clearance from the substrate, squeegee Fig. The throughput rate (set-up, test print for alignment purposes, alignment, and print) is approximately 5 min per wafer; this is independent of the number of sensor die on the wafer. The range of products is good but my intent was to produce a Wedding album for my wife as it was our 10 year anniversary.Overall I counted 13 different sizes 5 of which were on extra thick paper (which I chose). I did it for myself and paid only a fraction of the price. Therefore, we take not only the products, but also you and your feedback very seriously. In particular, I was hoping someone here could test print a sample photo on their ET-2550 printer for comparison? With us, your pictures are in the best hands! 18. And on the inside? The process was quick and easy. I picked the glossy photo paper option. My wife was delighted with it when I showed her the album on our anniversary. From prototypes to end parts. Although it had several nice templates, I was happy that it gave me the ability to be as creative as I wanted. The basic process is to choose the product you want, ranging from photo albums of several sizes and styles to pictures, posters, calendars and more. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und kann Saal-Digital empfehlen. Even if you're stuck at home you can do a little still life photography and experiment. Zusätzlich gibt es zwei Bereiche, die den Softwaredownload der Saal Design Software anbieten. Easy to choose layout and arrange photo's using the built in uploaded. works created on an iPad?) The outside cover is linen which has a lovely quality feel to it.The inside is stunning and the printing high quality. 27 22. So I guessed from the start something was odd. Para ello, no solo nos tomamos muy en serio la calidad de los productos, … When it arrived, it was well-packaged and I was very impressed with the quality of the product. I would highly recommend Saal for anyone who is interested in self-publishing a photo book. This is important to improve our service, and we take it to heart. What's the best way to make prints of my artwork? I highly recommend everyone to get the glossy finish and to choose good quality pictures. I received £100 voucher for Saal Digital professional photo line book. Who prints my work? Whether it is new production or the offer of a voucher or credit, we will make it right! We want you to be happy with your products. DIGITAL IMAGE MANIPULATION / Assignment Progress / Term 3, Week 12. This website uses cookies. Saal Digital offers you many advantages as a customer. This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation The leather cover was also very nice and smooth. Fazit. Ein Testprint zum Einstellen des Monitors kann kostenlos über die Website … Allerdings dasselbe Problem mit Gelb & Hellgrün. Proto bereme velmi vážně nejen výrobu našich výrobků, ale také je pro nás velmi důležitý Váš názor. Fehler 1. This is a page for testing printers by the use of A4 Printer test pages. Zusätzliche Bemerkungen zum Fotoservice Saal-Digital: Ausbelichtung ohne automatische Korrekturen. I have recieved my photobook today and the overall quality is beautiful. Ihre Projekte werden durch die Neu-Installation NICHT gelöscht. One off chance to own it for £250 + shipping, both book and print are signed. Did test print with saal digital recently, absolutely inlove with my professional line photobook with arcylic cover. 20. I normally go to a local print shop ( well its an 45 min drive ) but i no longer see the need when a quick order and i can get what i want in quick time. I received a voucher for GBP 100 off the price of a book in the Professional Line.Ordered it 5 days ago and it arrived today. Thank you x . Excellant service and beautiful products. This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation I ordered this photo book as part of their promotion with discount so is cost me, with the delivery, about £10. 20 Erfahrungsberichte von Mitarbeitern liefern dir die Antwort. But that doesn't mean it is not worth it. I received a voucher for Saal Digital, having seen some posts on social media. Can I print without a border? Whilst using the Saal Digital interface you can see other options such as: photo prints, wall decors, cards, poster/FineArt, calendar, photo gifts, business products, sample set and test print available to all their customers. Folding cards exactly the way you want them . Once complete I redeemed the voucher and within days the book was here and to an even higher standard to which I expected. You can really make the book like you want it to be. Ein Fotobuch in der Größe hatte ich noch nie. Saal Digital Test Produktsortiment 7,60. Highly recommended. Before adjustment – the sides of the panther are … 57 Likes, 0 Comments - Sarah Barnhardt (@barnhardtsarah) on Instagram: “NOM week post 5: how do you hope to represent the tenets of osteopathy as a future physician? And yes, I would defo use Saal Digital again and recommend to others. No one replies on Facebook. The acrylic front is really beautiful and feels luxurious. One week after that the transaction disappeared from my statement so I contacted customer service with the screenshot of my order number and payment confirmation asking for clarification. Using the voucher was a simple process and there were some good options for the value of the voucher. I had many different photo styles and all were nearly a perfect match to what I see in Lightroom on my screen, holding all the detail in the highlights and shadows.
2020 saal digital testprint