Clockwork • Carlos Jr. Casagrande • The treedome also humorously includes a giant hamster wheel, among other backyardish things. Joe • Didi • Its board of directors, a group of chimps, came for an inspection in "Chimps Ahoy." Sandy is most likely older than SpongeBob due to her height and her high intelligence. Granny Neutron • Tecna • Catman • Chase • As the Rodent, her appearance is more reminiscent of an actual squirrel, albeit being roughly the size of a horse. She is very fond of her homeland and its culture, as most notably seen in the episode "Texas," in which she grows homesick for it and considers leaving Bikini Bottom to return to Texas. Skye • Wanda • The nature of Sandy's relationship with SpongeBob is somewhat romantic. On her glass dome is a pink flower. Trixie | To tap her cheeks on the nice, and sunny beach even tho they might get a little sandy KIL-R, Bloom • and Kamp Koral: Spongebob's Under Years. Carlota Casagrande • 10901 Front Beach Road #1214, Panama City Beach, Florida 32407, United States. Tier: Varies from 10-C usually to 9-B at her peak| 8-A Name: Sandra Cheeks (Referred to as Sandy) Origin: … Mervania • Cat & Milk-Man | Sandy comes from the state of Texas, she was actually born in Houston, Texas but she exhibits many characteristics of a stereotypical cowgirl character by going to every city in Texas. Carlos Casagrande • Lila • Kowalski • Lewman, having never worked on the show, was unaware of Hillenburg's anti-romance rule. Sandy Cheeks-Squirrelsky is the squirrel of the Nickelodeon's 1999 television shorts film SpongeBob SquarePants. However, in older episodes, she is shown to be much crazier. Abby • Lolita 7 • Sandra "Sandy" Cheeks is a fictional character in the Nickelodeon animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants. Sandy appears in the Bikini Bottom Adventures DVD cover, but does not appear in the episodes. Ben, Skipper • She has also been shown to have a strong competitive streak and a high opinion of herself. Roachie • Bessy • Defended Gary and taught SpongeBob a lesson for abusing him in "The Great Snail Race". Urp | SpongeBob and Patrick enter her snow-filled Treedome and disturb her sleep, and the semi-conscious Sandy viciously attacks them, believing them to be "Dirty Dan" and "Pinhead Larry", two outlaws from her dreams. Ground Level: Parking for 5 Cars, Covered Entry, Rec. She is very fond of her homeland and its culture, as most notably seen in the episode \"Texas\", in which she grows homesick for it and considers leaving Bikini B… SpongeBob and Patrick enter her snow-filled treedome and disturb her sleep, and the semi-conscious Sandy viciously attacks them, believing them to be "Dirty Dan" and "Pinhead Larry", two outlaws from her dreams. Darwin • Home Base, El Tigre • On the suit, there is an acorn sticker. Sid • You are having fun out in jellyfish fields trying to catch the beautiful rare, deep blue jellyfish no name when you hear yelling and banging sounds in the distance. Asami Sato • Mr. Krabs • Tootie • Lulu • Do-Gooder When Sandy appears inside the tree dome, she wears purple clothing, primarily a purple bikini top and a purple and green skirt like bottom. Her old habitat was back home in Texas. Sandra "Sandy" Jennifer Cheeks is one of the main characters in the SpongeBob SquarePants television series. Sandra "Sandy" Jennifer1 Cheeks is the pentagonist in SpongeBob SquarePants. Little Guy and Big Guy | Her real name was actually Sand "Grain" Rottenchix. SpongeBob • White Pantera • Pig • In "Pressure," she continuously brags that land creatures are better than sea creatures and nearly drowns herself in an attempt to "prove" it. Whether you are wrangling Alaskan Bull Worms in the “Sandy Cheeks 3D” tank top or relaxing in the “Sandy Cheeks Official Name” hoodie after practicing kah-rah-tay, everyone will know who your favorite squirrel in the deep blue sea is. There also appears to be other forms of fighting in the series, most notably in "Karate Island," where three other fish demonstrate unique fighting styles, (which looks more like stylized versions of Kung Fu rather than Karate.). SpongeBob's song in "Ripped Pants" has romantic lyrics. Wendell Wasserman • The suit is white with a yellow patch that has an acorn on it. Sandy is most commonly seen wearing her suit when she is outside her tree dome. Deema • Oona • Nonny • Zooli, Ryder • Liam • Mr. Turner • When she is on her exercise hamster wheel, she can be seen wearing a white hoodie and blue workout sweats. Chas • Bread Maker • Bolin • Sandy is voiced by Carolyn Lawrence. Zuma • Nick Dean • She created a treedome in the Bikini Bottom and changed her identity into Sandy Cheeks so, the squirrel police will never find her. SANDY CHEEKS is a well-designed and appointed unit. Sandra "Sandy" Jennifer Cheeks is one of the main characters in the Nickelodeon TV show, SpongeBob SquarePants. Mermaid Man | Barnacle Boy | Angler Fish | Beatrice | King Krabs | Mystery | Larry the Lobster | SpongeBuck | SpongeGar | SpongeTron | The Wise Old Crab. T-Midi • In Season 1, Sandy has three dots on her suit instead of an acorn. Sandy is notable for her Texas characteristics and knowledges of Karate and science. It is air-locked and contains no water, making the treedome the only place in Bikini Bottom where Sandy can survive without her suit Its floor is covered in grass, and features a large tree, which contains Sandy's living quarters. Alexandra J. In Pre-Hibernation Week, when she believes SpongeBob has gone missing, Sandy forces everyone in Bikini Bottom to help look for him, sending them to dangerous places such as Sulphur fields, poison sea urchin coves, and leech farms. She is very fond of her homeland and its culture, as most notably seen in the episode "Texas", in which she grows homesick for it and considers leaving Bikini Bottom to return to Texas. Donnie • For example in "Pre-hibernation Week," she is shown to be more crazy than ever when she forces SpongeBob to play rather dangerous games, thus leaving SpongeBob to run away. Max | Sandy is a lovely female squirrel and is SpongeBob and Patrick's best friend. KrabsPearl KrabsLarry the LobsterFlying DutchmanBubblesSheldon J. PlanktonKaren PlanktonMrs. Debbie • Mama Cosma, Jimmy Neutron • She also met Patrick Star the next day when he tried to save SpongeBob who was at Sandy's treedome for tea and SpongeBob was all dried up because there is no water in her treedome. Chuckie • Gary • She is an anthropomorphic squirrel who wears a diving suit and lives underwater. In most of her appearances, she has fur. Hobart | 24. Rintoo • Everest • Molly • She is an athletic and intelligent squirrel who lives in a tree dome encased in glass, so she can breathe normally. Larry the Lobster, Lincoln • Sergio • Lisa • In the episode "Squirrel Record," it is revealed that Sandy has 100 woodchuck cousins, at least one of which is named Earl. Howard • Leni • Susie • Sparky • Jet Fusion, Jenny Wakeman • Stimpy • Sandy is a squirreland is SpongeBob's, Patrick's and even Squidward's friend on occasions. Keswick • Raphael • Frostbite • In "Overbooked," she wears a purple nightgown, while giving a presentation to her colleagues. ; Brickset members have written 35862 set reviews. ; Between us we own 24,874,733 sets worth at least US$724,582,092 and … Mitsuki, Blue • She is often seen at Goo Lagoon lifting weights with Larry the Lobster, of whom she is a good friend, and other muscular fish. In "Survival of the Idiots," Sandy is shown during her hibernation as an obese, monstrous version of herself (prior to going into hibernation, animals must have tremendous amounts of body fat and energy reserves in order to survive the winter). Create a robot nutcracker (failed).Aid SpongeBob and the gang in retrieving the stolen Krabby Patty Formula (succeeded). Goddard • Sandy is voiced by Carolyn Lawrence and first appeared in the episode "Tea at … Freddy Seymore | Stinky • Surfing.Weight-lifting.Extreme sports.Texas culture. Gerald • Spice Family, Kai-Lan • Sandy Cheeks at PCB. She … Dani Phantom • In "Survival of the Idiots," Sandy is shown during her hibernation as an obese, monstrous version of herself (prior to going into hibernation, animals must have tremendous amounts of body fat and energy reserves to survive the winter). Veronica • Lalo, Tommy • Mr. Sunshine • Randolphoran • She is a female squirreland isSpongeBob SquarePantsandPatrick Star's friend. Stella, Leonardo • Olga, Daggett the Beaver • Lynn Sr. • Strangely, in the trailer for The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water, Sandy looks like she doesn't know where they are when they pop out of a sandcastle. From Season 2 onward, she has her acorn. Judy Neutron • Lucy • ; 1202 people have joined this week. Puff, Flying Dutchman (sometimes)Burger-BeardMaster UdonHer Twin Sister Sandy Evil CheeksKaren Plankton (formerly and occasionally)King Poseidon (formerly)The TicklerLip ServiceFilthy Phil. Stella • Steve • She is from Texas and is a scientist and is skilled in Karate. Jelly, Ansi Molina • Mako • She is the most notable female character in the series. Sandra Jennifer Cheeks Lil • The Semprini Triplet, Eliza • Stu • Dunglap • Crash Nebula • Many fans believe that Spongebob and Sandy have crushes on each other. She is a squirrel from the surface and is notable for her Texas characteristics and knowledge of karate and science. She is notable for her Texan characteristics and knowledge of karate and science. Sandy's voice actress, Carolyn Lawrence, also voices Cindy Vortex on another Nickelodeon television series known as. Flora • The Chief • Haru, Tucker X • She also wears boots with two red dots on the side of each boot. 583 sandy 82 sandyleiin 15 sandy0020 10 sandyhd_ 8 sandy38 8 sandy56 8 sandyps44 7 sandy707 7 sandyba 7 sandye 7 sandygames 7 sandygirl123 7 sandyup 14 sandy cheeks 9 sandy skin 5 sandy games 5 sandy mobeditor 5 sandy the 5 sandy egger 4 sandy le 4 sandy rifel 4 sandy ice 4 sandy with 3 sandy bochechas 3 sandy jaa Tutu the Superina | Freddy • Trudy X • She was born a twin to her brother Randy Cheeks, to Ma and Pa Cheeks in Houston, Texas, USA. She is a minor character in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie and a supporting character in The SpongeBob Movie: Out of Water. Sandy possesses immense strength, and is one of the strongest creatures in Bikini Bottom. Jelly | How unique is the name Sandycheeks? Mervis • Sandy is notable for her Texan characteristics and knowledge of Karate and science. Sandy is voiced by Carolyn Lawrence and first appeared in the episode "Tea at the Treedome" that premiered on May 1, 1999. Puff • Fifi • Rosy Cheeks (sister)Mr. Cheeks (father)Mrs. Cheeks (mother)Rosie Cheeks (grand aunt)Macadamia (niece)Hazelnut (niece)Pistachio (niece), Patrick StarGary the SnailSquidward TentaclesMr. Mrs. Sandy's voice actress Carolyn Lawrence also voices Ashley Graham in, As noted by fans and suggested by writer/voice actor Doug Lawrence in the DVD commentary for the season one episode "Plankton! In the very last shot of "MuscleBob BuffPants," if you look closely, she has paw pads on the underside of her feet, and is the only episode to show her having them. Angelica • In the episode "To Save a Squirrel," Sandy is shown to have a boatmobile with the design of a Jeep. Zach • Sid Chang • However, she is known to act without thinking. She has shown a number of tomboyish interests, such as "sand-boarding" and karate, and is a rodeo champion. In Season 1, there are three dots on her suit instead of an acorn. She has also met many other sea creatures since she arrived at Bikini Bottom. She is a female squirrel who is one of SpongeBob's best friends. Katara • Sandy is notable for her Texas characteristics and knowledges of Karateand science. Mean Bob • She is very fond of her homeland and its culture. Moon Juju • Jamal the Funny Frog | Duke • Sandy was responsible for introducing Christmas to Bikini Bottom. She returns in The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On The Run. In the live-action puppet sequence in the episode. Age 18 years old. She was offended by SpongeBob and Patrick mocking Texas, and thus she chased both of them down and brutally attacked Patrick. Brainy • Filburt Shellbach • Rooftop deck includes beautiful ocean views and picturesque sun sets. Since she's a squirrel, she should know where they ended up, since it's dry land and squirrels live on dry land. Dotto | Sokka • Sandy enjoys practicing various activities with him such as karate. She speaks with a heavy southern accent, and uses typical southern slang words and phrases. Blotto | "Sandy Cheeks" is a beautiful 4,000 square foot beach front home that provides endless ocean views, spacious layout, Private Oceanfront Swimming Pool, Hot Tub, & Rec. Dunlapia • She is a multi-talented scientist and inventor, and originally came to Bikini Bottom to study sea creatures and their lifestyles. Sandra "Sandy" Cheeks is a fictional character in the American animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants. She is from San Antonio, Texas. Rhonda • Fictional Characters Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. SANDY CHEEKS is an easy access first floor middle unit in building D. All units have locking under storage and access to a large elevator. Ultra Lord • Thatta Boy | Trixie Tang • "And Science" – Sandy pointing that Science runs the world Sandy Cheeks (born November 17, 1987) is a squirrel and a character in the well known series SpongeBob SquarePants. Bobby • Josh • However, in Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy, she wears a pelt. In various other episodes such as "Karate Island," "Christmas Who? In "Tea at the Treedome" amorous music plays when SpongeBob recalls Sandy's words. She had a lot of experience there and won't stand any insults or nonsense from anyone who insults it, as shown in "Texas," where she cried several times throughout the episode because she missed her old homeland. For example in "Prehibernation Week," she is shown to be crazier than ever when she forces SpongeBob to play rather dangerous action games, thus leaving SpongeBob to run away. Toph • Dan Danger | The karate they use appears to be stylized to fit that of "play karate," as they both mainly fight with chops and kicks in a cartoonish manner. Squidward • There also appears to be other forms of fighting in the series, most notably in Karate Island, where three other fish demonstrate unique fighting styles, (which looks more like stylized versions of Kung Fu rather than Karate). Patrick • This home was built for the perfect beach vacation! Skoodge • Charlotte • Another example is in "Texas," she cried several times throughout the episode because she missed Texas. Sandy Cheeks Zodiac Sign is Pisces, Ethnicity White & religion Christian. The biggest hint was in Truth or Square, which depicted the two getting married, but only for a stage play. SpongeBob SquarePantsPatrick StarGary the SnailSquidward TentaclesMr. Sandy takes full pride in her Texas heritage and shown with her Texan accent. She was born a twin to her brother Randy Cheeks, to Ma and Pa Cheeks in Houston, Texas, USA.Sandy's mother Mrs. Cheeks once told her to \"karate them with kindness.\"When she was learning to drive, she took a driving course called, \"Driving You Nuts!\"When she was an adult, she joined a company called Treedome Enterprises. Rosa Casagrande • SpongeBob SquarePants Taffy • Weird things about the name Sandycheeks: The name spelled backwards is Skeehcydnas. Zuko • Hoho, Gil • Mermaid Man & SpongeBob and Patrick then made fun of Texas. At night, she wears a nightgown. Chloe Carmichael • When she was an adult, she joined a company called Treedome Enterprises. Cameron | Sandy is usually kind and caring for SpongeBob SquarePants and is known to help him out when he's feeling lost as seen in newer episodes, such as "Lost in Bikini Bottom." Phil • As seen in the episodes "Survival of the Idiots" and "Bubble Buddy," the dome produces snow during the winter, from which it can be assumed to simulate other weather patterns as well. Francois Turbot • Tenzin, SwaySway • Sheena • Skippy Spankerton | Carlino Casagrande • Saraline Timbers • She and SpongeBob share a favorite pastime of Karate, and frequently fight each other for fun. Sandy is one of the most intelligent and level-headed charac… She can even pull d… KrabsPearl KrabsLarry the LobsterFlying DutchmanBubblesSheldon J. PlanktonKaren PlanktonMrs. Jake Slade | Sandy is right-handed. Lola Caricola • In the short, A Random Act of SpongeBob, SpongeBob leaves Sandy a letter (with a bouquet of flowers) calling her the "smartest, prettiest squirrel in all of Bikini Bottom" for "Surprise Sandy Day". In Survival of the Idiots, Sandy is shown during her hibernation as an obese, monstrous version of herself (prior to going into hibernation, animals must have tremendous amounts of body fat and energy reserves in order to survive the winter). She has also been shown to have a strong competitive streak and a high opinion of herself: in Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm, she completely ignores SpongeBob's warnings about the Alaskan Bull Worm and tells him that she is "too Texas tough", only to discover the hard way that the Bull Worm is indeed too much for her to handle; in Pressure, she continuously brags that land creatures are better than sea creatures and nearly drowns herself in an attempt to "prove" it. She and SpongeBob share a favorite pastime of karate, and frequently fight each other for fun. Although, it's may be because SpongeBob told her that he likes air not knowing that she means without water. She loves karate and she is also a good friend of SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star, Winnie the Pooh, Ash, Simba, Littlefoot, and Bloom. Poof • It is also possible that she thought he was a kitchen sponge, due to his appearance and the fact that kitchen sponges do not need water. Stephen Hillenburg said Sandy should come from Houston because her suit reminded him of an astronaut. Sheen Estevez • Rico • Mr. Sunspock • Turbo Thunder • Goby • Rubble • Nigel • Betty Quinlan • In "Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy," when her fur pelt is off, she wears a purple bra and purple panties. This happened in the episode "Christmas Who?". Tallula Headbank, Slap T.Pooch | While, in all other episodes, she just has a beige or brown surface on the bottom of her paws. In the live-action puppet sequence in the episode "Pressure," Sandy is represented by a toy puppet and appears to be naked aside from her helmet. Jazz Fenton • Lola • It is possible that Sandy knows the Krabby Patty Secret Formula prior to the episode "Karate Choppers," but it may be more likely they were making regular sandwiches in the park. Tracker • A.J. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Fred the Flying Fish • LEGO set database: Sandy Cheeks . Gonard • Sandy is a brown squirrel from Texas. Teddy | Kira • Jibolba • Alias Tigress • As seen in the episode "Wormy," Sandy has many pets residing in her treedome, including caterpillars, snakes, crickets, mice, and birds, among others. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Harold • Sandy possesses immense strength, and is likely the strongest creature in Bikini Bottom. Sandy cries in the episodes "Ripped Pants," "Texas," and "What Ever Happened to SpongeBob? When you go to investigate the sounds, you see a … Sandy is a brown squirrel who is mostly seen wearing a diving suit that resembles a spacesuit. Dil • Wulf, Aang • Sandy inflated in the episode "Bubble Troubles.". Sandra "Sandy" Jennifer Cheeks is one of the main characters in theSpongeBob SquarePantstelevision series. Terry & Chris | There are 16637 items in the Brickset database. In "Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm," she completely ignores SpongeBob's warnings about the Alaskan Bull Worm and tells him that she is "too Texas tough", only to discover the hard way that the Bull Worm is indeed too much for her to handle. Our designs are laser etched and stand the test of time. Bev Bighead • She then forced all Bikini Bottomites to search nonstop for days on end looking for him, to the point when they all ran and hid from her just like SpongeBob. Private, Dudley Puppy • She was offended by SpongeBob and Patrick mocking Texas, and thus she chased both of them down and brutally attacked Patrick. Reptar • Cap'n Turbot • Aisha • Clyde • Rex X • Heffer Wolfe • Despite being established as a scientist in later episodes, Sandy is oblivious to the basic fact that sea creatures cannot survive without water in her first appearance. Cosmo • Maddie Fenton • She speaks with a heavy Southern accent, and uses typical Southern slang words and phrases, such as "howdy" and "y'all". She's a karate fighter and a friend of Spongebob and Patrick. In that same episodes, she wins the eighth annual Goo Lagoon anchor toss competition, tossing an enormous anchor 510 yards. Tolee • What would sandy cheeks think of you? In the episode "Stanley S. SquarePants," an elderly Scottish relative of Sandy is shown. Near the entry are a welcome half bath and laundry nook with stacked washer/dryer. Olly Timbers • She then forced all Bikini Bottomites to search nonstop for days on end looking for him, to the point when they all ran and hid from her just like SpongeBob. 1. Pip • Enter into the tiled entry. Viper • Sandy's voice actress, Carolyn Lawrence, also voices Cindy Vortex on the show, Sandy is called "Sandra" for the first time in "Patrick SmartPants.". In the video game Battle for Bikini Bottom, after saving Squidward from Robo-Patrick, SpongeBob and Sandy commented each other on a good job while looking flushed. Rusty • Sandy Cheeks is one of the ten main characters in the SpongeBob SquarePants franchise. ; 9955 members have logged in in the last 24 hours, 22191 in the last 7 days, 34451 in the last month. It also has two red, and a blue ring(s) on each sleeve. Guano • Lily • Sandy comes from the state of Texas, she was actually born in Houston, Texas but she exhibits many characteristics of a stereotypical "cowgirl" character by going to every city in Texas. Luan • SpongeBob and Patrick then made fun of Texas. Sheldon Lee • Enemies In Season 1 episodes, Sandy's tail is not visible when she is wearing her suit in comparison to later seasons. She is the only main character not to fall in love in any episode. Full Name In that same episode, she takes great offense at SpongeBob and Patrick's negative remarks about Texas, and violently attacks them when they continue to insult it. Mr. Ping, Korra • She usually wears an astronaut-like suit while walking around Bikini Bottom while wearing a purple and green bikini inside her tree dome. Zio | Nora Wakeman • Brad Carbunkle • In Chimps Ahoy, it is revealed that she is employed by a trio of chimpanzees from the surface, named Dr. Marmalade, Lord Reginald and Professor Percy. Sandy also enjoys extreme sports and thrill-seeking, which SpongeBob also joins her in on occasion, most notably in Pre-Hibernation Week. Sandra "Sandy" Cheeks is the tritagonist of the SpongeBob SquarePants television series. Tucker Foley • Goals Sandy is called "Sandy Squirrel" for the first time in "SpongeBob's Last Stand.".
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