In series 3, the mind palace became a very elaborate construction where other characters from the series discuss Sherlock's cases with him. While Sherlock's time starts to grow short, she plays recorded clips of Moriarty saying things such as tick-tick-tick-tick in hopes that it would stress Sherlock. [3] He seems to admit that he does not understand sentiment and does not wish to, but he is shown throughout the series to care deeply about his closest friends. He has strange connections, including a graffiti artist, as well as the entire network of the homeless (similar to the Baker Street Irregulars' street urchins in the original stories). John Hamish Watson (Martin Freeman) is Sherlock's best friend. Knowing the great friendship John shared with Sherlock, Mary then made it her job to try to get John to forgive Sherlock. Hochwertige Kissen & Kissenbezüge zum Thema Sherlock Cartoon von unabhängigen Künstlern und Designern aus aller Welt. In "The Reichenbach Fall", Sherlock turns to her to help him fake his death. She makes a return in "The Signs of Three", as a mental image when Sherlock thinks of those who know John's middle name; he tells the image "Out of my head, I'm busy". Trying to prevent anyone, specifically the press, from getting a photograph of his face, Sherlock disguises it with a modern cap styled after a classic deerstalker. He says it twice in desperation, and afterwards, Molly finally says it too. He is once seen stretched out on his chair and firing a gun at a smiley face spray-painted on the wall in his flat. Her intellectual abilities are such that, after spending an hour on Twitter, Eurus precisely predicted the exact dates of three separate terrorist attacks on British mainland. Eurus continues the game, this time with Watson's life on the line. During their final encounter, Janine admits that she has made a lot of money since then by going on talk shows about her relationship with the famous detective, and had bought herself a nice cottage in Sussex. She consults Sherlock into retrieving the letters from Magnussen, leading to Sherlock shooting him, when he discovers that Magnussen's knowledge of the letters (in addition to all his other blackmail material) were in his mind palace. She didn’t truly exist. Sherlock is, however, skilled at feigning emotion and is shown successfully manipulating strangers – mostly by playing on their weaknesses – into helping him or providing information useful for a case. Die Erstausstrahlung lief am 15. Weitere Ideen zu mrs hudson, martin freeman, sherlock. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes also appear later in Series Three, in "His Last Vow". He refuses Mycroft's offer to pay him to spy on Sherlock, despite only having just met Sherlock; however, Series 3 shows John informing Mycroft of anything wrong Sherlock has done, showing he will inform others of Sherlock's actions if they are family. recurs. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes (Timothy Carlton and Wanda Ventham, the real-life parents of Benedict Cumberbatch), Sherlock, Mycroft, and Eurus' parents, appear in Series Three and Four. In "The Final Problem", Sherlock's deranged sister threatens to detonate a bomb in Molly's flat unless he can phone her and get her to say the words 'I love you' without revealing that she is in danger. "Oh, yes, don't you worry, Sherlock and I will have so much fun," she said, singsong. While Eurus has shown little regard for human life, shown throughout the many people who died during her trials, she refused to let Sherlock die, shown when she tranquilized him to prevent him killing himself instead of John or Mycroft, though this was also most likely done to prevent her games being stopped. In The Empty Hearse, Sherlock works out which paths to take to shave time off the countdown to save John. That said, because the Springer book was published in 2006, Enola predates the Eurus season of Sherlock by nine years, making Enola the original secret Holmes sister. Sherlock realizes that the only clue Eurus provided … Sherlock had no friends before John. He finds smoking impractical in present-day urban London and, therefore, mostly makes do with nicotine patches. Donovan's affair. Though concerned, Mycroft jokes it would be safer for Sherlock to cross-dress like their uncle. Charles Augustus Magnussen (Lars Mikkelsen), who is shown briefly in "The Empty Hearse" and appears prominently in "His Last Vow", is a powerful businessman who controls a media empire. During this scene, Mary sees that Sherlock is afraid, as evidenced by the large number of Sydney Opera House-shaped origami serviettes he is seen to have created out of nervous energy while John and Mary had had their private conversation. Despite her tormenting Sherlock, however, as decrypted in her childhood song 'The Musgrave Ritual', Eurus throughout her entire life held Sherlock as the only person who can reach her in her extreme feelings of isolation and psychosis, which he indeed finally solved decades later and managed to reach out to Eurus to reveal the location of the well she trapped Victor's remains and John in. - the cost is high, and, Eurus explains, unnecessary. When waiting in a restaurant for the cabbie to arrive, the restaurant owner, Angelo, tells Sherlock that he and "his date" can have anything they want on the menu for free. In "The Sign of Three", Molly stabs Tom with a plastic fork when he interrupts Sherlock. Also a characteristic of autism, Sherlock can be shown to have a very literal understanding of what is said to him – once, when after Sherlock tells John that he wants to go out that evening, John tells him that can't because he is going on a date, describing it as "two people who like each other [going] out and [having] fun", Sherlock replies that "That's what [he] was suggesting". Like Sherlock, he possesses a genius level intellect and appears to be motivated by boredom rather than money or power. “I had no one.” Both love to be dramatic. Januar 2017 bei der BBC, die deutschsprachige Premiere fand am 11. In "A Study in Pink", she is having an affair with Anderson, which Sherlock reveals, severely embarrassing the pair, and in The Reichenbach Fall she is the first police officer to fall for Moriarty's deception and believe that Sherlock may be behind the recent theft and kidnapping. Sherlock has a very unusual personality, and describes himself in the first episode "A Study in Pink", as a "high-functioning sociopath", a term he insists on in subsequent episodes. Soon after John ends the relationship, she assumes a new disguise as John's therapist, Ursa. After asking them if they are making a joke, he admits that he "doesn't get it". Meanwhile, Sherlock talks to Eurus, but she attacks him and knocks him unconscious. Smith attempts to kill Sherlock, believing him to be a threat. His brother Mycroft, in the first episode, says Sherlock has the mind of a scholar or philosopher. Simultaneously, Sherlock realizes that the phone calls with a scared girl on a pilotless plane he has been provided with as a reward for solving Eurus' puzzles are a metaphor for her loneliness as a child, and finally provides Eurus with the brotherly love she had been so desperately wanting. William Sherlock Scott Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch) describes himself initially as "a consulting detective, the only one in the world",[1] helping out Scotland Yard when they are out of their depth with cases (usually homicides). Sherlock explains that this is why John chose to put his trust in him, a sociopath who solves dangerous cases as an alternative to getting high, and fell in love with Mary, a former secret agent and assassin. Later in the same story, Lestrade is one of three people identified by Moriarty as Sherlock's friends (the other two being John and Mrs Hudson). Molly Hooper (Louise Brealey) is a 31-year-old specialist registrar[6] working in the morgue at St Bartholomew's Hospital with an apparent crush on Sherlock. Eurus is indirectly referred to in "His Last Vow;" when discussing Sherlock, Mycroft declares "I am not given to outbursts of brotherly compassion. Alle Serien auf - Seit über 15 Jahren! Murathan muslu verheiratet. In "The Great Game", she was in a relationship with an IT employee named Jim, later revealed to be Moriarty, who was using her to see Sherlock up close. Later in the episode, when Mycroft has agents turning over the flat to explain Sherlock's recent actions and finds a DVD the recently deceased Mary Watson recorded for Sherlock, Mrs. Hudson orders all the agents to leave her and John alone to watch the recording unless they wish to prove that they "have no human decency", subsequently ordering Mycroft "Get out of my house, you reptile!" During the episode The Six Thatchers, John and Lestrade have a sarcastic conversation during which they compare Sherlock's neediness and selfishness to that of John's infant daughter, and although Sherlock is able to tell that they are making a joke about him, he does not fully comprehend. (This startled the present day Mycroft, who was seeing this in his own Mind Palace) As a young child, she taught Sherlock the violin, successfully orchestrated the entrapment and drowning of Victor Trevor that went unsolved for decades, utilized ciphers, and was able to manipulate people to the point of enslavement since the age of 5. Mir sind beinahe die Augen ausgefallen. Louise brealey sherlock. Sherlock-Staffel geben, wer sie also noch nicht gesehen hat, sollte das schleunigst nachholen und dann zurückkommen und die Geschichte lesen :D Nur weil die Schauspielerin relativ unbekannt ist: Sian Brooke, die in … Using his wealth and unassailable power, he is able to use his charity-funded hospital as a way to go into patient's rooms and then kill them, taking inspiration from H. H. Holmes. He often uses his former position to help Sherlock and him get into high security places (like in The Hound of Baskerville). Eurus is sent to the maximum-security psychiatric prison, Sherrinford, after she burns down Musgrave, the Holmes' family mansion by her uncle Rudy Holmes. Mycroft, from the outset, is shown to care and worry deeply for him whilst at the same time sharing a mix of mutual contempt and respect. His intellect is borderline superhuman, allowing him to learn Serbian in a couple of hours (with Sherlock even noting that he once was capable of learning it much faster). Even as a young child, she was already capable enough that she taught Sherlock how to play. teacher. Irene is brilliant enough to impress Sherlock, and managed to deceive him; however, she also ends up falling in love with him, which proves to be her downfall. In "The Abominable Bride", in Sherlock's Mind Palace, Mycroft is shown to be morbidly obese and engaging in a bet with Sherlock as to how long he has before dying. In "The Abominable Bride", Molly appears disguised as a man (also named "Hooper") who runs the morgue, and is extremely irritable towards Sherlock; John sees through her disguise, identifying her as a woman trying to get ahead in a "male world"; he remarks that the perception of such things is something that Sherlock is unusually bad at. He is an excellent actor, frequently shown to have convinced others that he is someone else – indeed his first appearance occurs as a gay man whom Molly is seeing, and Sherlock does not realise his identity at the time. She also claims that "who you really are, it doesn’t matter". Für Personen, die sie nur mit ihrer Stimme darstellten siehe Irene-Adler-Sprecher. Die britische Schauspielerin Sian Brooke wurde mit der Rolle in Sherlock einem breitem Publikum bekannt. He also gives the cases names he deems appropriate. James "Jim" Moriarty (Andrew Scott) is a "consulting criminal", a counterpoint to Sherlock's similarly unrivaled "consulting detective". Vital statistics As an adult, this talent of hers had increased to the extent that, except geniuses like Mycroft, Sherlock, and Jim Moriarty, virtually anyone who interacts with her are 'reprogrammed' and thus compromised, as demonstrated in her former psychiatrist killing his family and himself and Eurus' secret takeover of Sherrinford. By the end of episode, she seems to have become a different person, due to seemingly being able to feel emotion. In "The Six Thatchers", John and Mary ask Molly (along with Mrs. Hudson and a reluctant Sherlock) to be a godparent for their daughter Rosie. Since then, Brooke has gone on to appear in over 30 films and TV series with the most prominent being BBC One’s Sherlock where she played the sinister sister Eurus Holmes in the fourth series. Others call him a "psychopath", and in "The Hounds of Baskerville" John Watson suggests to Lestrade that he believes Sherlock has Asperger syndrome. Parents: He is friendly, compassionate, and patient, compared to Sherlock's aloof, cold-hearted tendencies. Eurus is indirectly referred to in "His Last Vow;" when discussing Sherlock, Mycroft declares "I am not given to outbursts of brotherly compassion.