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Put in the verbs in brackets into the gap. future: be going to 1. ; Use be going to to talk about something that you see is going to happen (there is present evidence).. Don’t drive like a crazy man. /Widths [ 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 570 0 333 250 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 /CapHeight 678 B: I’m going to work in a hospital in Africa. Will or Be Going To? To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. WILL. (command). Example: I am going to play in the game tomorrow. 3,622 Downloads . A: Are you going to John’s party tonight? Downloadable worksheets: writing/discussion prompts, predictions for 2050, future will form Level ... computers,too. Future/will or going to - English Future/will or going to : free exercise for ESL/EFL learners. No sign-up required. a) to make predictions based on our feelings (what we think will happen- with verbs: think, believe, expect, be sure) or to make statements of fact about the future. GrammarBank.com. /Contents 9 0 R Are you going to come? B: Yes. #��oS������Z#�jv'6��2�B�#;���������N^���l���y��~|�[���*�fU� Englisch-hilfen.de/ will-future or going to-future – Exercise 1. GrammarBank PDF eBooks Click Here. << (If there is external evidence we use ‘going to’ to make future predictions.) c. They (play) tennis this afternoon. ID: 1387 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Beginner Age: 9+ Main content: Will vs going to Other contents: Future tenses Add to my workbooks (1116) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom 4. 4425. Download full-size image from Pinterest . Directions: Write the correct form of the simple future tense using “ will ”. (/E/L/S/W/a/c/colon/e/f/g/h/hyphen/i/k/l/m/n/o/one/p/period/plus/r/s/space/t/u/w/x) A: What are your plans after you leave university? I think he’ ll win the election. �H��?� !�w�Wc��$ �(Q+�ЧH9�y��:m+8C�V��; �]��. Answers are at the bottom of the page. By syktglad I used this song of the Beatles to make students see the difference and to enjoy this song. Verb Tense Exercise 18 Will and Be Going To f t p Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, then click the "Check" button to check your answers. Quiz 6: study for your exams. endstream endobj startxref %%EOF /Descent -202 endstream endobj 21 0 obj <>stream ;�n'��5I���X English Exercises > future tense exercises. Song by The beatles Will and Be going to. 333 556 0 722 500 ] Exercise 1 It is going to rain . 3. By repuci 5. 6 0 R /R16 7 0 R /R18 8 0 R >> >> I think it is going to rain - I just felt a drop. endobj �� b��X�@,. Future Mix. /Length 2816 hޔT�N�0��#4�8I#!���²�V+ăI����lZ�~m� DB����9��I�$�$�$NH��8%��3��xd뙯�9��4!4$�-҈�4&GG0��P@f��.7`S��\��Fda���vJBXl����67̠ߘ0�g��K.�p��Xh��|�B��@��nX��;�]����!i�� k.���. /OPM 1 2.- I know they _____ (feel) very happy if they win the match. Use will-future or going to-future. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 0 0 0 0 0 0 556 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 /MissingWidth 250 Menu. We use the present simple tense in two cases. endobj ��A��Y�b"! Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. I’ll give you a lift. GrammarBank Exercises eBook: $7.99 - Children's eBooks: $6.99 - Download and Print Instantly! Going to is used with predictions. << x�uV{XS�?�@�1*Y*AM��nU�e^����^TEԂS� !$@�I!�˗��nI �᪠�޺z)ն�ں�b�G�խ[��;�㏝@�l{�=�sy������~8� �q|�!�T(�ڙ/�<>M�����U�R~H�� �4�24"����%����_����|��P,�VD��pb�36l�כ_=����t�O_"_�Ţ�ȧ�b�$_&�)����E���|� /r_��ȸ�xa��H��0[��/{�P�(*(�2�Y�l��\�4)2fCԳ/`�~,;�=��a��7�dl'v��^���va��=X,����}X4�c+�P��-��0��b�xނ?Y ]0�X̨Zt58489x��e�$b��l#�[X�pf�lȖ��Y�-������E���?�+� d) they / not stay They won’t stay. ... You shall go at once. /Rotate 360 They’re going to watch a film this weekend.. Be careful! /Type /FontDescriptor Preview and Download PDF Version Of This Test. /FontName /BQCOEH+Times-Bold Example: I hope, that the sun tomorrow. Grammatik [WILL-FUTURE UND GOING-TO-FUTURE] 4 Lösungen EXERCISE 1 Bilde Sätze und Fragen im will-future und im going-to-future. The flight departs at 9 pm. You are going to fall. By Summeray Illustrative situations and two tasks on the topic. You (tell) the refrigerator what you want to eat, and the refrigerator (know)what food to buy. Subject Explanations: Be Going To Future Will Future Will vs Going To Subject Exercises: Will vs Going To Exercises 1 Will vs Going To Exercise 2 Task No. I'm going to accept the job offer. BE GOING TO. (Evidence) Something is likely to happen based on the evidence or experience you have. 5. /Ascent 678 4. Future forms. 17 0 obj <> endobj • Add the word “ not” after “ will” and before “ going ” and the main verb to form the negative. B: I’ll turn the heating on, then. @�j��#=Q��=�[C��,�Z㣶�p\��k����e֢���ُ��� /�[�曤�����A��x��-����'���Ak/Q����tЛ�:�K�ko��GL�j� �� ���v>Bx��(Q¿5�DC�)������$\���� Φ�ή@�o���Kv 17��W�Y3����p�=ƙ�nW���� �`Z��)�S����"z��ˀ�S5��a9�=6!&� Going to - pdf exercises; Future: be going to; Be going to - pdf exercises; Will / be going to - handout; Will - pdf exercises; Will vs going to - pdf exercises; Time clauses - pdf worksheet; Worksheet - will / be going to; Simple future - pdf exercises; Worksheets / handouts ( unit 4) Worksheet - going … Example: I’m so tired. Put the verbs in brackets to the future + going to: Mr Smith (sell) his car. You can usually make the negative in two ways. In this example, the phrase “going to” is used because Todd and I have already decided to go to the beach. Hope you'll like it 3,577 Downloads . 1.- When we get home, we _____ (have) dinner. b) I / sleep I will sleep. Task No. 2. In British English both will and shall are used with first person pronouns to express ideas such as willingness. A: I’m really cold. 32 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3F8418332EC50B7A9033F72B14043ECB><50BAF5CAED51534D8B1A7B8276C9F193>]/Index[17 27]/Info 16 0 R/Length 79/Prev 88076/Root 18 0 R/Size 44/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream English exercise "Will / going to" created by anonyme with The test builder. He’s not going to play football anymore. I’m going to sleep. /CharSet Be Going to or Will Exercise Be Going To Will Uses Uses 1 - plans and intentions 3 - immediate decisions I’m going to visit my aunt next Friday I’ll have the salad and the fish 2 - when you can see what's going to happen 4 - predictions When the boss sees this, she is going to go crazy People will work more from home in the future You're signed out. c) you / come? They're going to retire to the beach - in fact they have already bought a little beach house. By Can20 Students will better understand the difference between the usages of simple future tense and future with be going to through thirteen que... 5,707 Downloads . Grammar Rule Examples. In this example, the phrase “going to” is used because James and Nicollet have already stream In American English, shall is not normally used to express this idea. Will vs Going to future tense differences, explanations with examples and exercises for ESL EFL students and teachers. >> ������a�(F����� �; will-future or going to-future, English Grammar Exercises Online for free. Forms . /FirstChar 32 43 0 obj <>stream The key is provided on page two. 2. Click here to download this exercise in PDF. a) to make predictions based on the present situation. endobj Use will-future or going to-future. h�b```f``R``a`�6cd@ A�r,h rK��iF0X�� i^ � 02�h���|���v0&2�b���C�n��y���6��� �@�` .� Remember! Worksheets - pdf exercises . 11 0 obj I hope he will become a dentist. %PDF-1.4 Comparison of tenses will future or going to future with free online exercises, passive rules and passive voice examples. My sister María (live) in Madrid. When you are making a decision use will ; use going to after the decision has been made. WILL vs GOING TO Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or going to and the verbs in brackets. /ItalicAngle 0 Careful! Download PDF. /StemV 145 My husband (build) a tree house for the kids. 3rd person plural → are + going to + verb in the basic form; I (move) to another town. %���� /Subtype /Type1 0 0 0 0 500 0 444 0 444 333 500 556 278 0 556 278 833 556 500 556 0 444 389 Future ' will ' and ' be going to ' - English Future ' will ' and ' be going to ' : free exercise for ESL/EFL learners. >> /Resources << /ExtGState << /R9 3 0 R >> /Font << /R10 4 0 R /R12 5 0 R /R14 Hope you find it helpful i... 15,343 Downloads . >> I am going to the cinema tonight. Categories A1 … Exercises. Will you come? When there are definite signs that something is going to happen. Exercise 10: Exercise 11: Exercise 12. Info. We use ‘going to’ to talk about our future plans. Example: Jason is not going to play guitar tonight. I will have a rest. /Type /Page His friends (learn) English. /XHeight 463 I'm sure they are going to beat the Dolphins today! Predictions. /Parent 2 0 R Next summer, I (travel) to England. /FontFile3 11 0 R Perhaps I will stay at home. Go through the exercise and click on "See Results" to check your answers. /Type /ExtGState /Flags 32 �j�)Zm"���77L�M���)/���^g���(�]�4]8��$Xʚ�u��=�� v����QЪ�����>�W��&�)c�J�e:0�LC��P���'p��k��. Will or shall exercise. Ӥ%9@@�?�z��9ׅK|����-:x�#�(utHKz����|�I�Z5p���Q��Z��K:��>+׍�Ą�RT@]^*�V�*uqI����Vܧ뤱jn��ij��h�rI�2t8. b�h���b0���������oU��F.p:�=3��讴{b�YF�� Y���jpn�V����n+70.꥾0\C� He will be a good doctor. [x�%���J����.��[ԆK�����1��.�7�b�JR!��� << Example: After work, James and Nicollet are going to watch a movie. 6. Cancel. 6. Are you going to buy a new T-shirt?. >> Will for predictions. 3 0 obj 3rd person singular → is + going to + verb in the basic form; Our neighbours (spend) their next holidays in the Caribbean. The doctor said I’ m going to have a girl. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] will-future going-to-future a) Susan / cry Susan will cry. Type in the verbs in the future simple (going to).. Mr Potts (sell) his house. 1 0 obj d. My father (buy) a new car. 氁�l--A��@� `�_����cx�Ew4�)*VVo4�pc�ꚁ��K_��������a&{k���0����X+Zk|ur==X��5��d�ė����`����~'����o�R�����|Gá��������$����%�k�ڟO��bkT�{]�k����l��Ѯ�q��|��z�$�����i6�w��m� �b�g>b�a�� ��a��G� Tr�� Do you want to come with us? We’ re going to have an accident! Betty is going to driving lessons, because she is going to buy a car. In the following example, there is really very little difference in meaning: I'm going to the cinema tonight. We sometimes also use the present … /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding B: I’m going to visit my mother in Scotland next month. /FontBBox [ 0 -202 971 678 ] x��[y|TU�>��WK6R���H�J%���:�,�# `�R!D�D�Bъ` b;6���.��T"]�(j+�0j����=�D?���滯*��83�7L����s�9w;�[�&bD�F!�. << 4423. << (To talk about time-tabled future events, we use simple present tense.) Susan is going to cry. I (move) to another town. The distinction between will and shall is becoming less important. I’m going to be a teacher when I’m older. This is a free intermediate English grammar quiz and esl worksheet. 6. %PDF-1.5 %���� GrammarBank.com. /Type /Font Exercise 7: Will or going to. 7. Our parents (not go) to the supermarket to buy food. endstream endobj 18 0 obj <> endobj 19 0 obj <>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 20 0 obj <>stream 4. Often, it doesn't really matter if we choose 'be going to' or the present continuous. Future tenses: Present Continuous, Going to, Will exercises and posters with rules + pictures to laminate. Comparison of future tenses: going to, will, Simple Present, Present Progressive 3.- They’ve already decided on their next summer holiday. 0 Predictions Use will to talk about something that you think will happen.. Exercise 6: Going to or Will . >> Menu. h�bbd``b`�v@��H0�B@�d=�"�@�AD In this exercise you will practise the difference between the future simple (will) and the ‘going to’ future.Exercise instructions. I’m going to write my homework tonight. 10 0 obj He is very hard-working. I'm going to go to the cinema tonight. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Our neighbours (spend) their next holidays in China. Show example. Future going to exercises PDF. endobj Online exercises Comparison of tenses, Comparison of tenses questions and Comparison of tenses negative sentences. 3���C`��6�}��W�����kV#\��/&7c�Y��U��u�vʵ�*��Ҕ$K����A��H՟ו����7ṹ��d�^�Ľ%��� ���8��j�������(=��m��*w�ݽ�y���J��Р�r (XA�mS� k����� a Example: We will not run in the race tomorrow. Show example. /BaseFont /BQCOEH+Times-Bold They _____ (do) a tour of Norway. /FontDescriptor 10 0 R Comparison will future or going to future. Choose the correct answer for each of the following: 4 0 obj Put in the verbs in brackets into the gap. Englisch-hilfen.de/ will-future or going to-future – Exercise 2. 3,625 Downloads . /Filter /FlateDecode /LastChar 120 She is going to / will graduate next year. “ I think your cholesterol will go up a little bit.” “Obesity will increase in the USA in the following years.”. 3. Will vs. Be Going To. I am having an appointment at the hospital tomorrow.
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