This new wonderboy remake like others have pointed out looks like an older cheap mobile game. Anyways glad to see this turned out well since that wasn't all that great. This forever famous sidescrolling action game has been remixed and reborn for Nintendo Switch… [Switch Review] Wonder Boy Returns Remix is the best the arcade classic has ever been. Not every game needs to be an exact old-school pixel fest. WONDER BOY RETURNS REMIX System: Nintendo Switch Release date: 23/05/2019 "Wonder Boy" was an arcade hit back in 1986, with its intuitive controls and polished game balance. I just can’t get past the look of this’s looks like a cheap mobile game. Returns Remix plumps for the original set which is a totally bizarre series of the exact same boss but with different supersized heads. Surprised at the 7, I got this game on Wiiware and it wasn't that good so they must have really improved it. Read the Nintendad review. The cues will have you intuitively finding arcs through the level that result in your axes clearing the path of enemies before you get there. Wonder Boy Returns Remix With High Definition Remake! It began as a platformer in Japanese arcades in 1986, moved to consoles, became an RPG, co-existed with identical but differently-named games from alternative publishers, and spawned sequels in a mystifying numbering sequence. The downside is that only pressing a direction boosts your jump – it has nothing to do with Tomtom’s momentum. The developers must have worked hard on all the new assets for the 2016 release but still made a bold design decision to cut them. That was when Tina confronts him and Boy gets punished for his behavior. Wonder Boy Returns. This means you have a more reasonable chance of sight-reading the level, rather than having to learn by rote, as was the punishing culture of the '80s arcade. But otherwise great pretty much a day one and nintendo life under rated it in my opinion. All that aside, once you’ve clicked with it, the action flows nicely. However, if you can manage some patience, you will find a well-designed action game that makes absolute sense of its world and its control scheme. Nobody ever talks about it because the majority have never finished it. Boasting beautiful, hand-drawn animations and a re-orchestrated soundtrack, the cult classic returns with a unique blend of exploration, action, and adventure! For Wonder Boy Returns Remix on the Nintendo Switch, GameFAQs has 2 critic reviews. So this Wonder Boy Returns Remix Switch review is coming from new player to this franchise. "Wonder Boy" has been remixed and reborn for the Nintendo Switch™! @JayJ Wonder Boy Returns wasn't released on WiiWare, are you confusing it with Adventure Island: The Beginning? I'm really looking forward to Monster Land (the Sega Ages version that's apparently coming soon) as that's my favorite Wonder Boy title of all time but I grabbed this for my wife, she loves the arcade original. @sikthvash no excuse as to why they didn't make that possible. Hosted by 44 Bytes. "Wonder Boy" was an arcade hit back in 1986, with its intuitive controls and polished game balance. A new feature called the "Charge Shot" has been added to this latest incarnation, allowing you to destroy enemies with a gigantic stone axe! June 28, 2019 Leigh Wynne. I could never finish it. @STiiPHEN, the game was temporarily removed from the EU eshop because of a ratings issue ( Good news is that seems to have been resolved and it's available again. Yet I still couldn't beat blaster master NES, the final bosses last form always manages to get me at the last second just when I think I've won. It's not a common game to hear people bragging about beating, unlike ghouls and ghosts, which is kind of a game everyone mentions, although few beat it. The basic pattern of play is to run left-to-right, leaping as cued by items and platforms, throwing axes almost constantly. "Wonder Boy" has returned! Describing 80s arcade games as hostile? Nintendo Switch 「Wonder Boy Returns Remix」 - Launch Trailer -. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. Wonder Boy Return Remix is a decent endless runner but sadly doesn’t reinvent the platforming genre. This caught us out once eventually, but only because we’d forgotten about it for almost the whole game. This axe will run through multiple enemies and smash some previously indestructible obstacles. If you feel the need to revisit Wonder Boy or Adventure Island, which were ported to pretty much everything available in the late 80’s, you might give Wonder Boy Returns Remix a shot. Nonetheless, it’s a great modernisation of a classic and a stress-free way to feel the thrill of Wonder Boy and get to the final boss. This is the Remix re-release. This again emphasises the fun of Wonder Boy: clear the path as you run, jump and throw. Wonder Boy Returns Remix on Nintendo Switch; Developed and published by CFK. Take away the sternness of its challenge and things start to look repetitive: the same handful of stages over and over with little to tell them apart; the same boss appearing eight times, the final time barely any more difficult than the first. 6:44. What makes things even more confusing is that the Nintendo Switch version actually cuts most of the additions that were included in Wonder Boy Returns, which was released back in 2016. Meh I'll wait for the Sega Ages version instead, this just doesn't look that good and the PC version still left a bad taste. The first is to fit more of the level onscreen than in previous games. and this remake takes all that nostalgia n stomps it into the dirt. The bosses are gigantic and beautiful, graphics are great and absolutely no one talks about this game. Reviews 2 Go 7,230 views. Holding the throw button saves up a jumbo axe, unleashed with a happily retro, scaled-sprite aesthetic. @Wavey84 Adventure Island was brutal, ruthless, merciless, grueling, ridiculously HARD! @MetalKingShield Megadrive/Genesis mini sure is shaping up nicely. but I've been getting punished on Danmaku so there are challenging new games out there. The history of Wonder Boy could hardly be more convoluted. Wonder Boy Returns Remix Trailer on Nintendo SwitchSubscribe for more Switch videos! Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap: 2017 PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One: Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android: Remake of Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap. WB HD is much easier than the original arcade game. There’s enough here to keep you Wonder Boy Return Remix is a decent endless runner but sadly doesn’t reinvent the platforming genre. Maybe going back to its roots is a good thing for those riddled with nostalgia =0p. All of which meant that when it was remade in 2016 as Wonder Boy Returns for PS4 and Steam, it’s unclear what anyone would have expected of it. Wonder Boy Returns Remix on Switch goes back to what the series does best: using a confusing name and swerving sharply in a new direction. Yeah I don't think I like these visuals. Even with a pad that had some input lag, I beat the game twice and got a few levels into survival mode. A classic mode would have been nice for this release. this was my first video game. Sequel to the original Wonder Boy, Wonder Boy: Monster Land returns in SEGA AGES for Nintendo Switch! "Wonder Boy" was an arcade hit back in 1986, with its intuitive controls and polished game balance. I say that as a 39 year old oldschool 2D game fan that used to be hyper picky about that crap. Whatever expectations were in 2016, it’s time to adjust them. About Ninja Gaiden, it's a damn hard trilogy, but I enjoyed playing those games so much that I invested a considerable time to beat them and I could do it. Wonder Boy Returns Remix Switch Review. Boy, our protagonist is at the beach spending time with other girls behind his girlfriend Tinas back. It looks like I'd have fun with it since I like this kind of game, but maybe the price isn't the right one right now for what it offers. for 9 pounds this game is great. So many good games, some hard to find ones too, @TurboTEF I actually think the game looks beautiful; very reminiscent of PC-Engine’s bombastic colors. The downside is that the original game was very much a product of the player-hostile arcade genres of the '80s. @GrailUK yep. Although filled with frustrating holdovers from its arcade cabinet roots, there are plenty of smart visual and gameplay updates that help alleviate those pitfalls. @Panopticon - Yeah, I'd love a remake of Wonder Boy in Monster World. @Solomon18 So they changed the music in Wonder Boy Remix too?That sucks, because my memory is of the original one when it were brand new in arcades on release.And yes, the original should have been included. They removed it from the Switch version of the Genesis Collection, so I'm hopeful that's an indication of something coming on the horizon. Even if it plays like an electric wet dream I couldn’t stomach looking at those sterile visuals , Adventure island on the NES Imo was even more challenging than ninja Gaiden III, castlevania III and ghosts n goblins, I've beaten all four and adventure island takes the 8-bit cake. It’s quite unintuitive if you’re expecting Mario-like inertia. So, i assume If i like Adventure Island 1-3 (NES/GB) and Adventure Island The Beginning, i'll like this too? @Synthatron_Prime my thoughts too! It would take video game historians far more space than this review allows to explain the deep and convoluted history of the Wonder Boy series. Back in the arcade, the challenge was to go as far as possible on a single credit. Edit: I think people are harping on the visuals too much. And I just love that series on the NES!! This forever famous sidescrolling action game has been remixed and reborn for the Nintendo Switch™! Not sure it was any good on other platforms though. Gameplay video of Wonder Boy Returns Remix on Nintendo Switch (no commentary). The parts of 2016’s Wonder Boy Returns that have been abandoned are not insignificant. However, that’s all irrelevant when it comes to Wonder Boy Returns Remix, which is simply a graphically-updated port of the original arcade platformer where it all began. While being disciplined, a red A Classic Arcade Masterpiece! El juego Wonder Boy Returns Remix es un videojuego desarrollado por CFK y vendido el 23 de mayo de 2019 para la consola de Nintendo a un precio de salida de 9.99€.Estamos ante un juego de acción para la consola de Nintendo cuya valoración media en Metacritic es de 64, lo … Why not both options? Scoring PolicyReview copy provided by CFK. Here, the dolls remain, but there is no record of whether you’ve managed to get them. DOOM Eternal - This 'Impossible' Port Is Nothing Short Of A Miracle, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light - We've Come A Long Way In 30 Years, Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 - Another Fine Fusion Of Two Puzzle Greats, Sam & Max Save The World - An Excellent Point-And-Click Series Remastered For 2020, Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate - Repetitive, Tough And Addictive As Ever. It’s all a bit of a mess really, and to be honest, I’m happy that Wonder Boy games are still being released, because Wonder Boy Returns Remix for the Nintendo Switch is a … But don’t forget to eat food. I just bought Monster Boy and Wonder Boy this weekend. Previous games also offered a “doll bonus” for collecting tricky-to-reach dolls in each level. I guess now we know why they didnt include it in the Switch’s Sega collection This is a remake of the first game, the other two wonder boy games on the genesis collection were different and the fact that it was already available on the ps4 didn't prevent Sega from releasing those two titles on the ps4 version. This forever famous sidescrolling action game has been remixed and reborn for Nintendo Switch! It gets too hard at some points. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews 0 in Group Chat | View Stats. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. And here’s where Wonder Boy Returns Remix might have problems: it’s extremely repetitious. I Built a 600 Meter Human Cannon That Ends All Existence - Satisfactory - Duration: 21:59. Conquest of Crystal Palace is one of them. Played a little bit of it when I was young but I don't think I ever made it far. Wonder Boy Returns Remix (Switch eShop) Share: 4; Stats: 4; 26; About Ryan Craddock. Weird choice. Something bad? The classic action masterpiece arcade game “Wonder Boy” has been remade into HD with new levels, new bosses and new game modes!